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  1. R

    Gigantic Kuffar festival in Saudi Arabia.....while Gaza is being destroyed!!!

    There are still people alive who survived concentration camps. You can still hear EYE WITNESS accounts. . You can go to Auschwitz and see the fingernail marks on the walls of the gas chambers as people tried to hold on to life. you can visit the 1940s cremetoria. Don't be a monster. And yes...
  2. R

    Gigantic Kuffar festival in Saudi Arabia.....while Gaza is being destroyed!!!

    Again where do get this from ? You can't just make up stuff to add fuel to the fire. Hitler did kill 6 million Jews. There is infinite evidence for it. The house of Saud has no agreement with anyone to hand over Al Aqsa mosque to the Jews. There is no evidence for it. Making untrue...
  3. R

    Gigantic Kuffar festival in Saudi Arabia.....while Gaza is being destroyed!!!

    Going by this logic, no one can have any fun ever. There is always something bad going on in the world.. How can you relax while Africans don't have money for food...bla bla bla...what about all the orphans and widows ...What about Afghans .....bla bla bla.....and why were so many watching the...
  4. R

    Diabetes various degrees

    Coconut oil is a fat. It will not raise insulin levels. Obviously you want to eat edible oils not oils with added fragrance. Exercise , especially walking every day really helps, as does resistance training.
  5. R

    Pakistanis living in the UK higher unemployment

    I just want to hear one piece of significant good news...someone gets the Nobel prize in physics or finds a solution for global warming, or invents cheap way to desalinize water...anything.
  6. R

    😂 laowhy86: China Just Built 1 Billion Empty Houses for Nobody - This is Insanely Bad [I was repeatedly called a liar when I reported it 6yrs ago]

    Its not really fair to blame China solely for increasing pollution and CO2 emissions. These are increasing due to manufacturing stuff for the West. If the West was less wasteful there would be a lot less pollution all around. About the 1.5 billion to 3 billion empty houses.....if true...its...
  7. R

    Diabetes various degrees

    Rice that has been cooled and reheated is high in resistant starches. Maybe your relatives eat leftovers a lot?
  8. R

    Pakistanis living in the UK higher unemployment

    How is it, that for the last at least 10years every bit of news coming out of Pakistan or about Pakistanis is rock bottom negative! About the country ...default, increasing poverty, exchange rate, floods, drought, bomb attacks, protests, inflation, population explosion, disappearances...
  9. R

    What wikipedia says about Muslims and education attainment

    Which country is this ? I am interested to know how did TFR rise while women get more educated.
  10. R

    "We are unable to pay costly electricity, Open border we are ready to go to India"

    You are thinking of income tax. Sales tax is paid by everyone who can afford to buy toothpaste.
  11. R

    India dreaming: Can we land on the moon and build toilets too?

    The point you are refusing to see here is that a small payoff in space today leads to a big payoff down the line. As mentioned earlier they have several private space start ups that could bring in billions in the near term future ( I think one of them is headed by a young Muslim man in his...
  12. R

    India dreaming: Can we land on the moon and build toilets too?

    First , Even though these countries have not sent rockets to the moon or sun they have been spending much more on space than India, especially Japan which spends billions. (I think Japan had a Venus mission which failed) Second, why should it matter to us how India spends its money? They have...
  13. R

    India dreaming: Can we land on the moon and build toilets too?

    Japan has an advanced space program JAXA. Europe also has the European Space Agency. Brazil doesn't even have a proper government but created its own space agency in 1994. South Korea has a lunar exploration program KLEP. The Australian Space Agency is fairly recent and is headquartered in...
  14. R

    New Orders: Cut all Overseas Pakistanis relations to Pakistan| Pakistanis around the World are second class traitors, their interference must stop!

    People don't send money to help the country. People send money to help their families still living in the country.
  15. R

    France not to allow women to wear abayas in schools: Minister

    My guess is that this law Is in part to protect Muslim girls who do not want to wear the abaya and are forced to by their family to dress as they prefer. I am also guessing the French are hoping that by not wearing religious identity in clothes, migrants eventually, integrate better into French...
  16. R

    Xi, Modi meet-up

    Can't we all get along Get along, on down the road We've got a long, long way to go Scared to live, scared to die We ain't perfect but we try Get along while we can Always give love the upper hand Paint a wall, learn to dance Call your mom, buy a boat Drink a beer, sing a song Make a friend...
  17. R

    Zaid Hamid claims Chandrayaan 3 is fake CGI graphics

    LOL. Is that really true? In that case someone should give it to him. It will be fun to watch. :lol:
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