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  1. Akasa

    Changchun Air Show

    Any idea what the top airframe/model is?
  2. Akasa

    Ukraine boycotts 2024 Olympics because Olympics says no politics in sports and Ukraine Russia war lasts decades if not centuries

    The world's smallest violin is playing in light of this massive blow to the Olympics. LOL.
  3. Akasa

    China's "foreign forces" blame game: Chinese social media now blaming SerpentZA as a foreigner currently in China organizing Zero-Covid protests/riots

    There is always a foreign scapegoat for Chinese nationalists whenever their citizens revolt against the CCP; the blind 50-centers seem to center on a Caucasian individual whenever these things happen.
  4. Akasa

    Who is Gordon Chang

    Gordon Chang is one of the few Chinese who is working towards bettering Chinese society through the introduction of libertarian ideals such as diminished government reach, basic human rights, and rule of law.
  5. Akasa

    Anti-lockdown protests spread to Wuhan, China. More Sunday in Shanghai

    China is collapsing. The CCP is reaping the fruits of its own labor/policies.
  6. Akasa

    Mass protest against covid lockdown erupts in Urumqi city, Xinjiang province, Mayor tries to appease the angry crowd and promises quick lifting

    The lockdowns are no longer about population health or infection control but rather a means by which China's leaders maintain their grip on power. You can bet that the same policies will be in place even if China's vaccines were fully effective.
  7. Akasa

    Mass protest against covid lockdown erupts in Urumqi city, Xinjiang province, Mayor tries to appease the angry crowd and promises quick lifting

    The CCP tends to forget from time to time that the economy is pretty much the only thing keeping them in power. If they threaten people's livelihoods, individual wellbeing, and the basic right to an income and way of life, it is only a matter of time before they are either replaced by force or...
  8. Akasa


    Does anyone have any information about the HJ-20/HJ-50 ATGM? Are they the same system or two distinct missiles?
  9. Akasa

    Chinese Missiles News & Discussions

    Does anyone have any information about the HJ-20/HJ-50 ATGM? Are they the same system or two distinct missiles?
  10. Akasa

    Saudi Leadership Congratulates China on National Day

    One dictatorship to another! Like two guys at a bar!
  11. Akasa

    So apparently 1 billion Chinese were doxxed

    The Chinese government has been doxxing its own people since the Internet's dawn.
  12. Akasa

    JH-7 News & Discussions

    The JH-7B was in fact stopped.
  13. Akasa

    JH-7 News & Discussions

    Nobody will purchase a platform based on a Cold War-era airframe, with all of its limitations. Those who cannot afford high-end EW aircraft such as the Growler will settle for smaller platforms like a notional EW JF-17, not an obsolete JH-7.
  14. Akasa

    SAC - FC-31 Grey Falcon Stealth aircraft for PAF : Updates & Debate

    Your original post incorrectly states that the jets were photographed on a carrier and subsequent response is to refute that.
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