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    Israel's 8 F16s become "water bubblers" and Pakistan intends to purchase them

    https://new.qq.com/omn/20200114/20200114A049LM00.html On January 13, the “Israel Times” reported that Israel experienced a severe rainstorm last week, causing a large amount of water to accumulate at Hatzor Air Force Base in southern Israel. Eight F16 fighters were not removed from the...
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    Some results for PLAAF-PAF Shahee exercise

    http://tv.cctv.com/2017/11/28/VIDECNHKfVBDidVTysZ0e2SB171128.shtml Results are from CCTV documentary,so quite reliable. 1. In 2015 exercise, four J-8DH/F vs two JF-17, J-8DH/F were quickly shot down and the pilots are not even concerned about it; 2. In 2017 exercise, 1 J-8DH/F vs 2 Mirage 5, 2...
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    House votes to prohibit sale of commercial aircraft to Iran

    WASHINGTON (AP) — The Republican-led House has acted decisively to bar the sale of commercial aircraft to Iran, a move that would scuttle deals already authorized by the Obama administration and potentially worth billions of dollars. By 243-174 vote on Thursday, lawmakers passed legislation...
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    Type 075 Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) News & Discussions

    http://www.cnshipnet.com/news/12/59682.html According to the news, 3 Type 075 LHD Will be built for the first batch
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    Steel cutting ceremony for Pakistan Maritime Security Agency (PMSA)

    The patrol ship is about 1500T, and built by Huangpu Wenchong Shipyard.
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    US people say “congratulations” to Kim Jong-un for success of H-bomb experiment

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    Ukraine has failed to meet Royal Thai's T-84 deal, what about the deal with Pakistan?

    Thai Army looking for New MBT | thaimilitaryandasianregion Thai Army looking for New MBT DECEMBER 21, 2015 ~ NONOTHAI DEFENSE STUDIES DECEMBER 21, 2015 Thai delegation visited Norinco, China (photo: dlogs) Army established the Committee for the procurement of new tanks. To fill the tank needs...
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    Estimation of joint Arab military force component

    According to BBC news(Arab League agrees to create joint military force - BBC News the joint arab military force will be consisted of about 40,000 elite members, including land, naval and air force. So considering the number of 40,000 and the word "elite", the best comparison could be...
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    Picture Collection of Chinese Weapons made for export

    This is a thread created for picture collection of Chinese weapons made for export; for weapons already exported, please refer to Chinese made weapons exports to foreign countries.
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    VT-4,our best tank for export

    VT4主战坦克是中国兵器工业集团推出的最新型外贸坦克,广大读者最初是在网络上传的“装甲日”视频中了解有这一款坦克。如今,广大观众可以在珠海航展现场真切地感受一下这款坦克的威武,为了让读者能够更多地了解它,本刊记者专访了VT4坦克的总设计师冯益柏,听冯总为我们细说该坦克的来龙去脉。 研制历程 记者:我们知道VT4是一款针对外贸市场的新型坦克,您能否首先为我们梳理一下中国外贸坦克的研制历程? 冯总:在外贸坦克的发展历程中,85-II坦克应该说为兵器集团外贸坦克的发展立下了汗马功劳。...
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    BD type 056 launched in Wuchang Shipyard

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    #OccupyDemocracy: Protesters hold Parliament Square despite arrests

    #OccupyDemocracy: Protesters hold Parliament Square despite arrests — RT UK Police have arrested up to 40 people in the course of weeklong Occupy Democracy protests outside the UK Parliament. Activists had originally set out to resist government austerity, poverty and inequality. Hundreds of...
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    Members named for Asia infrastructure bank

    Members named for Asia infrastructure bank - Business - Chinadaily.com.cn A milestone agreement for the structure of the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) has been reached, with 21 Asian countries, including India, stepping forward as founding members. An intergovernmental...
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    Brainwashed news from the West collection

    Everybody here can understand what BBC has said, but what make me laugh is the characters on the background banner I translated it on the downside: 洋奴:slaves of the west 炮灰:cannon foldder 身在福中不知福:growing up in happiness but take it for granted 可怜又可悲: pathetic and sad This picture clearly...
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    Hongkong: Local residents asked policemen to expel protestors from Mong Kok

    旺角居民包围“占中”示威者 高呼“清场”-20141003华闻大直播-凤凰视频-最具媒体品质的综合视频门户-凤凰网 In the video, At the beginning local residents surrounded and asked the policemen to clear the protestors from Mong Kok From 1:00 One of the local stood on high and said:"If you are not resident of Mong Kok, and still want to make...
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    ‘They’ll ridicule us’: Ukraine defense minister ‘claims’ Russia used nukes

    Image from wikipedia.org Ukraine turmoil Tags Arms, Conflict, Military, Nuclear, Politics,Russia, Ukraine A reported claim by Ukraine’s Defense minister that Russia used tactical nuclear weapons against his troops sparked sarcastic comments from Moscow and criticism from the rival Ukrainian...
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    Ukraine to Send Two Sophisticated Tanks to Nigeria

    While Ukrainian soldiers in the ATO area are in dire need of arms and military equipment, Ukraine is going to send to Nigeria two advanced battle tanks "Oplot", made in the Ukrainian Malyshev Plant in Kharkiv. Oleh Tytarenko, a lawyer and a member of the Shevchenko district (Kyiv) local defense...
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