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Kashmir Torture Trail


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
Kashmir - A Land Subjected to State Terrorism by Indian Troops. Jezza Neumann, multi BAFTA-winning director of Kashmir's Torture Trail, talks about filming undercover, Kashmir, and the difficulties in making a film on torture in a state where everyone is afraid of talking. The actual documentry can be viewed at

Kashmir Torture Trail - UK'S Channel 4 Documentary on Kashmir.mp4 - YouTube

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One infraction issued for trying to derail the thread, more will follow for others who do the same. Don't complain later.

Discuss the topic, don't bring in off topic discussion, have nothing to contribute, then shut up and leave the thread.

You wanna discuss issues about someone else, open a separate thread or post in so many already opened threads.
Can form an opinion only after watching the documentary . Where can we watch it ? The first link doesn't work .
Looks like the brits are still pissed about loosing the MMRCA deal.

Just the fact that militants like these sit there and give interviews tells you just how vicious the torture was :rolleyes:

Qadir Dar was a militant commander who led 10,000 men in the Muslim Janbaz Force, and who fought India until the mid-1990s, when he was captured. In this clip from a new documentary, he recounts the torture meted out to surrendered militants

If you are going to kill innocent people, don't expect a spa treatment in return.
Looks like the brits are still pissed about loosing the MMRCA deal.

Just the fact that militants like these sit there and give interviews tells you just how vicious the torture was :rolleyes:

If you are going to kill innocent people, don't expect a spa treatment in return.

So you believe that opinion of the world media is based on how the deals are going between countries.....

The very fact you guys deny if the news is about across the border
Just the fact that militants like these sit there and give interviews tells you just how vicious the torture was :rolleyes:

If you are going to kill innocent people, don't expect a spa treatment in return.

After the Kasab example of providing biryani and fitness exercises daily even ordinary questioning will appear as 'torture' to these guys.

Anyway another 'documentary' in a long line of 'documentaries'. The world keeps rotating and the day goes on.

So you believe that opinion of the world media is based on how the deals are going between countries.....

The very fact you guys deny if the news is about across the border

Ofcourse -

'Western media propaganda' affects not only Pakistan, but also India.

And that too the hopelessly left-leaning British media that has still not completely digested India still functioning as a single country.
So you believe that opinion of the world media is based on how the deals are going between countries.....

The very fact you guys deny if the news is about across the border

The world is very unfair:lol: British leftist media always have had an anti India agenda anyways.

If it was about torturing innocent people then I would be outraged too, but I don't have even a tiny bit of sympathy for terrorist scum. They should be happy with the second life that the Indian Army has given them, could have easily killed them instead of just capturing.
terrorist torture video's are Banned in USA too.:lol: Anyone with some radical link who hosts the video.
In the most militarised place on earth, one man is standing up to the armed might of the world's largest democracy. Kashmir's Torture Trail follows a Kashmiri lawyer as he uncovers India's best kept secret.

With the world's media attention focused on repression in Syria and the threat to the Euro, the Indian state of Kashmir, nestling in the shadow of the Himalayas, is in danger of becoming a forgotten conflict.

But in 2010 this valley in the shadow of the Himalayas erupted in some of the most violent street protests it has ever seen. Hundreds of thousands of stone-throwing teenagers took aim at heavily armed Indian Security Force troops, who returned live fire, with 118 demonstrators killed, many of them children, followed by a lock-down in which no one could get in or out of the state.

Kashmiri lawyer Parvez Imroz has never filed a divorce or defended a thief. Instead, this veteran Supreme Court advocate has spent his entire legal career dressed in a grey morning suit and working pro-bono.

Broke but determined, with two young children and a wife who complain he has yet to take them on a picnic, Imroz has always risked his life to keep the Indian authorities accountable in this disputed mountain state where, unseen by most of the world, an insurgency has rumbled on since 1989, claiming an estimated 70,000 lives.

Meeting the rioters to find out why they risked their lives, and accompanying a local human rights lawyer determined to investigate how India restored an uneasy peace, this powerful and shocking film uncovers a state-sanctioned torture programme that has set India on a collision course with the international community.
"Most mlitarised place on earth".

Pray tell me whether Kashmir, Gaza strip, 38th parallel, FATA which is the most militarized ?

I have heard this epithet given to all these above places here.

Personally I dont think Kashmir is the most militarized -- that is a myth propagated by vested interests. I have been there and except Kashmiri police you wont be able to see much security forces in urban areas.

The forces are present in strength only along the LoC thanks to the indefatigable spirit of the mujaheddin who just keep crossing in irrrespective of getting killed soon after crossing.
Even if there is evidence against Indian army, Pakistan has not been able to bring world's attention to it. So you have failed to help Kashmiris on an international scale.
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