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  1. T

    Bangladesh driving India’s backward NE states to progress

    The sikhras are next unfortunately, I don't wish this sort of stuff. I can just see stupidity of pain unfolding. As I have been through things immensely.
  2. T

    Bangladesh driving India’s backward NE states to progress

    No it's always remained this way , and always will. For obvious reasons
  3. T

    Bangladesh driving India’s backward NE states to progress

    Only due to have good relation of the those Indians. Not actual defence products . Most of it was 4x4 Trucks for personal MP get about. May be a few ammunition. Nothing big or major.
  4. T

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Inshallal this is a must, bdesh did its best not to attract too much attention by having anything too flashy in the skies with too many unky spidy Web strings. Playing the Down low card, rightly focusing on economic development. With the world bridging in to a multi polar or on the brink now...
  5. T

    Bangladesh driving India’s backward NE states to progress

    No India it did all it could to hold bdesh back for many decades due idiocy and being a neighbour hood bully, including arrogance and greed. It still by trying to pressure bdesh to buy below par defence equipment, as not even east African nations would willing pay good money for below par...
  6. T

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Soon to be strong, as I said bdesh be welcomed to be involved with both. Have checked out the Turks unmanned AI A/c cost way less than top French fighter. It can easily take on 4.5 gen fighters.
  7. T

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Life is one massive precipice, with lots of twists and turns. It doesn't matter China has interests there it will always will. Myanmar has a land border with us. Being also involved with Indonesian/turk programmes also give us that extra layer and makes us more independent e.t.c. also the...
  8. T

    Bangladesh Air Force

    That us viable, however the Myanmar issue will make it a little sticky at times. Spidy unky may get a little to jittery and trigger made insanity If bdesh goes into actually developing A/C's with China. That's two issues identified already. Becoming involved with Indonesian/turk programme gives...
  9. T

    Will Iran enter to the war against Israel?

    Bro , I am not doubting you at all. Spidy spunky unky doesn't really care tbh. At the end of the day it your homes, land and ppl are gonna be wreaked. These god forsaken satanic war mongering ppl have weaponised robotic dogs as well.
  10. T

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Bdesh, needs yo become involved with Indonesian/turk R&D of AC. We built this aviation university not a building. The Indonesians and Turks are working together. Bdesh can easily afford to be apart of this on some level - bdesh can easily afford 25 mill a year. Pak couldn't even build a jet...
  11. T

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Pls explain the significance of this pic?
  12. T

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Indos, bhia Jaan has already stated they have started their own internal R&D project. That is mirroring the development of joint S.Korean A/C. To circumvent Unky shooting to many spiddey webs on it. ( No pun intended.). Just in case unky want to interfere A little too much. Unky is more than...
  13. T

    Bangladesh Air Force

    😆, unky wanted you to be the poster boy against China as well, for their task force. Which Indonesia may have done partly through being coherced however unky got you on level 9 tech ban as per you words. Can't make this up bro.
  14. T

    Bangladesh Air Force

    So In short the A/C has Unky restricted technology. If bdesh was fortunate to acquire this tech, guessing it needs to be signed off by unky. Unky will tying string on the A/C for Bdesh, also a bit of wine and dining type cream on the bill to?
  15. T

    Bangladesh Air Force

    So big unky can still play god of interference with this kf-x fighter at any point it wishes. I also heard news that S.Koreans are looking for additional partners, Poland expressed interest. I wish Indonesia would rather have a more friendly more aligned country In involved rather than poles...
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