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My education was completed in London. I came to USA after that was completed. I paid off my debt from earnings in USA, however.
@VCheng In which British university did you study and how was your experience there?
London. And it was great, right up until the NS disaster. :D
@VCheng I also plan on going to the UK for my master's. As much as I would love to study in London, I don't think I will be able to afford the living expenses without making heavy dents on my family's net worth.
On Quora, I have read British students saying that surviving in London with a part-time job is nearly impossible. Another reason why I would not like to study in London is that London universities don't have a proper campus, this prevents students from different departments from socializing with each other.
London is expensive, no doubt, specially for a poor student, but it is a great city to live in otherwise. Anywhere else, specially up North will be cheaper.
If I will be paying a university around $30,000 pounds then I will go all out in trying to make connections with other students.
"Connections" are easy just about anywhere. :D
@VCheng London's biggest advantage is that all the mega-corporations are there and all good universities in London have strong connections with them.
Oh, those connections. The best way to get to them is to work in the right lab with a senior professor in your chosen field.
I meant people-to-people connections as well in my earlier post. Do Russel Group universities that are outside London, Oxford and Cambridge, have strong connections with big corporations around the world?
Oh yes. It depends on the field of study, but generally it is not hard to find suitable referrals that help.
Before going to London for higher education, did you spend your entire life in Pakistan?
A large portion of it, yes.
Did you feel homesick when you left Pakistan?
I still miss it a lot, specially the northern areas.
I have spent most of my life in Saudi Arabia. This is my 7th year of living in Pakistan and my experience hasn't been pleasant to say the least despite being privileged. I love Pakistan to death but my heart can never call it home in fact there's no place that my heart calls home. I like to think of myself as a modern-day nomad, I will travel to wherever I find prosperity for myself and my family.
I am sure you will find your place to call home eventually. We all do. Some find it sooner than others, that is all.
I will be shocked if that happens as the way I view the world and life right now doesn't allow me to. I like to view the whole world as my home but at the same, every place that I have been to or will go to is simply a temporary home before I move on to the next one and the cycle keeps repeating. I hope that made some sense, at this point I am rambling lol.
LOL. Worry not, we all feel that way at some stage in our lives. Trust me, you will find your way to your happy place. Just keep on slogging.
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