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Karachi but want to shift to lahore
@Asimzranger If Karachi's law and order situation was well then would you still have considered moving to Lahore?
of course i want to start my life a new after m parents passed away i want to leave Karachi.
@Asimzranger That's fascinating, can elaborate on what attracts you towards Lahore aside from law and order? I would love to live in Karachi if its law and order situation becomes as good as Lahore's.
What I love about Karachi is that life over there is incredibly fast and it's a port city with a huge population which makes it the financial hub of Pakistan. I also love the hustle culture of Karachi and the entrepreneurial mindset of its people. Instead of being lazy, the people of Karachi are always trying to create more wealth.
Sadly I don't see this in Lahore.
Would you live in Lahore as a freelancer?
Only problem of Karachi are you get no facilities even in posh areas and law and order is worst .
I will be pursuing freelance work but hopefully would want to open a small incubator/software/studio.
no not yet will at least take me a year or 2 need to sort karachi pending issues.
may i know what are you doing job or in uni
I am currently studying computer science at the University of Central Punjab.
On coming Friday, an event called Future Fest 2023 will be held in Expo Center Lahore. It's the biggest tech event in the country and it is held once a year. I am so hyped for it.
thats really great
Nobody, please make a thread about your experience in Future Fest.
@jamahir This event was sh*t in my opinion and I will explain why. People with free passes were only allowed to visit the stalls of various tech firms and enjoy food. In order to access all the cool stuff we had to pay Rs. 25000 which is ridiculous.
From my understanding, this event at its core was supposed to promote tech to the masses so did the retarded event organizers forget that the masses don't have 25k PKR lying around doing nothing? How they can even think about making a profit from an event like this is beyond me.
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