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Bangladesh on path of economic growth, but hit by Islamic radicalisation

I disagree. These mullahs will in no way counter India. In fact they won't even cause paise of damage to India but will only weaken you.

How is India a threat to you? For gods sakes it birthed Bangladesh. The Indian Army was the maternity nurse at Bangladesh's birth in 1971.

A secular Bangladesh will be a prosperous Bangladesh which is the real strength of a country.

There is no need to "counter" India anymore.

India in 2022 fully realises that dealing with BD as an equal is in it's strategic interest.

BD-India are building a connected region of 400 million people with Nepal/Bhutan where goods, services and energy will flow freely.

Just like BD needs India and so India needs BD - last fiscal 16 billion dollars of goods flowed into BD from India and BD is now the 4th largest export market for the Indians and so not insignificant to their overall export basket.

I think some posters are still living in 2012 and not 2022!

PS - BD is playing the game with USA/China and India nicely so far.

Bangladesh on path of economic growth, but hit by Islamic radicalisation​

Bangladesh's progress in economic growth is running counter to rising Islamic radicalisation in the country, which will turn out to be a long term threat to the People’s Republic and has the potential to destabilize north-east part of India.

Bangladesh prime minister Sheikh Hasina
Published on Jun 17, 2022 12:35 PM IST

ByShishir Gupta

While India's neighbours Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Nepal continue to reel under external debt fueled by depreciating local currencies against the US dollar, a country which was once dubbed one of the poorest, has emerged as a ray of hope due to rapid strides in economic growth and progressive outlook.

Born in 1971, Bangladesh has emerged as among the fastest growing economies in the past decades, the World Bank said. According to the report, poverty declined from 43.5 per cent in 1991 to 14.3 per cent in 2016. The International Monetary Fund has forecast the country's real GDP projection at 6.4 per cent for 2022.

The economic progress is in stark contrast with Pakistan, from whom the Bangla-speaking country was carved out in 1971. Pakistan's economy is in precarious situation with high external debt, double digit inflation and spiralling down Pakistani rupee which currently stands at 205 against the US dollar. Thanks to the mis governance during the previous Imran Khan regime, the Shehbaz Sharif government has been forced to hike fuel prices with petrol over ₹230 per litre and cut down luxury imports including tea from Kenya.

The island nation of Sri Lanka is facing the worst economic crisis, coupled with shortage of fuel for transport and depleted foreign reserves. The Gotabaya Rajapaksa government on Friday had declared holiday for public offices and schools to curtail vehicular movement leaving the roads around Colombo deserted.

Thousands of vehicles are lined up outside fuel stations, while citizens wait for cooking gas supplies. The Sri Lankan currency now stands SLR 355 against US dollar. The situation is no different in Kathmandu as weakening Nepalese rupee has increased the external debt by seven per cent with food inflation due to rising cost of imports.

If you compare Bangladeshi currency Taka as compared to the US dollar, it fares better with rate of 91. But the progress in economic growth is running counter to rising Islamic radicalization in the country, which will turn out to be a long term threat to the People’s Republic and has the potential to destabilize north-east part of India.

The reports of Islamic radicalisation at the Rohingya refugee camps have been a cause of concern. Besides this, there have been attacks on Hindu temples in the Bangla-speaking country in the recent past.

According to intelligence inputs, the terrorism-related violence continues to be under check by the Sheikh Hasina government but Chittagong Hill tracts and the Rohingya refugee camps have emerged as hubs of Islamic radicalization with Pakistan based terror groups playing their part in weaponizing the religion.

Rohingya radicalisation

In 2017, thousands of Rohingya Muslims from Rakhine state of Myanmar crossed over to Bangladesh after their community was targeted. In recent times, there have been reports of Rohingyas turning to radicalisation and terrorism, as pointed out by Bangladesh foreign minister.

> Nabi Hossain, a notorious Rohingya terrorist wanted by the Bangladesh Security Forces, is learned to be planning a movement of Rohingya refugees to demand Bangladeshi citizenship.

Once the 'movement' for citizenship intensifies, the agenda would be to call for an independent state for Rohingyas. Hossain is said to be building a an armed wing and also said to be stockpiling weapons.

> The killing of Rohingya leader Master Mohibullah in 2021 had led to the break in chain command of the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army.

