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Recent content by saiyan0321

  1. saiyan0321

    An analysis of the Constitutional Provision governing the Current Crisis

    In light of the request by Chak Bamu, i am posting this reply to Jungibaaz as a thread. I have also added some further material worth 1500 words regarding the interpretation of "Any Court" The Petition that was rejected and why it was rejected and why the court did not enter into deeper...
  2. saiyan0321

    PTI workers stage violent protest, enter Sindh House in Islamabad by force

    My friend, first of all sorry for late reply. I have left the forum. It seems that answer is in the negative. I am also replying to you despite my leaving due to the fact that you are among the posters I have a lot of respect for as i have learned alot from you as well as @Joe Shearer...
  3. saiyan0321

    Overseas Pakistanis protest in Islamabad, demand Pfizer vaccine

    Expecting sense amongst conspiracy theorists is never a good start. The Chinese vaccine has undergone several tests and the efficiency rate has been placed between 50.4-67 whereas Pfizer stands at a grand 94 percent. It is due to this reason that most of the elite have got themselves vaccinated...
  4. saiyan0321

    Businesspeople meet COAS ahead of FY22 budget presentation

    If they are thinking as such then it is no wonder our business community is in such a peril. The answer is right in front of them. The army has the biggest gun. In a lawless country the one that has the biggest gun, will rule. Audit requires financial transparency, revealing of financial...
  5. saiyan0321

    India - Pakistan conflict analysis - aims, tactics, strategy, results

    This Thread is a brilliant archive of conflicts between Pakistan and India and the analysis even more so however i think we have missed out on the Rann of Kutch Conflict and for this let me make up to the best of my limited ability and knowledge. I am no military man nor it is my career choice...
  6. saiyan0321

    Eid ul Fitar 2021 Mubarak

    Eid Mubarak to everyone.
  7. saiyan0321

    The slow poisoning of Pakistan - Mera Jisam meri marzi is anti-thesis of Islam

    the problem is that nothing is working against them. Every other narrative has failed to deter them and this continuous attacks have only emboldened them and they have only spread their marches and protests. Thus the religious section of our society and those who claim to be 'guardians' have...
  8. saiyan0321

    Undo 18th Amendment

    Brother then no dictator will ever be able to leave long term impacts without the society itself not changing. If the people don't change then nobody not even prophets could succeed. Societal maturity is key here and when the society matures, everything else will nature itself. The political...
  9. saiyan0321

    Undo 18th Amendment

    Establishment doesn't support anybody for ten years. Both MUSHARRAF and zia found themselves alone after sometime. Ayub was no different. Some of their instigators turn against them. Yahya khan for Ayub and Mahmud Ahmed for MUSHARRAF and most of those guys only think about themselves and...
  10. saiyan0321

    Undo 18th Amendment

    Not just 2/3rd. They need majority in every single provincial parliament since every single amendment that brings changes to the powers of the province needs to be ratified by the provincial assembly. Infact many lawyers in pakistan argue whether the 18th amendment could even be legally rolled...
  11. saiyan0321

    Undo 18th Amendment

    Majority is indeed 51 percent but it is subdivided into two types. Single party majority aka one single party has won the majority seats in the parliament. Such governments are stable. Then we have multi party majority aka one where no single party has majority and the party has to form...
  12. saiyan0321

    The martyrs of the Tirah Valley

    The primary objective is the purpose of a state. It's always the welfare of the people and I understand your concern that where does the state understand what is the limit and where to stop. You gave the example of yugoslavia. Do you feel that the yugoslavian state was working towards the...
  13. saiyan0321

    The martyrs of the Tirah Valley

    Depends on the definition of division. Is the country divided if it has multi party system and people support their own political parties ferociously? Is the division based on economic factors that the gap between the rich and the poor has grown larger than it should be? Is the gap ethnic that...
  14. saiyan0321

    History of Genocide of Muslims in India

    Individuals that are, without a doubt, not just natives of the land but also citizens of the country who have and their ancestors have, played an important role in the natural evolution of the region that would be called India. To declare all Muslims to be foreigners or outsiders is woefully...
  15. saiyan0321

    What is Karachi's population?

    @Indus Pakistan has there been ever a census that wasn't considered as controversial or a conspiracy against a group? The 1981 census was considered extremely flawed by many and the 1998 census even more so. Let me expand a bit. By 1991 the census was due however no political party wanted to...
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