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Canadian Sikh's Murder: How Long Will Modi Continue to Escape Accountability?

Hardeep Singh Nijjar is expendable to nearly every government in the world. No government will sacrifice their relationship with India for a Sikh nationalist, even Canada. This situation is just like the Adnan Khashoggi killing by the Saudi's. Sure, the USA press raised a stink and USA politicians had to scold Mohammed Bin Salmon. But, like India, Saudi Arabia is too needed to banish. Canada will, after a year at the most, look the other way and resume normal relations with India.

there is intelligence. there is legal evidence in court of law. I suspect there is intel but not enough legal evidence for a law enforcement.
Biden raised issue of Canadian Sikh's murder with Modi at G20, Financial Times reports

Sept 21 (Reuters) - U.S. President Joe Biden and other leaders expressed concern to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the G20 summit this month about Canadian claims that New Delhi was involved in the murder of a Sikh separatist leader in Canada, the Financial Times reported on Thursday.

Several members of the Five Eyes — an intelligence-sharing network that includes the U.S., the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand — raised the June killing in British Columbia of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a Sikh separatist leader, with Modi, the newspaper said, citing three people familiar with the discussions at the summit.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the FT report.

The summit was held in India days before Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made his allegations public in an address to the Canadian parliament earlier this week.

The leaders intervened at the G20 summit after Canada urged its allies to raise the case directly with Modi, the newspaper reported.

U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan said earlier on Thursday that the U.S. is in touch with Indians at high levels following Ottawa's claims about the murder of the Sikh separatist leader in Canada, and Washington is giving India no "special exemption" in the matter.

India has rejected Canada's allegations and called them "absurd." The crisis has put a further dent in Canada-India ties. India on Thursday suspended new visas for Canadians and asked Ottawa to reduce its diplomatic presence in the country.

The situation has put some Western nations in a tough position as Canada has been a long-standing partner and ally while those countries are also seeking to build strong ties with New Delhi to counter the influence of China in the Asia Pacific region.
The West / US needs India badly - They need to contain/counterbalance China... So nothing will come out of it.
If Trump gets elected next year, I doubt we would be having the discussion of “US needing India to contain China”. In fact India would be more on the loosing end. Trump will go back to America first, make in America, and the policy of non interference and wars.
If Trump gets elected next year, I doubt we would be having the discussion of “US needing India to contain China”. In fact India would be more on the loosing end. Trump will go back to America first, make in America, and the policy of non interference and wars.
Trump would also ignore Canada too, especially with Trudeau at the helm.
Trump would also ignore Canada too, especially with Trudeau at the helm.
Except Canada is their neighbour and they can’t totally ignore it. During Trumps last term the worst he could have done was revise terms of NAFTA which didn’t really bother the economy as much. Besides, Trudeau is guaranteed to lose in the next elections and when the conservative government comes, you are looking at cousins of the Republicans. Again, as I was saying, India has a lot more to lose. It is a developing country that relies upon consistent support of western corporations. Trump is not having it with how corporations made China become what it is and most certainly won’t allow its repeat.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has accused the Indian government of involvement in the murder of a Canadian Sikh leader on Canadian soil. Trudeau announced this week that Canada was "actively pursuing credible allegations" that Indian intelligence agents had potentially been involved in the murder of Canadian citizen Hardeep Singh Nijjar in June, 2023. Canada, a member of the "Five Eyes" intelligence alliance with Australia, New Zealand, UK and the US, is reported to have shared intelligence on the incident with Washington. The US and UK say they are "deeply concerned" and encourage Indian officials to cooperate in any investigation. There have been similar "mysterious" assassinations of Sikh leaders in Pakistan and the UK this year. Can the West afford to ignore these assassinations? Will Modi government be emboldened to continue its campaign of murder of more leaders of the significant Sikh diaspora in the West if the US fails to hold Modi to account now?

Three Sikh Leaders Assassinated in 2023

Since the 2020-21 farmers' protests in Delhi, the Sikh diaspora has staged massive rallies at Indian diplomatic missions across western capitals. These rallies were followed by systematic, and near-simultaneous, killings of various Sikh leaders in Canada, Pakistan and UK. On May 6, 2023, Paramjit Singh Panwar was killed in Lahore, Pakistan. Avtar Singh Khanda was assassinated in Birmingham, England. on June 11. On June 18, Hardeep Singh Nijjar was murdered in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada.

Reacting to the report of Trudeau's allegation against the Indian government, Pakistan Foreign Secretary Syrus Qazi said: “We are aware of the nature of our eastern neighbor, we know what they are capable of … so it is not a surprise for us. “We caught [one of their] serving naval intelligence officers on our soil. He (Kulbhushan Jadhav) is in our custody and admitted that he came here to create instability and spread evil,” he added.

