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  1. Pirupiru

    Biden meeting Quad amid own pivot toward Asia

    Well, Indonesia’s current foreign policy forbids military alliances and basing of foreign troops on its soil but it is already engaged in a number of defence partnerships that give it the potential to form temporary contingent alliances. Thus, Indonesia will never be a part of Quad+ or any...
  2. Pirupiru

    Bangladeshi cabbages in Southeast Asian market

    Where do you guys grow the cabbages? In Indonesia, our farmers only grow them in high terrains. All this time I thought Bangladesh was hot and humid place. I was surprised when I learned that Bangladesh could grow cabbage and even potato. Or do you guys grow plants of the heat- tolerant...
  3. Pirupiru

    China surpasses U.S. as largest recipient of foreign direct investment during Covid pandemic

    I'd like to see how much Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam received last year. Any news?
  4. Pirupiru

    Indonesia Rejects Beijing’s Offer for South China Sea Talks

    I thought I replied to a sane person... it turns out to be just another malaysian troll. I just wasted my time here. OK bye
  5. Pirupiru

    Indonesia Rejects Beijing’s Offer for South China Sea Talks

    Says who? https://www.maritime-executive.com/article/indonesia-sinks-51-confiscated-fishing-vessels We have been doing that since 2009.
  6. Pirupiru

    Jakarta 2020 and beyond

    Did you actually read the report? One of the indicators of the personal safety ranking you mentioned is the impacts of natural disasters on population. With such indicator, obviously Jakarta's ranking would drop as Jakarta is prone to natural disasters...
  7. Pirupiru

    Bangladesh’s GDP per capita projected $12,500 by 2041

    Pre 1997, I believe no one in their right minds would expect Indonesia to be a developed country by 2020. You must have mistaken Malaysia for Indonesia. Vision 2020 was a program established in 1991 dedicated to Malaysia's aspiration (not Indonesia's) to be a fully developed country by the year...
  8. Pirupiru

    Bangladesh’s GDP per capita projected $12,500 by 2041

    Wrong again. In fact, Indonesia's comeback is the strongest among Asian countries' hardest hit by Asian Crisis 1997 South Korea's GDP in 1998 : USD 374.2 Billion Thailand's GDP in 1998 : USD 113.7 Billion Indonesia's GDP in 1998 : USD 95.45 Billion Malaysia's GDP in 1998 : USD 72.17 Billion...
  9. Pirupiru

    Bangladesh’s GDP per capita projected $12,500 by 2041

    Double digit growth in industrial production was common for Indonesia during 70s to 90s. Indonesia was dubbed as Asian Tiger Cub because of that very reason. In early 2000, Indonesia's industrial growth were almost hitting 40% for several years. In Asia, its industry output is just behind China...
  10. Pirupiru

    Kazakh violence makes Chinese Muslim minority ponder future

    Which is a correct move taken by your government.
  11. Pirupiru

    Kazakh violence makes Chinese Muslim minority ponder future

    In late 90's, Indonesia fell into a multidimensional crisis which suffered not only a certain race but also the whole nation. Thousands of Dayaknese, Maduranese, Ambonese and those in Sulawesi island were slaughtered and raped because of the absent of power at that time. We didn't have a running...
  12. Pirupiru

    Indonesia to increase imports from India amid New Delhi - Malaysia spat

    As written in the history, at that time, newly born Indonesia received lots of help and recognition from various countries including India, The USA and even Vatican. Now you mentioned that your British army has "fought" for us, but even if that's true, didn't we help you in return too? You need...
  13. Pirupiru

    Indonesia to increase imports from India amid New Delhi - Malaysia spat

    I have been here since 2011, and I will get banned just because I told you the perspective that shared by the majority of Indonesians?
  14. Pirupiru

    Indonesia to increase imports from India amid New Delhi - Malaysia spat

    That's not a theory, it is written well here https://kitaab.org/2017/08/20/india-indonesia-independence/amp/ I don't understand why you get mad at a fact. India helped us in the past too, so did other countries. Indonesia has also helped other countries regardless their religions. I think you...
  15. Pirupiru

    Indonesia to increase imports from India amid New Delhi - Malaysia spat

    Your British Indian army was in Indonesia at that time to examine the opportunity to replace the Dutch as our master, why would we Indonesians need to glorify that?? Plus we are going to absorb 100% of our CPO to sustain our B30, B50 and eventually B100 programs. It seems like India needs to...
  16. Pirupiru

    Indonesia to increase imports from India amid New Delhi - Malaysia spat

    It is interesting that all the sources posted here are from Wikipedia. Khilafat movement you mentioned has long been dead, at least here in Indonesia. We have moved on and gladly used different system already. Indonesia has no urge to intervere other's domestic issues because we have our own...
  17. Pirupiru

    Indonesia to increase imports from India amid New Delhi - Malaysia spat

    I believe history is history. We should not alter the way we present history to be in line with our narrative of Muslim Brotherhood. I am muslim myself, but I prefer to have some readings from credible sources rather than from Wikipedia.
  18. Pirupiru

    Indonesia to increase imports from India amid New Delhi - Malaysia spat

    The situation is more complicated than what you think. At that time, there was no Pakistan as a country and it was British that sent the soldiers coming from Hindu, Sikh and Muslim backgrounds. The purpose was to examine the opportunity whether it could replace the Dutch to colonize Indonesia or...
  19. Pirupiru

    Indonesia to increase imports from India amid New Delhi - Malaysia spat

    Religious agenda is never a part of Indonesia's foreign policy despite of Indonesia being the largest muslim country in the world. Our current foreign policy clearly states that we will pursue economic diplomacy to strengthen trade ties and access emerging markets. If, based on our calculation...
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