> Nabi Hossain had taken advantage of defecting Rohingya terrorists and took them on his side. He is currently stationed at an island on the Naf river bordering Chittagong and Myanmar's Rakhine state.

> Hossain shot to fame as 'Master Nabi' after committing a series of robberies, abductions and extortion acts at the Rohingya refugee camps in 2018. He currently controls several armed members. Earlier, in February 2022, Border Guard Bangladesh had announced a bounty of one million takas on his head, describing him as the ‘god-father’ of arms and Yaba synthetic drug smuggling in Bangladesh.

On May 24, Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina observed that the prolonged uncertainty around repatriation was drawing Rohingyas into criminal activities: “They (Rohingyas) are becoming frustrated due to protracted uncertainty over their repatriation which has a potential risk as it entices many of them to get involved in criminal activities.”

> A new organisation called Rohingya Solidarity Organisation has been carrying out military training for new recruits from Rohingya community at camps located in the dense forests of Naikhongchhari Upazila (sub-district) of Bandarban District. The arms being used in the training include – sub-machine guns, AK-47 rifles, MA1 rifles and M16 rifles, which have reportedly been procured from the Arakan Army.

Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh

The Jamaat-e-Islami was suspected of attack on Hindu pandals in Noakhali, Chandpur, Cox’s Bazaar last year. There have been reports of Jamaat members clashing with the government authorities.

> On May 17, two police officers were injured during a clash between Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh-Islami Chhatra Shibir members and the police on Jail Road in Sylhet city. The clash occurred when police intercepted a procession of Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh-Islami Chhatra Shibir cadres.

> A day ealier, the Chittagong Metropolitan Police arrested 49 Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh supporters cum financiers during a raid on a hotel in Chittagong’s Teri Bazar area.

> On May 13, Police arrested six Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh-Islami Chhatra Shibir members in Rajshahi District while they were holding meeting to plan subversive activities. Police recovered jihadi books, banners for processions, member collection forms and books and donations from their possession.

> Of late, Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh has been trying to consolidate Islamic voices against the ruling government with an eye towards general election next year as it has very close links with the Opposition BNP.

> A Central Executive Council meeting of the group held on May 30 under the chairmanship of its Amir Dr. Shafiqur Rahman, called upon the people of Bangladesh to organize a united mass movement for elections under a non-partisan government as well as the release of all detained Alems (religious scholars) immediately. All these red flags are up in Bangladesh despite Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina running a tight ship with a firm hand on terrorism.

Shishir Gupta

Shishir Gupta​

Author of Indian Mujahideen: The Enemy Within (2011, Hachette) and Himalayan Face-off: Chinese Assertion and Indian Riposte (2014, Hachette). Awarded K Subrahmanyam Prize for Strategic Studies in 2015 by Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (MP-IDSA) and the 2011 Ben Gurion Prize by Israel.​

Hindustanis and their vitriol.
I am not Indian and have never lived in India. What I'm saying is the usual facts, I understand that you don't like the Indians, but they are one of the strongest powers in the region, against which Bangladesh will not be able to oppose anything. Only Pakistan is able to stop the influence of the Indians on their country, not without the help of the Chinese, of course
So Pakistan itself chose China as an ally, what's wrong with the Yankees?

Thats what you get wrong. I dont dislike ordinary indians, only the hindutvawadi indians who are cowards and desguise themselves behind multiple nationality on the web.

People like you look at india and think it must be another China and thats where you are mistaken. Indian Army is a paper tiger. It can fight and kill civiliians in Kashmir with the blessing of yankeea but thats all.
I disagree.
I honor your disagreement!
These mullahs will in no way counter India. In fact they won't even cause paise of damage to India but will only weaken you.
I don't think so . I don't think they are still active and protesting on street without govt approval where BNP can't even stand on street 5 mins ( without few exceptions nowadays)!

How is India a threat to you? For gods sakes it birthed Bangladesh. The Indian Army was the maternity nurse at Bangladesh's birth in 1971
I disagree! India came when we almost own the war ! Our people fought under east Bengal regiment!

I wrote many times with logic , but let's not push it. As it will derail thread!

