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  1. Luosifen

    Pakistan receives first direct container ship from Russia

    Transactions will be done in Chinese RMB: https://gwadarpro.pk/1661954525765300226/pakistan-receives-first-direct-container-ship-from-russia By Staff Reporter | The News May 26, 2023 A direct containerised shipping service between Pakistan and Russia was formally inaugurated on...
  2. Luosifen

    CPEC updates at Gwadar

    https://gwadarpro.pk/1661692788063334402/gwadar-port-starts-its-first-ever-direct-export-to-china Gwadar port starts its first-ever direct export to China By Fatima Javed | Gwadar Pro May 25, 2023 GWADAR, May 25 (Gwadar Pro) - In a major development, Gwadar port started its first-ever...
  3. Luosifen

    GLOBALink | Aspiration of Pakistani constable of Hong Kong Police Force

    An interesting life story:
  4. Luosifen

    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    Chinese analyst of the opinion the USA had a hand in removing Imran Khan because he wasn't sucking up to them and instead deepening ties with China. Says China won't interfere in Pakistan's internal political affairs and won't help its military regarding the protests but if India threatens...
  5. Luosifen

    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    Chinese news reporting about the events:
  6. Luosifen

    CPEC updates at Gwadar

  7. Luosifen

    Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.

    I don't know for this Shaheen but J-10Cs consistently beat out the J-16s during Golden Helmet competitions in China, so I'd guess they could at least achieve kills back.
  8. Luosifen

    China with Pakistan

    Chinese consulate donates 10,000 flour bags to Gwadar By Yasir Habib Khan | Gwadar Pro May 4, 2023 GWADAR, May 4 (Gwadar Pro) - Hundreds of people of Gwadar become recipients of 10,000 free ration flour bags donated by Chinese Consulate Karachi yesterday. Each family received three...
  9. Luosifen

    Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.

    From by78 over at SDF: From August 13 to September 7, 2019, five J-16s of our brigade participated in Shaheen (Eagle) joint exercise in Pakistan. Our J-16s scored a total of 51 kills after 70 sorties. Kills include 14 J-10Cs, three J-11Bs, one J-11BS, 11 JF-17s, 13 Mirage 5s, and nine F-7PG).
  10. Luosifen

    Iranian Economy.....news and discussions

    Previously a lot of Chinese smartphones would've had many American components inside them as well making them subject to American sanctions, but since American bans on semiconductors and other high tech sectors came into effect Chinese manufacturers have been switching to domestic suppliers and...
  11. Luosifen

    Iranian Economy.....news and discussions

    Both Iran and Russia are under US sanctions, any Chinese companies exporting would just do it directly to each via national currencies without using USD, no?
  12. Luosifen

    Iranian Economy.....news and discussions

    https://en.mehrnews.com/news/199226/Iran-has-no-blocked-money-in-China-ambassador Apr 8, 2023, 6:00 PM Iran has no blocked money in China: ambassador TEHRAN, Apr. 08 (MNA) – "We have no money blocked in China. Many...
  13. Luosifen

    Coup attempt in Sudan

    China sent PLANS Nanning and Weishanhu to evacuate both Chinese and foreign nationals from Sudan. At least 215 Pakistanis and 6 Brazilians were safely transferred to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia in this way.
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