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  1. DJ_Viper

    Pakistan officially inducts HQ 9 Air Defence system

    I don't think it's any inferiority complex. I think your military likes to keep things on the down low. Low profile is smart and good for Pakistan. Also, I am almost sure this system is a B version. HQ9A is not that great of a system with only 100KM range. B was when they used the education...
  2. DJ_Viper

    Russia cuts diplomatic ties with NATO as relations with bloc plunge to new low

    You do realize I opened the thread you are using context from and this thread was also opened by me? In other words, I don't hide or lie about what I can't control. Russia is acting out a lot worst since the Japanese made statements on having rights to the islands the Russians control. Today...
  3. DJ_Viper

    Dubai signs deal to build infrastructure in occupied Kashmir: Indian govt

    Translation, Dubai's Indian companies partnered with an Arabic person / business, will do the development to avoid reaction. It's called putting lipstick on a pig to make it look pretty. A nicer message is sent to the world.
  4. DJ_Viper

    Russia cuts diplomatic ties with NATO as relations with bloc plunge to new low

    It confirms one thing for sure, that I'm not Putin :-)🤝
  5. DJ_Viper

    Turkey wants to buy 40 new F-16 block70 and 80 F-16 modernization to the Viper standard

    - How will you incorporate and inter-operate the Russian jets with everything else that NATO standard outside of the S-400? - I think the 70 years of relationship has already ended. Thinking anything else if fooling oneself. Even IF and a very big IF, somehow the -16's are sold to Turkey, even...
  6. DJ_Viper

    Russia cuts diplomatic ties with NATO as relations with bloc plunge to new low

    Russia cuts diplomatic ties with NATO as relations with bloc plunge to new low Mon., October 18, 2021, 11:29 a.m. Russia said Monday it was suspending its mission to NATO and closing the alliance's offices in Moscow, as relations with the Western military bloc plunged to new depths. Foreign...
  7. DJ_Viper

    Iranian chief of staff Major General Baqeri arrives in Moscow, New military deal on the way

    Wow, the way this article is written, it tells you it's a lot of propaganda and to please the internal audience I'd guess. The Russians won't give Iran anything significant like the SU-35 or an advance version of even the SU-30's. There will be lower level weapon's purchases. May be more AD...
  8. DJ_Viper

    Turkey wants to buy 40 new F-16 block70 and 80 F-16 modernization to the Viper standard

    US Government issued a statement today saying they didn't offer the -16's V blocks to Turkey! So this was just all hyped up news? See my post above. The US Government denies offering these jets to Turkey! Plus this automatically means there is also no clearance to sell these to Turkey and any...
  9. DJ_Viper

    Featured Pakistan Navy prevented Indian Submarine from entering into Pakistani waters on 16th October

    From the pics, it seems as it's a diesel electric sub, it must've come up to snorkel to get it's batteries charged.
  10. DJ_Viper

    Turkey wants to buy 40 new F-16 block70 and 80 F-16 modernization to the Viper standard

    I would say, seeing the US government's mood on Turkey, I think these may not be approved. They are preferring Greece over Turkey and the only leverage Turkey had over them, were the US bases. All now moved to Greece!
  11. DJ_Viper

    Featured Pakistan Navy prevented Indian Submarine from entering into Pakistani waters on 16th October

    Someone needed to spray depth chargers around this once it entered into your territorial waters. After that, either it would turn and leave damaged or would surface up with white flags on it "seeking help to rescue crew". Why the love when the other side is roasting you from media to individual...
  12. DJ_Viper

    The Hypersonic Arms Race Between the US, China & Russia

    The author (not sure who that is) needs proper understanding of the Hypersonic weapon systems. These are slower than BM's, yet, include a brain (AI) that depresses trajectory and makes calculated decisions. Eventually, outside of human involvement. That doesn't mean the current response /...
  13. DJ_Viper

    Pakistanis riding new cryptocurrency gravy train

    I've heard this when BTC hit $5k and then 10K back in 2017 and have heard it continuously. At this time, the BTC has essentially replaced Gold as a safer asset class. So therefore, this is now an official industry and financial instrument with many billion dollar companies behind it. So it will...
  14. DJ_Viper

    Greece and USA sign Mutual Defence Agreement

    Turkey isn't realizing that it's out of the US's influence and it's a done deal. I would even put sanctions on the table later too. There is dislike in the US government for Turkey similar to that of Pakistan. If I was Turkey, I'd have taken my money back vs. getting additional -16's. I'd be...
  15. DJ_Viper

    JF-17B - EW 'Growler'

    I think we are confusing a few things so thought I'd clarify. The Jamming is usually required during offensive missions (or defensive missions to jam offensive bogies contact capability, as well as to fool the radars). The flight time of these special mission aircrafts is no longer than the...
  16. DJ_Viper

    Pakistan officially inducts HQ 9 Air Defence system

    That's a very sensible post. I agree, I think the Chinese are ahead of the Russians in tech and the HQ series was initially derived from an Israeli sold Patriot unit the Chinese studied, just like the SD-10 tech was initially derived from Aspide. I'd be concerned about HQ-9B, C, D versions (not...
  17. DJ_Viper

    JF-17B - EW 'Growler'

    You are failing to understand the purpose behind this development. One, you MUST have it for your naval operations. Secondly, with S-400's and the likes being placed within a 100 miles of the Pakistani-Indian borders, thus covering 200 Miles deep inside Pakistan, you need these to fly your own...
  18. DJ_Viper

    JF-17B - EW 'Growler'

    Let's see, 3 HP's taken by fuel tanks. One MER fitted with two Sd-10's and the remainder 4 with jamming PODs, two on wingtips and two on remainder hardpoints. You could in theory use one more pod in lieu of one fuel tank making it 5 jamming / EW pods. This is a good step in the right direction...
  19. DJ_Viper

    Pakistan officially inducts HQ 9 Air Defence system

    Your knowledge of PAC-3 is very limited it seems, or, you are on purpose crapping over Patriots. First off, PAC-3 blocks produced since 2015 have full 360 coverage and there is a brand new technology being used in it called Gallium nitride technology. Secondly, the operational and maintenance...
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