Pakistan foreign office spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said her country remained a “target of a series of targeted killings and espionage by (Indian Intelligence Agency) RAW". “In December last year, Pakistan released a comprehensive dossier providing concrete and irrefutable evidence of India’s involvement in the Lahore attack of June 2021. The attack was planned and executed by Indian intelligence,” she said, adding that in 2016, a high-ranking Indian military officer Kulbhushan Jadhav confessed to his involvement in directing, financing and executing terror and sabotage in Pakistan.

Narendra Modi has a long history of murdering minorities in his country. After the Gujarat anti-Muslim pogrom of 2002, Narendra Modi made the cover of India Today magazine with the caption "Hero of Hatred". Modi was denied a visa to visit the United States. The US visa ban on Modi was lifted in 2014 after he became prime minister. Since then, Narendra Modi's image has been rehabilitated by the West as the US and Western Europe seek allies in Asia to counter the rise of China. However, Modi's actions on the ground in India confirm that he remains "Hero of Hatred" and "Divider In Chief" at his core. A recent two-part BBC documentary explains this reality in significant detail. The first part focuses on the 2002 events in Gujarat when Modi as the state chief minister ordered the police to not stop the Hindu mobs murdering Muslims and burning their homes and businesses. The second part looks at Modi government's anti-Muslim policies, including the revocation of Kashmir's autonomy (article 370) and a new citizenship law (CAA 2019) that discriminates against Muslims. It shows the violent response by security forces to peaceful protests against the new laws, and interviews the family members of people who were killed in the 2020 Delhi riots orchestrated by Modi's allies.

Having been caught by Ottawa in the act of murdering one of its citizens, the Indian government has reacted angrily, calling the Canadian allegations "absurd". In fact, India has labeled victims of assassination campaign "terrorists". The Indian response will only force Canada to publicly share evidence of wrongdoing by New Delhi. Such public disclosures will expose India's links to similar recent "mysterious" murders in Pakistan and the UK. It will also force London and Washington to confront the issue because the UK and the US also have hundreds of thousands of Sikh citizens whose leaders will be vulnerable to potential assassinations by the Modi government.

Here's Indian National Security Advisor on how to use Taliban to attack Pakistan:

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Haq's Musings

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Indian Agent Kubhushan Yadav's Confession

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India's Ex Spooks Blame Kulbhushan Jadhav For Getting Caught

Ajit Doval Lecture on "How to Tackle Pakistan"

Mohan Lal Bhaskar: An Indian Raw Agent in Pakistan

Riaz Haq's Youtube Channel

PakAlumni Social Network

Well RSS ideology starts with copying the murderous NAZI ideology, and the result was murder of Gandhi. Then under Modi, happened the Gujrat genocide. Indians don't have gas chambers otherwise they would use gas chambers for that. And then murders after murders in RSS regime. Now that world has taken these murderous monsters as peaceful monkeys, they started to show the same behavior in other countries.
This hindutva disease is spreading very rapidly, and if we didn't stop them here, people will witness lynching in the streets of Berlin and New York.

Journalist Tara Singh Hayer's assassination still unsolved 20 years after fatal shooting
Already paralyzed from a 1988 assassination attempt, he was transferring himself from his car to his wheelchair when his killer or killers struck. He didn’t stand a chance.

wenty years after the slaying of Surrey journalist Tara Singh Hayer, his family’s most vivid memory is of his blood covering their garage floor.

“I ended up having to go back to the garage to clean up this massive pool of blood which was left from where dad was shot,” his daughter-in-law Isabelle recalled this week.

Daughter Rupinder also said she couldn’t erase the devastating scene from her mind: “Even afterwards, that image of where the blood was, you still see that.”

More frustrating than their haunting memories is the fact that no one has been charged in the unprecedented execution of a Canadian journalist, despite a two-decade-long police investigation.

“It makes you frustrated. It makes you angry,” Hayer‘s son Dave, a former Liberal MLA, said this week as the family met with Postmedia News.

Alexandra Ellerbeck, of the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists, said it is extremely rare for a journalist to be murdered in Canada or the U.S.

But, she said, there is an expectation that the slayings that have occurred will be solved.

“We expect to see prosecutions and justice in cases of journalists murdered in Canada and the U.S. I think there is an expectation that those cases will be given high priority and they will be solved,” Ellerbeck said.

Solving the cases of murdered journalists “is such an important message for press freedom globally,” she said.

“Truth and justice are just so important for the families and the communities. It is really hard to overstate that. It is really frustrating, especially when there is a decent amount of evidence and information.”

