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  1. C

    Pakistan Army's New FIR against Imran khan

    The new FIR is very interesting: Imran Khan forced a citizen named Saeedullah to deposit 50 lacs rupees in NUML university. Apparently, there is no record of transaction either. Citizen claims that he was given no receipt as well. I just want to know from Army brats & people with...
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    Turkish Minister of National Defense Yaşar Güler: We are considering purchasing 40 Eurofighter Typhoons

    S400 maybe the best SAM system in the world. But its not the alternative to fighter jets. If US denies then Turkey will go for WS-10 Engine if it wants early production of its aircrafts. Chinese engine means, the aircraft could be exported as well without being sanctioned.
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    Turkish Minister of National Defense Yaşar Güler: We are considering purchasing 40 Eurofighter Typhoons

    Verbal rhetoric in politics is often acceptable. Europeans and Americans already understands it. I could be wrong but i think if you replace Erdogan with any XYZ, the treatment of EU & US will be more or less same towards Turkey. That's true, If US says no to engines for KAAN. Its not...
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    Confirmed : PAF Negotiating For L-15 LIFT Aircrafts !

    Not necessarily. The overall thrust isn't much of L-15s small engines. Fighter training applicable to both single engine or twin. IMO, mainly its for J-10Cs BTW, twin engines are not new for PAF. PAF has operated twin engines for several decades. For-example: A-5s, F-6s
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    Confirmed : PAF Negotiating For L-15 LIFT Aircrafts !

    Pakistan cannot use any Turkish aircraft projects as most of those uses american engines. Not long ago, US denied Turkey to sell its gunship helicopters to Pakistan because those helicopters are using American engines. Same is the case with Hurjet. Pakistan won't be using TFX with US...
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    EU mutual Defence a Threat for Turkey ?

    Apparently EU leaders are thinking to be independent from USA especially AFTER Ukraine war. See What Marcon has said: "Macron made his case for Europeans building their own airspace protection strategy" “Why do we still need to buy American too often?" "We need to know what the threat...
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    Turkish Minister of National Defense Yaşar Güler: We are considering purchasing 40 Eurofighter Typhoons

    LOL! "inferior chinese"! Stuck in the status quo of the 90's. World has changed dramatically. Turkey has gained so much military technology in past few decades but still its atleast decades behind china and you are saying "inferior" chinese aircraft? On what grounds its inferior to any...
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    Turkish Minister of National Defense Yaşar Güler: We are considering purchasing 40 Eurofighter Typhoons

    I don't understand what trolling Erdogan has done ? Offend and insults? If its on Israel's genocide then he is not alone, whole world is telling Israel to stop mass-murdering civilians. I don't see that as an "insult" or something. Unlike Yemenis, he has not attacked Israel and we all...
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    Turkish Minister of National Defense Yaşar Güler: We are considering purchasing 40 Eurofighter Typhoons

    Don't suit us! LOL! you are from Mars aren't you. West is not giving you shit and check your attitude. Yep keep licking their balls for next 50 years too or maybe for eternity. Some Turkish guys are still living in 1990's. The world isn't uni-polar anymore. Even a blind can see...
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    Why Israel Created Hamas (new, detailed article by Swiss Policy Research)

    Did you even see below videos ? If below videos cannot change your mind then nothing can. Now do not post one-liner reply with another conspiracy video link. POST REAL time action like I am posting below and not some conspiracy theories. And do read my entire post, it will convince you...
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    Turkish Minister of National Defense Yaşar Güler: We are considering purchasing 40 Eurofighter Typhoons

    That's true. United states / NATO treats Turkey as an enemy. India also bought S-400s but they got special waiver from United states even when India is not a NATO member. US is offering india multiple times the F-16 Block 72+ (F-21) and F-15EX. But india is not interested so far knowing...
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    Why Israel Created Hamas (new, detailed article by Swiss Policy Research)

    CONSPIRACY THEORIES. I would have believed those if Hamas would have surrendered at day 01 AFTER IDF entered Gaza. As its purpose would supposedly been done. But they are resisting it with their lives. SEE BELOW VIDEO. There are dozens of such videos in past week alone. Hamas is...
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    Why Israel Created Hamas (new, detailed article by Swiss Policy Research)

    That's a conspiracy theory with no basis. No country wants to make a militant group that keep firing rockets on its cities. Peace and stability is the key for any country's progress. You do EVERYTHING in your control to keep peace and stability. Israel would never want to make a group...
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    Turkish Minister of National Defense Yaşar Güler: We are considering purchasing 40 Eurofighter Typhoons

    USA is one hell of a hegemonic monster. It want to control countries with just one phone-call. It backed regime change in Pakistan and the country has become a lawless country where Generals have de-facto dictatorship and ruining the entire country at the same time bending over whenever...
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    Turkish Minister of National Defense Yaşar Güler: We are considering purchasing 40 Eurofighter Typhoons

    Why Germany is blocking it? I think Germany will see bigger picture and will agree to the sale of Eurofighters to Turkey. Otherwise, NATO will deliberately push Turkey towards China & Russia's camp. Turkish leaders already have said there are other options available. Turkish leaders...
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    Turkish Minister of National Defense Yaşar Güler: We are considering purchasing 40 Eurofighter Typhoons

    I never said to throw AMRAAMs. You misunderstood. I am saying that your point isn't valid. That unless an aircraft uses turkish weapons its good otherwise its useless. BTW, AMRAAM (AIM-120C ) is generations behind PL-15E. There is no comparison at all. 120-C can be compared with...
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    Turkish Minister of National Defense Yaşar Güler: We are considering purchasing 40 Eurofighter Typhoons

    Why on earth its useless even if you can't install the inferior Turkish avionics and very inferior turkish missiles on J-10C ? Aren't you using other countries weapons on F-16s ? Like AMRAAMs? I think your bias is speaking. Were you always using Turkish missiles on F-16s ??? Its like...
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    Turkish Minister of National Defense Yaşar Güler: We are considering purchasing 40 Eurofighter Typhoons

    Nothing is static in geo-politics. I see even US & China warming up ties to some extent. Chinese President and Biden were all smiling and having fun the other day. I think J-10Cs will go much easier for Turkey than the S-400 issue. First its China and not Russia, West / NATO is primarily...
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    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Resistance fighters urban warfare against Israeli occupied forces:
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    P 282 Missile On PNS Babur

    You were wrong and you are still wrong. Picking a propaganda article / author is just hilarious. These are same authors who says that a "source" has told them half of PAF chinese built fighters are grounded. LMAO! Common sense dictates that either they have access to Pakistani airbases or...
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