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Pakistan Defence

Walikum salam mate
Hell hound
Hell hound
so mate what are your views on temporary banning of veil in Pakistan considering our security situations as according to some insiders(i am not going to lie to you i don't know yet if it is true or not) even sahbaz qlander attack was also done by a bomber in burqa
Hell hound
Hell hound
and @Divergent1 you are welcome to join if you want to discuss the veil issue in pakistani context
Dear if just banning veil will solve all this terrorism in Pakistan then I will be in favour of this ban on veil . We need to look at root causes of terrorism in Pakistan and then should determine whether veil is one major factor behind terrorism in Pakistan. terrorist can misuse any thing . veil has been part of Pakistani society since 1947
and all this terrorism inside Pakistan is recent phenomenon ..religious extremism, brainwashing, intolerance , illiteracy , poverty, bad foreign policies of our leaders where you wage war for others at the cost of creating mess in your own country, using religious people for political objective and interest ,
It has least to do with veil in my opinion though I would not mind temporary ban on it until you clear all this mess but terrorist can misuse mobile/internet then should we ban mobile and internet for those who are using it for positive stuffs tahst why I was not in favour of punishing harmless women for extra piece of clothes because some terrorist use them for his evil agenda
Hell hound
Hell hound
oh no no no mate i think you got me wrong.i don't think veil is the cause of terrorism and just like you i think everyone should be free to do whatever they want or wear .what i was saying that many terrorist are using it to escape our security guys who are mostly reluctant to lift it if there is no female staff with them and its kinda impossible to deploy females on the check posts near the front line
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