‘I am not capable of defending myself’
The 62-year-old founder of the Indo-Canadian Times was gunned down just before dinner on Nov. 18, 1998, as he arrived at his Guildford home from his newspaper office.

Already paralyzed from a 1988 assassination attempt, he was transferring himself from his car to his wheelchair when his killer or killers struck. He didn’t have a chance.

For years, Hayer had used his Punjabi newspaper to become a vocal critic of violent extremist groups such as those linked to the 1985 Air India bombing plot that left 331 dead.

He had even agreed to be a Crown witness in the terrorism case, telling police that years earlier, while visiting a British colleague, he had overheard a confession by Ajaib Singh Bagri, one of the men later charged and acquitted in the bombing.

Hayer was no stranger to threats. In January 1986, a bomb targeting him was left on the doorstep of his family’s print shop. His son-in-law saw the wires sticking out of a McDonald’s bag and called police. Then in August 1988, days after he had published details of the confession he says he overheard, Hayer was shot in his newspaper office by a youth who later pleaded guilty to attempted murder.

Months before his 1998 murder, Hayer wrote to the head of Surrey RCMP, expressing his concerns about the barrage of threats he was receiving.

“Given that these threats are escalating and becoming more severe in nature, I respectfully request your assistance in the investigation of these threats, which I hope will cease as a result,” Hayer said in his March 19, 1998, letter to then Chief Supt. Terry Smith.

“I respectfully request that you take immediate action with this regard. Time is of the essence. I am not capable of defending myself as easily as I used to when I could walk.”

Police responded five days later, scolding Hayer for not contacting them sooner.

“I am concerned that you have not brought these matters to our attention previously, given that there seems to be an ongoing series of these incidents,” Smith wrote. “We view these circumstances as most serious and if they are ignored or not reported, it makes our job exceedingly more difficult to complete.

“If you fear for your life, and you feel you are in immediate danger, you should be contacting our complaints line,” Smith said. Or Hayer could call 911 if the matter was “more urgent,” Smith suggested.

Warnings weren’t taken seriously, family says​

The police did investigate, Dave Hayer said. They also installed security cameras at the family home — cameras that weren’t working the night of the fatal shooting.

“My dad, he didn’t want to feel like a prisoner with the police with him all the time,” he said. “But I don’t think the police did enough.”

He said police knew that the people after his dad were linked to terrorism. And there was additional evidence from the 1988 shooting that was not pursued after the youth who shot Hayer — Harkirat Singh Bagga — pleaded guilty.

For example, the .357 Magnum that Bagga used in the 1988 attack on Hayer had been provided by a California man who was also the owner of a gun found in the residence of Inderjit Singh Reyat, the only man convicted in the Air India bombing. So Bagga had links to the Air India suspects.

“There was a real threat there. And police did what they normally do — they said, ‘Tell us when somebody is there at your door ready to shoot you.’ Otherwise, they are not willing to provide enough protection.”

Hayer named several of the suspects behind the threats in his letter to police.

His son says there should have been no mystery as to the motive behind the murder.

“It is a case just like Air India, where they knew who the people were behind the scenes … and they also know the people behind the scenes who wanted my dad killed,” Dave Hayer said. “In a case like that, where you have a lot of background information about the people involved, still after 20 years charges haven’t been laid.”

Police have continually urged community members to come forward with information. But the fact that Hayer had agreed to be a witness in the biggest terrorism case in Canadian history and ended up dead doesn’t instil confidence in other potential witnesses, his son said.

“When you talk to any Canadian, it doesn’t matter what their background is — if the killers, the shooters or the criminals threatened your wife and your kids or your husband, would you still go and testify? They all say no. They are willing to risk themselves, but they are not willing to risk their family. Our justice system does not really protect the victims.”

John Major, the retired Supreme Court of Canada justice who headed the Air India inquiry, was extremely critical of police for how Hayer was treated.

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“The manner in which the RCMP handled the entire Hayer affair leaves much to be desired,” he wrote in his 2010 report. “Tragically, the murder of Tara Singh Hayer, while he was supposedly under the watch of the RCMP, not only snuffed out the life of a courageous opponent of terrorism, but permanently foreclosed the possibility of his assistance in bringing the perpetrators of the bombing of Flight 182 to justice.”

Murder investigation overlapped with Air India probe
After Hayer was assassinated, the investigation into his 1988 attempted murder was reopened and new evidence gathered. So when Air India charges were laid against Bagri and Ripudaman Singh Malik in 2000, Bagri was also charged in the 1988 plot against Hayer.

