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PM Kakar says Afghan Taliban "illegitimate," ; Pakistan may directly target TTP & its 'supporters' on Afghan soil - SAI

The west wants to see Pakistan die from the Taliban

The last thing the west wants is Pakistan's highly dispersed and decentralised nuclear arsenal falling into the hands of the Taliban at a time the state is in an existential crisis.

There are 175 nukes, each in 2-4 pieces. That's 525 pieces in flower trucks and known and unknown bases spread across the country.

Maybe a few Babur-IIIs in the Arabian Sea, and some suitcase bombs, nuclear RPGs, nuclear backpacks, and nuclear suicide vests.

Seizing all of these before they can be launched en masse is impossible. The west is not mad. They would rather see a stable but friendly Pakistan.
Pakistan doesn't need to occupy and national build Afghanistan like the Americans or Soviets.

Pakistan just needs to eliminate and capture terrorist HVTs in Afghanistan. TTA forces giving support to TTP need to be killed as well.

Perhaps, if resources permit, make a Turkish style buffer zone inside Afghanistan, and seize control of Wakhan to prevent Taliban entry into Gilgit Baltistan.

In the long run, this will pay off. Think of the thousands of Pakistani lives, and Pakistan's long term international image and national security, that is being saved.

To put it into perspective, Afghan-Indian terrorism has cost Pakistan billions more than when half the country broke off in a violent civil war which killed hundreds of thousands (which was also done by militants receiving fire support and safe heavens from neighboring India)

There is no need to spend trillions on trying to force Afghans to be civilised.
Wakhan corridor should be top priority. We need to capture this to connect with Central Asia. We can have China's back on this as well because it will be in their interest to feel secure.

These terrorists are local and have nothing to do with IEA..
They group up in the 10s and cross the border with support from IEA. At the same time IEA will try to build posts on Pakistani territory and issue statements claiming half of Pakistan.

IEA and TTP are the same.
The last thing the west wants is Pakistan's highly dispersed and decentralised nuclear arsenal falling into the hands of the Taliban at a time the state is in an existential crisis.

There are 175 nukes, each in 2-4 pieces. That's 525 pieces in flower trucks and known and unknown bases spread across the country.

Maybe a few Babur-IIIs in the Arabian Sea, and some suitcase bombs, nuclear RPGs, nuclear backpacks, and nuclear suicide vests.

Seizing all of these before they can be launched en masse is impossible. The west is not mad. They would rather see a stable but friendly Pakistan.

The West nor India nobody wants Pakistan existence if it can just disappear they would wish it away.

Biden said several times Pakistan is the most dangerous in the world he really means and being honest thanks to his demantia. Don't fancy yourself as if Pakistan is loved anywhere.

If war was to happen the plan is not to destroy Taliban but Pakistan.. Do you really think this useless Pakistanis have the discpline to outlast the opponents who outlasted NATO and the SOVIETS.. Soviet union even collapsed and not to forget the civil war that will come with that war..

Pakistan as a Nation WILL not come out of that war alive maybe separated Pakistan you can kiss good bye to Balocistan, Sind, Pasthunistan areas maybe even Kashmir..
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but the Taliban is 2% less hostile
Very accurate number? How was it derived?

All people with even a little inclination towards being realistic had cautioned against this love for Talibans.

What was ISI doing? On what basis were they assisting them?

The caretaker PM wouldn’t have given this statement without the approval from the Establishment. Same establishment, that had aided Taliban not too long back.

Very poor strategic thinking.
The West nor India nobody wants Pakistan existence if it can just disappear they would wish it away.

Biden said several times Pakistan is the most dangerous world he really means and being honest thanks to his demantia. Don't fancy yourself as if Pakistan is loved anywhere
Why do Pakistanis see foreign policy through such a childish lens

No country "loves" other countries. Do you think it is in America's interest to have hundreds of nuclear warheads in the hands of random terrorist groups?

Very accurate number? How was it derived?

All people with even a little inclination towards being realistic had cautioned against this love for Talibans.

What was ISI doing? On what basis were they assisting them?

The caretaker PM wouldn’t have given this statement without the approval from the Establishment. Same establishment, that had aided Taliban not too long back.

Very poor strategic thinking.
You are seeing it through a simplistic, Indian news channel perspective.

Any Afghan government that shows hostility will be put down. It's not about supporting one over the other.

The commies were hostile. They were put down.

Ghani's regime was hostile. It was put down.

The Taliban is being hostile. It will be put down.

Name one reason why Pakistan should show any social or strategic liking towards Ghani's regime.
Why do Pakistanis see foreign policy through such a childish lens

No country "loves" other countries. Do you think it is in America's interest to have hundreds of nuclear warheads in the hands of random terrorist groups?

Your Nukes will be stolen away during war.. But the key element here is for Pakistan to vanish this is how they see the world and the best case scenario is that outcome not an IEA defeat if anything India and others under the table and others will arm both sides killing two birds with one stone.. Why wage such magnitude of war on your own civilization and yourself..

This will be like someone eating itself
The Taliban cannot defeat Pakistan in a conventional war. Afghanistan will be bombed to the stone age, and the West and China will help Pakistan if it actually gets that bad.
Same shortsightedness as seen in the past.

Does Paksiatn have more resources than the US and USSR?

Taliban has been a graveyard of many mighty empires and nations in the last 200 years.

One thing that Afghnas can do is to wear down any adversary. If anyone tries to mess with them, they don’t need to defeat them. They would just tie them down like they did to USSR and the US.

Taliban would prove to be a nemesis with a very high cost to Paksiatn. This is just a start.

The commies were hostile. They were put down.

Ghani's regime was hostile. It was put down.

The Taliban is being hostile. It will be put down.
Really? Put down by whom? Paksiatn?
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Your Nukes will be stolen away during war.. But the key element here is for Pakistan to vanish this is how they see the world and the best case scenario is that outcome not an IEA defeat if anything India and others under the table and others will arm both sides killing two birds with one stone.. Why wage such magnitude of war on your own civilization and yourself..
You have consumed too much whatsapp and youtube clickbait. Afghanistan would not last a week in a conventional war against Pakistan. The only thing limiting this advance is the top speed and range of Pakistan Army vehicles.

I repeat, Pakistan doesn't have to defeat, occupy, and rebuild Afghanistan. It just has to shoot anything that comes within 10km of the durrand line and blockade Afghanistan.
What Khakar is saying Afghanistan doesn't have a central government, so too many power players in Afghanistan, its more like a few militias ruling the government, Even regarding opening the schools, the Taliban may want to open it but the ulema of Afghanistan or other militias might will not allow it so Taliban has no choice but to follow through. They want stability and not war.

Regarding Pakistan invasion of Afghanistan, that will never happened and it will be a disaster for Pakistan. Khakar is saying Pakistan has many allies within the taliban so they're dealing with the problem.
Scorched earth policy on Afghan border towns until TTP surrender. They have been given a very easy solution, all TTP have to do is to stop the fighting, they have been given plenty of opportunity over 20 years. Enough is enough.

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