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Recent content by UnitedPak

  1. UnitedPak

    Racist gets knocked out on the London Underground

    The white guy had his fists clenched as well. He was looking for a fight. It was self defence for that reason alone.
  2. UnitedPak

    Christine Fair reveals her real views on Pakistanis

    I always find it astonishing how someone like Christine, given her credentials and status talks about Pakistans "support of terror" as if she is completely wilfully ignorant of warfare which her own country proliferated. In the very same speech she casually talks about India and...
  3. UnitedPak

    State of India was never partitioned - It was created in Aug, 1947.

    This topic has been derailed by ignorant RSS "educated" revisionist fanatics. They are literally the laughing stock of the academic world. Nobody, and I repeat nobody takes their fantasies seriously. Everything about them has been thoroughly debunked. I am all for engaging Indians in historical...
  4. UnitedPak

    Indian Bot Farms using pictures of Muslim women as Balochi Women for propaganda

    Unhealthy obsession with Pakistanis and Muslims. I wonder if any of these people actually think they are doing a reasonable job with these campaigns? Not many people outside India would believe this is real. Hopefully not many people in India believe this is real. I have no idea who the target...
  5. UnitedPak

    Indus Valley Civilization wheel

    Are you sure its from actual IVC era? Could be Vedic. IVC artefacts show something which looks similar to the Roman one.
  6. UnitedPak

    Another Pakistani in billion dollars club ...

    Seeing as his company is expanding the ride sharing service in Pakistan and building one of their hubs there too, I would argue that he is creating jobs. He could have went with a number of other countries outside the middle east which are "safer" (relatively) investment destinations.
  7. UnitedPak

    China's 'debt-trap' diplomacy is little more than a fantasy

    Statements like this are always made under the guise that loans/aid from Western institutions are all rainbow and unicorns.
  8. UnitedPak

    Pakistan’s Forex Reserves Increase by USD 486.20 Million

    The Army was responsible for defeating terrorism. It was literally their operation, not PMNL. Jesus Christ, are you for real? And enjoy the negative rating for spreading false information about the 2018 election, which was a transparent democratic process freely reported on by the entire world...
  9. UnitedPak

    English Premier League - Previous Seasons

    Someone already created an FPL league?
  10. UnitedPak

    1st Semi Final : India Vs New Zealand

    I sense genuine pain and sadness behind this post. lol The smileys are not fooling anyone boy.
  11. UnitedPak

    1st Semi Final : India Vs New Zealand

    Indians copying Pak performance. How original.
  12. UnitedPak

    Pakistan Court: Population a ‘Ticking Time Bomb’; Urges Two Children per Couple

    Sigh... The colonial empire was not your country. The sooner you realise this the better. And you cannot compare an arid Baluchistan with fertile Bengal. Frankly its amazing how this ignorance spills over to every other discussion.
  13. UnitedPak

    German envoy Martin Kobler 'disappointed' over Mazari's refugee statement

    Not sure why he feels disappointed. Germany was not singled out. Certain EU nations have been instrumental in overthrowing, funding and supporting regime changes across North Africa and the Middle East and those nations are the loudest about bashing refugees making their way to Europe. Of course...
  14. UnitedPak

    What Pakistani defense people say about the U.S. in Afghanistan now

    https://twitter.com/lawrencesellin Such fine journalism. Four comments copy pasted from anonymous users on defence.pk with a disclaimer that there is "much worse", where two of the comments are by the same poster. We are obviously dealing with a bog standard, garden variety shitposter with far...
  15. UnitedPak

    Bill to terminate Pakistan designation as major non-NATO ally introduced in Congress

    It means they are wrapping up the Afghan war. Final acts of desperation.
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