But the charge was later stayed when the key witness sabotaged his evidence, claiming he had been threatened and no longer wanted to testify.

After Malik and Bagri were acquitted of all Air India charges in 2005, the RCMP ramped up its investigation into the Hayer murder, launching Project Expedio.

They already had a possible witness — a young gangster who earlier told police that his associate Robbie Soomel had admitted to being the “wheelman” the night Hayer was killed, while another gangster named Daljit Basran was the shooter.

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The witness claimed Soomel told him the Babbar Khalsa — the terrorist group behind the Air India bombing — had paid the young hitmen $50,000.

Soomel was convicted in an unrelated gang murder in 2004 and remains in jail. Basran vanished in 2006 and is believed to be dead.

But Expedio investigators targeted Soomel’s older brother Raj in a “Mr. Big” operation, where undercover cops posed as organized criminals and befriended him. They tried to get him to provide information about the Hayer murder. He didn’t.

Raj Soomel did tell his new “friends” that he wanted to kill the witness who talked to police. He was charged and later pleaded guilty in 2008 to the attempted murder of the witness. Then Soomel was himself murdered in a case of mistaken identify while living in a Vancouver halfway house.

Project Expedio investigators not only searched for more evidence in Hayer’s 1998 murder, they took another look at the files in the 1988 attempted murder case and even the 1986 bomb plot.

And they conducted a second “Mr. Big” operation, targeting a suspect in the bomb plot named Jean Gaetan Gingras. Gingras admitted that he arranged for a device to be placed at Hayer’s Surrey office in January 1986 at the request of a Babbar Khalsa member in Montreal. But he told the undercover cop posing as a South American drug lord that the bomb was just to send Hayer a message. No one was supposed to get hurt, he said.

Gingras was charged and convicted of conspiring to purchase cocaine as part of the investigation, but was not charged in the bomb plot. He was sentenced to 10 years in jail in 2012.

Killers looking over their shoulder, says retired Mountie​

Retired RCMP deputy commissioner Gary Bass said this week that Expedio came close to laying charges in the Hayer murder.

“That was a major, major push and got very close to getting to the truth. But it didn’t get there,” said Bass, who retired in 2011.

The investigation into Hayer’s assassination has unique challenges, Bass said, just like the Air India terrorism case.

Bass said he has “absolutely” no doubt that Hayer’s murder was linked to both his journalism about the Air India suspects and the assistance he provided to police in the terrorism investigation.

The fact he was brutally murdered has created the catch-22 that has made his slaying tough to solve.

“The Hayer case is kind of proof about the dangers that are involved in getting involved in helping the police,” said Bass, who never met the journalist but has gotten to know his family well over the past two decades.

“Dave and his family have just been incredibly supportive over the years, which is really important to the investigative team to have that kind of support in the background.”

He said the public loses sight of “just how high-profile an individual Hayer was in terms of all the awards he received … and the fact that he is probably still the only journalist in Canada that has been killed for what he was doing. I think that kind of gets glossed over.”

Despite the challenges, Bass thinks Hayer’s killers will be brought to justice some day.

“There certainly have been lots of homicides much older than that which have been solved in recent years,” Bass said. “There are just so many people who had either involvement or knowledge, you always have the hope that someone is going to do the right thing for whatever reason, whether it’s conscience or being forced into it by circumstances.”

From all his years in policing, Bass is sure of one thing.

“A lot of people tend to think that when a case gets this old, the perpetrators are just kind of living the good life and thinking they got away with it. But I don’t think that is the case at all. In my experience, people who have committed murder are continually looking over their shoulder,” he said.

The RCMP did not respond to a Postmedia request for updated information about the Hayer murder investigation.

Paper’s survival keeps Hayer’s memorial alive
The Hayer family has kept the Indo-Canadian Times alive for the last 20 years as a tribute to their patriarch.

His daughter Daljit was the last to see him alive as he left the newspaper office in a Newton strip mall.

“Dad said, ‘I’m going now.’ I was the last one to put him in the wheelchair,” she recalled, her voice breaking.

Within an hour, she got the news of his shooting, as did Rupinder and their youngest sister Satpaul, who also works at the newspaper.

They called Dave and told him to go to the family house. They just said their dad was sick. When Dave got close to the house, there were police lights flashing, ambulances.

“Once I saw all that, I though, ‘Okay, somebody probably killed my dad.’ There were always so many threats. It wasn’t like this was a shock that this would happen,” he said.

Their mom, Baldev, told her children they must carry on with the newspaper. They went back to the Indo-Canadian Times office that night to remake the front page with news of his murder.

“I think the strength we got was from our mom,” Rupinder said. “I did not realize that our mom was that strong.”