A secular Bangladesh will be a prosperous Bangladesh which is the real strength of a country.
Yes secular Bangladesh that I also want. I just don't want hindutva dominated Bangladesh under secular coat!

Thanks and regards.
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There is no need to "counter" India anymore.

India in 2022 fully realises that dealing with BD as an equal is in it's strategic interest.

BD-India are building a connected region of 400 million people with Nepal/Bhutan where goods, services and energy will flow freely.

Just like BD needs India and so India needs BD - last fiscal 16 billion dollars of goods flowed into BD from India and BD is now the 4th largest export market for the Indians and so not insignificant to their overall export basket.

I think some posters are still living in 2012 and not 2022!

PS - BD is playing the game with USA/China and India nicely so far.
India didn't realize and won't realize. Many BAL folks are just suffering from superiority complex and thinking that they are invincible! But you will realize soon, because the world isn't really as easy as BAL people think!

Your idea about annexing Arakan with Bangladesh armed forces ( with a weak air force) was changed later , and now I hope you also realize that no one in this world get beaten alone after Ukraine war!

(Ukraine is the latest example for you. Without western back up , Russia could wipe off Ukraine so fast!

Also Russia is showing how long they can fight against whole west and survive! But where is the magic ? It's Chinese back up! )

So your newfound opinion about India is soon going to be changed , even before 2023 election.

You ( singular ) always live in utopia , but even you will realize, when your friend modi will try it's best to throw out BAL govt !

Mark my words!

Ps - Bangladesh isn't such great player and will never be such player who can play with USA and China!

At least ask BAL Ministers to use some of their common sense , so that at least they know how to talk! They ( specially Momen ) don't even know how to talk as diplomate! He was homeless and USA give him a home? What the hell was that?

Doing some development didn't make BAL invincible, as Ershad started the first development work after independence.

Before independence it was Ayub Khan! So better BAL folks stop such dream of being a good player !
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Bangladesh is our little colony boy...
Strange, According to your media in assam, mizoram, westbengal, tripura the population number is taken over by Bangladeshi muslims, there is a chance you mey lose the states to bangladesh as they may want to join bangladesh in the future.

You are saying the opposite. Soon our neighbouring states in India will become muslim, through infeltration from us. Why do you think we are keeppping quite when you scream illigal Bangladeshi? They were carefully planned to be there, not for economy only but also for future greater bengal.

We have been injecting our people to slowly takeover those lands from lower class hindus or converting them to islam since 80s. Now its at a point of no return. In another 30 to 50 years those northeast and westbengal states will be majority muslim Bangladeshi. Then we will see who takesover who. Your intellectual class will never let BJP go forward with their agenda to get rid of those muslim Bangladeshi. Plus they are also a votebank and part of indian Politics.

Our bangladeshi muslims in India also marrying and converting hindu girls, Yogi has tried to put love jihad law in up, but unfortunately your Indian hindu girls cant have enough of muslim men! Why? You can answer that better?

Its not far when your northeast will be muslim bangladeshi mejority, we are not a enemy like pakistan who wants to fight wars and scream, we are quite people, we do more and speak less.

If you have doubts check your census, assam is 40% bengali Muslim. Soon it will be 60 then 80% insallah. Try to stop us now, lol.

On the other hand number of hindus in bangladesh went down from 23%to 8%, such a colony you have, so bark less and stop us if you can, watching godi media and whatsapp wont take you far. Become muslim.
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I disagree! India came when we almost own the war ! Our people fought under east Bengal regiment!

I wrote many times with logic , but let's not push it. As it will derail thread!

This is the thing many Pakistanis, Indians and even some Bangladeshis dont realize. Indians really didnt enter the war with boots on the ground before very late in the war. It was Bangladeshis themselves that did most of the fighting.

Then come indians think they somehow did the entire job for us and handed over a new free republic cost free.
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This is the thing many Pakistanis, Indians and even some Bangladeshis dont realize.
Pakistanis don't realize because it's insulting for their army because they lost against their half trained civilians under East Bengal regiment!

Indian disagree it because this is the real tool India using since 50+ years to take unfair advantage from Bangladesh!

And some Bangladeshi disagree it right? Let me tell you who are they!

First group is Jamati scoundrels ( and other anti liberation people) who took side the Pakistani invader army , so that they can justify their ( anti liberation force aka razakars , al badr etc) bad act!

