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Recent content by The Patriot

  1. The Patriot

    How many people agree to Zaid Hamid and his thinkings??

    On PDF, I came to realize that Indian friends are obsessed with ZM. Honestly speaking majority of Pakistanis do not know about him and those who know call him stupid and joker, i mean majority of them. And please do not make him star here on PDF by bringing him up time and again. He doesnt have...
  2. The Patriot

    Should pakistan sell weapons to HAMAS-FATAH

    They have already been taken care of.................dont you know about Kashmir:azn:
  3. The Patriot

    Should pakistan sell weapons to HAMAS-FATAH

    Do you understand sarcasm? You couldnt understand my post.
  4. The Patriot

    Women protest against mosque segregation

    I think America is the only place left where some intellectual discussion on Islam among Muslims is taking place. Muslim there are question some established beliefs and engage in debate. If these women had done it in Pakistan, you know what would have happened.
  5. The Patriot

    Should pakistan sell weapons to HAMAS-FATAH

    My thoughts...........As people or rather more accurately Muslims of Pakistan here on this forum want to do ‘jihad’ against the oppression of Israel and Palestinian being our Muslim brothers deserve our support then if it’s a good and righteous thing, lets not stop at Hamas. As...
  6. The Patriot

    Pakistan India Alliance ?

    Once President Zardari said that there is a little bit of India in every Pakistani's heart but some people laughed at him. I go a step further, there is a little bit of Pakistan in every Indian heart. Thats true. We are like two brother who were separated and because we both are emotional and...
  7. The Patriot

    Pakistan's Internet censorship

    how can you (Mods) allow such post on the forum or is it the freedom of expression....
  8. The Patriot

    Burqa rage: In a first, veil ripped off in France

    i think when muslims chose to live in Western countries they should adopt their rules if they think its against their religion they should leave and go back to their countries. my question is can we allow a western woman to go in her mini skirt or to a beach in bikini in Iran, Saudi Arabia or...
  9. The Patriot

    My last message was about thanks. I will contact you with further questions and i hope you will...

    My last message was about thanks. I will contact you with further questions and i hope you will be cooperative as you were today.... Thanks
  10. The Patriot

    Pakistan's Internet censorship

    I they have banned facebook because some member is posting blasphemous stuff there. his account is hosted on facebook. then by that logic they should ban the entire internet because facebook is hosted on internet.
  11. The Patriot

    Explain Hindu Dharam

    Thanks for your good post....here are some question now drawn from your post... Shurtis and Smritis: how are vedas or puranas or bhagvad gitas classified? IS the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva avatar of Brahman or they are independent and what are the avatars of the trinity gods...
  12. The Patriot

    Explain Hindu Dharam

    ok peace.........we still are waiting for a comprehensive response....we need be patient....no need of discussion until a good response comes up...my question is about the whole religion...its not big task....after that may be we can ask other questions....but starting with minor ones is not...
  13. The Patriot

    Explain Hindu Dharam

    ok....here is the deal to avoid trolling and stick to non religious nature of this forum....but trust me i will come hard on those who discuss religion...it should apply across the board... anyway if you guys think its not appropriate i would like if someone PM me... Thanks
  14. The Patriot

    Explain Hindu Dharam

    no trolling pl.
  15. The Patriot

    Explain Hindu Dharam

    Let the India members reply. This forum is all about religion......more than 80 per cent is about religion in one way or the other....i am sure there would be some one who would have understood what i has asked for.
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