And the next day, they all went around delivering the newspaper to their customers, as they have now done every week since.

Said Dave: “We have to continue what he started. That’s why after 20 years, our family is still running the paper.”

Sadanand Dhume
India’s per capita income is less than 1/5th of China’s, and Beijing is busy unilaterally grabbing chunks of territory that India claims. Yet, somehow, in the Indian imagination the West needs India more than India needs the West.


Interview: India’s exaggerated value and the danger of S Jaishankar’s ‘new world order’ posturing

“the US already has other military partners like Japan and Australia, whereas India doesn’t really have anyone else that can help balance against China. Our value to the US is being partly exaggerated”

Interview: India’s exaggerated value and the danger of S Jaishankar’s ‘new world order’ posturing
Rajesh Rajagopalan, author and professor of International Politics at JNU, says we are living in a bipolar age and it is dangerous for India to think otherwise.
Rohan Venkataramakrishnan

“I think the economics of the world, the politics of the world, and the demographic of the world is making the world more multipolar.”

“The world is moving towards greater multi-polarity through steady and continuous re-balancing.”

“The Indo-Pacific is at the heart of the multipolarity and rebalancing that characterises contemporary changes.”

“The United States is moving towards greater realism both about itself and the world. It is adjusting to multipolarity and rebalancing and re-examining the balance between its domestic revival and commitments abroad.”

Those are all comments by Indian External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar over the last few years. Indeed, Jaishankar is a big votary of the concept of multipolarity – the idea that the world is not dominated by just one power (the United States), or two (the US and China, just as it was the US and the United Soviet Socialist Republic during the Cold War), but is instead now seeing a global order with a number of powers that are somewhat equally matched in terms of economic and military capacity and influence.

Jaishankar sometimes speaks of the need for establishing a multipolar world. And sometimes his comments seems to suggest the world is already multipolar or will soon be there.

Not everyone agrees. Stephen G Brooks and William C Wohlforth, in a Foreign Affairs article in April , argued that multipolarity is a “myth”.

Brooks and Wolworth argue instead for “partial unipolarity”, in part because Chinese military power remains “regional”.

Rajesh Rajagopalan, professor of International Politics at Jawaharlal Nehru University and author of Second Strike: Arguments about Nuclear War in South Asia, thinks the answer is clearer: We are living in a bipolar age. And it is dangerous for India to think otherwise.

I spoke to Rajagopalan about multipolarity vs bipolarity, why he thinks that Jaishankar describing the world as multipolar is problematic even if it is a purely rhetorical tactic, and what he made of Ashley Tellis’ much discussed piece from earlier this month – with the controversial headline, “America’s Bad Bet on India” – which argues that the US should not expect India to side with it in a military confrontation with China, unless its own security is directly threatened.
Rogue nation - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

Indian media have reported that the slain man, Mohammad Shahid Latif, was suspected by New Delhi of having facilitated the attack on an Indian Air Force base in Pathankot in 2016.

However, there seems to be little evidence to substantiate this allegation, and no link was ever made public tying Latif to the Pathankot incident.

Indeed, the murders of Latif and the others before him would seem, on the face of it, to be part of an international campaign that also saw the high-profile killing of Sikh nationalist Hardeep Singh Nijjar in Surrey, Canada, in June this year. The Canadian government has said it has evidence of Indian involvement in the murder; and now Pakistan is claiming the same.

It would seem as if New Delhi wants anyone whom it suspects has played a role in any one of the nationalist movements active within the territories under its control killed. But India cannot go around murdering people in other countries with impunity. There must be severe consequences imposed on it.

It is also pertinent to ask our own authorities how they could let so many individuals be murdered on Pakistani soil before a network apparently being run by an enemy power was finally busted.

Pre-empting such attacks is a core task for counter-intelligence officials responsible for the nation’s security, and as such, it is their responsibility to ensure that Pakistan’s enemies do not use its soil to carry out vendetta killings.

Nothing can be more embarrassing for them than the enemy managing to infiltrate the country while they are busy dealing with domestic issues they legally and technically have no business being involved in.
Modi will have a free reign in the West to assassinate rivals as long as the Americunts needs a counter-balance to China in South Asia.

In other words, he will do as he please as long as he wants. That goes for his successors too.
You overestimate Canada's influence and our corporations' thirst for cheap pliable brown people to engage in slave...oops I mean minimum wage labor.

As long as Narendra Modi remains Prime Minister and remains in power, no world power can held him accountable. He can live freely with murdering Canadians, British, Pakistanis, and even Indians.
More Hypocrisy of Modi after Australia won the Final against India at Ahmadabad :


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