And the second group who don't realize it are chetona scoundrels!

Because none of these chetona scoundrels actively take part on our freedom fight! Also their extreme version are India stooge who always love to give all credit to their master India!

You see what's the surprising similarities between Jamat and BAL?

JAMAT actively supported and helped Pakistani army against our people , and BAL clowns ( all of them ) were fugitives and didn't fire a single bullet in our freedom fight.

All other people fought against Pakistan army as it was a civil war!

Only Jamati Islami and BAL didn't! There are no freedom fighter in Jamati Islami, also no freedom fighter in mainstream BAL people ( don't know about present days BAL people , because nowadays even you can be a freedom fighter if you were born after 1971 , that's different argument ) !

That's the reason I consider Jamat and BAL two brothers!

It's not new in Subcontinent culture as in Indian religions ,gods ( devatas) and demons ( Asuras ) are brothers as well!

What a striking similarities you see? 🤣

Indians really didnt enter the war with boots on the ground before very late in the war. It was Bangladeshis themselves that did most of the fighting.

Then come indians think they somehow did the entire job for us and handed over a new free republic cost free.

Yes whole heartedly agree brother!
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I disagree. These mullahs will in no way counter India. In fact they won't even cause paise of damage to India but will only weaken you.

How is India a threat to you? For gods sakes it birthed Bangladesh. The Indian Army was the maternity nurse at Bangladesh's birth in 1971.

A secular Bangladesh will be a prosperous Bangladesh which is the real strength of a country.

The hindutva poison is running rampant in India, you think secular politics can take on hindutva extremism and unite Muslims in Bangla or India???????

The mullahs have a purpose, now more then ever mullah fire and brimstone against the hindutva is a necessity
you think secular politics can take on hindutva extremism and unite Muslims in Bangla or India???????
You think Mullah extremism or Islam will unite Muslims? We saw that in 1971. And we can see how Islam has united the Muslims on both sides of the Durand Line.
pseudo Hindutva!
crypto, pseudo means naqli

And to my Bangla friends keep the mullahs on tight leash as you reach for the skies.
don't encourage the fantasies and flights of imagination/fancy of PDF Bengalis. you should visit shonar desh next ramzan for 30 days with one of the charitable groups run by ex-pat Bengalis to see what it really is like there on the ground. failing that read and look at the pictures posted by @Imran Khan re: sylhet floods
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Radical Islam is like ISIS, Al Qaeda, and in some extend has Taliban view

While in Islam, it is clear that government cannot interfere our private religious live

I see this Indonesian rock band as a good example, they sing, the backing vocal girl wear perfect black hijab, and many hijabs women are free to attend this concert in save condition

This is in Bandung, West Java

This is the thing many Pakistanis, Indians and even some Bangladeshis dont realize. Indians really didnt enter the war with boots on the ground before very late in the war. It was Bangladeshis themselves that did most of the fighting.

Then come indians think they somehow did the entire job for us and handed over a new free republic cost free.

"Manekshaw explained the dangers. Owing to the outbreak of monsoon, troop movements would be confined to roads, the rest of the land would be marshy, and the rivers would become like oceans.

“The Air Force will not be able to operate. I will be tied down,” he added.

He further added that large contingents of troops were held in West Bengal, to check the Naxalites. It would take him one-and-a-half months to bring them together – they would have to be re-trained.

“Harvesting has started in Punjab and Haryana. If the country goes to war in harvest time, I will have to take over all the roads, all the horses, for troop movements. If food cannot be transported, there will be a famine.”

Summing up the situation, the outspoken Manekshaw said, “If India wages a war now, I guarantee you 100% defeat."

Radicalization in Bangladesh is true to some extent. Hindus from Bangladesh migrate to India as refugees and they say they have been persecuted by the majority muslims. West Bengal is full of persecuted Hindus from Bangladesh. India is also a hindu taliban state but at least there is no record of mass migration of muslims from india due to persecution by hindus.
India always had a tacit law for Hindu folks from BD and Pakistan to get citizenship if they claim religious persecution, before Modi made a bill out of that.

Nothing like that exist in Bangladesh, so it doesn't matter you are a Muslim or Hindu Indian
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