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Pakistan Defence

Joe Shearer
Joe Shearer
Hi there. I drop in once a month or so, largely because of my health. I've just made a resolution to cut down drastically - no WhatsApp, no Twitter, only 6 online sites; hope I can keep to this disciplined way of life and recover some of my strength!
How are you?
Good to hear from you sir, I wish you best of health and luck and stay safe.

I've been better suffering from covid19 twice I can say that, but doing OK.

Take care sir.
Joe Shearer
Joe Shearer
Good Heavens! Twice!! You certainly don't believe in doing things by halves!!!

From your tone, it appears that you are none the worse for it, and I have therefore the freedom to pull your leg mildly. I am glad that you came out of it without serious damage. Please take care; twice is quite enough and any more and we shall have to suspect you of showing off.

Warm regards..
Missed your satire Joe. :-) both times it was due to innocent mistake one time my son being in hurry parked the car on the road and rushed inside the pharmacy to pick his medicine in the process missed his mask and contracted it, and of course gifted to his mother and I. I was the only who had to spend time on ventilator.
Second time my better half while distributing ration packs to some poor people became too emotional and hugged a child, this gifted yours truly and our elder son.
Strangely both time the younger son never contracted it. Now things are slightly better as got the whole extended family vaccinated with Sputnik vaccine.
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