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Recent content by Ahmad Bhutta

  1. Ahmad Bhutta

    Turkish Missile Programs

    Navies are more vulnerable now with the advancement in missile technology, no ship is 100% protected . With hypersonic missiles u can take down even a carrier
  2. Ahmad Bhutta

    NAB's 11 Questions For Bushra Bibi

    Bushra BB aur aleema Khan ko arrest karne ka plan hai Khan ko torne k liye
  3. Ahmad Bhutta

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    That would call a destruction of Simona nuclear plant and an end of Israel as a state
  4. Ahmad Bhutta

    Turkish Air Defence Programs

    We need those for Pakistan
  5. Ahmad Bhutta

    Civil war like riots in France and media is silent ?

    I thought it was over anyways it's not possible without gov allowing it , looks like there is a hidden agenda behind it may be to convince EU to roll back immigration
  6. Ahmad Bhutta

    Civil war like riots in France and media is silent ?

    France was one of the leading country instigating a civil war in libya, while libya was the richest country in Africa . It's all coming back to bite the french bastids
  7. Ahmad Bhutta

    Civil war like riots in France and media is silent ?

    The African immigrants are mainly from those 14 African countries that France still colonise and take tax from , France made is easy for those African citizens to travel to France
  8. Ahmad Bhutta

    Civil war like riots in France and media is silent ?

    Rioters breaks into a super market with a stolen Lamborghini lol
  9. Ahmad Bhutta

    Civil war like riots in France and media is silent ?

    Looks like the African immigrant from the country France still colonise and take tax from has rebelled
  10. Ahmad Bhutta

    Civil war like riots in France and media is silent ?

    It has spread to most of France cities now they are setting everything on fire malls , police stations , banks etc
  11. Ahmad Bhutta

    What happened to PDF?

    Pdf is addiction , I believe many foreigners non Pakistanis have realised this also pdf is a civil community where people have freedom of expression there are no biasis but pdf also know where to draw the line unlike west
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