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Coronavirus vaccine shots given worldwide

New Zealand, Australia vaccination mandates protests gain in numbers,​

Days-long rallies against Covid-19 vaccination mandates have picked up in numbers in New Zealand and Australia with protesters blocking roads and disrupting life in the countries' capitals, Reuters reports.

About 10,000 protesters have gathered at Canberra's major showgrounds, forcing the cancellation of a popular charity book fair, bringing traffic to a standstill and blocking roads in the Australian capital. Police said three people were arrested, but overall the crowd was "well behaved".

In New Zealand's Wellington, hundreds of demonstrators gathered near the distinctive "Beehive" parliament for a fifth day despite drenching rain.


South Africa changes Covid vaccination rules to try to boost uptake​

South Africa has changed its Covid-19 vaccination rules in an effort to encourage more people to get jabs, health authorities have said.

The government is shortening the interval between the first and second doses of the Pfizer vaccine from 42 to 21 days and will allow people who have received two doses of Pfizer to get a booster dose three months after their second shot as opposed to six months previously, reports Reuters.

It will also offer the option of mixing and matching booster jabs, with adults who were given one dose of Johnson & Johnson’s (J&J) vaccine being offered either a J&J or Pfizer booster two months after their J&J shot. Adults who received two doses of Pfizer will be allowed J&J as well as Pfizer as a third dose.

Cambodia vaccinates children aged 3 to 5 against Covid-19..​

Cambodia started vaccinating children as young as three against Covid-19, becoming one of the first countries to cover the age group of those below five.

The Southeast Asian nation has vaccinated more than 90 per cent of its population of 16 million, for one of the highest rates in the region, official data shows. In January, it started rolling out a fourth dose for high-risk groups, Reuters reports.

The inoculation drive for toddlers began in the capital of Phnom Penh, with hundreds of people queueing outside clinics where medical staff in personal protection gear gave doses to teary-eyed or wailing children.

A young girl held by her mother pushes a shaft of a needle as she receives a first dose of Sinovac's Covie-19 vaccine at a health centre outside Phnom Penh, Cambodia on Feb 23. — AP

A young girl held by her mother pushes a shaft of a needle as she receives a first dose of Sinovac's Covie-19 vaccine at a health centre outside Phnom Penh, Cambodia on Feb 23. — AP

Florida breaks with CDC, recommends no vaccine for children​

Florida's top health official said on Monday the state would recommend against the Covid-19 vaccine for healthy children, breaking with guidance from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In announcing the move during press briefing convened by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, the state's surgeon general Dr. Joseph Lapado cited studies that showed few Covid fatalities among healthy children and elevated risk among young boys receiving the vaccine of side effects such as myocarditis.

"The Florida Department of Health is going to be first state to officially recommend against the use of Covid-19 vaccines for healthy children," Lapado said during the more than 90-minute panel discussion....

England to roll out fourth Covid shot: NHS​

England will begin rolling out its fourth coronavirus vaccine shot this week, the National Health Service (NHS) has announced, with millions of the country's most vulnerable people being offered jabs, AFP reports.

The latest booster shot will be made available to care home residents, people aged over 75 and the immunosuppressed. Around five million people are expected to be offered the job, and 600,000 are being invited to book their appointments next week, according to the NHS.

“Our phenomenal vaccination programme has saved countless lives and built a wall of defence which has allowed us to learn to live with Covid,” Health and Social Care Secretary Sajid Javid said: “Following the massive success of the rollout so far, we are now offering over-75s and the most vulnerable a spring booster dose to top up their protection against this virus.”

Cases are soaring once again across Britain due to a rampant Omicron variant, with around 1 in 20 people currently infected. Hospitalisations are once again rising, but the number of people in high-dependency care remains low.

Moderna says infant Covid-19 vaccine succeeded in trial​

US biotech firm Moderna has said it is pursuing regulatory approval for its Covid vaccine in children aged six months to six years after the two-shot regimen was found to be safe and produced a strong immune response.

Specifically, two doses of 25 micrograms given to this age group generated similar levels of antibodies to two doses of 100 micrograms given to young people aged 18-25, indicating there would be similar levels of protection, according to an AFP report.

The results “are good news for parents of children under six years of age”, said CEO Stephane Bancel in a statement....


Man in Germany gets 90 Covid-19 shots to sell forged passes​

A 60-year-old man allegedly had himself vaccinated against Covid-19 dozens of times in Germany in order to sell forged vaccination cards with real vaccine batch numbers to people not wanting to get vaccinated themselves, AP reports.

The man from the eastern German city of Magdeburg, whose name was not released in line with German privacy rules, is said to have received up to 90 shots against Covid-19 at vaccination centres in the eastern state of Saxony for months until criminal police caught him earlier this month, the German news agency DPA reported today.

The suspect was not detained but is under investigation for unauthorized issuance of vaccination cards and document forgery, the wire service added.

US ready to deliver millions of Covid vaccines to youngest children

09 Jun, 2022

WASHINGTON: The White House on Thursday said it had an operational plan to deliver 10 million doses of Covid vaccine for the nation’s youngest children by June 20, pending clearance by regulators.

The Food and Drug Administration will convene a panel of experts on June 15 to weigh recommending the Pfizer vaccine for children aged six months through four years given in three doses, and Moderna’s vaccine for those aged six months through five years given in two shots.

Both appear safe and effective, according to results announced by the companies, though the FDA’s independent analysis of the data should be posted in a few days’ time.

Children under five are the only age group not yet eligible for immunization against Covid in most countries, a source of concern for many parents. FDA authorization is widely considered the global gold standard.

Severe disease from Covid is very rare among under-fives but can occur, with 482 US deaths in this age group since the start of the pandemic, or about 0.1 percent of all deaths, according to official data.

Children can also contract a rare post-viral condition called multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), which has affected some 8,525 US children and killed 69.

Like adults, some children who get Covid may go on to develop long Covid, with new, ongoing or returning symptoms, including brain fog and fatigue.

US medical panel recommends Moderna Covid vaccine for youngest children

16 Jun, 2022


WASHINGTON: A US panel of medical experts convened by the Food and Drug Administration voted unanimously Wednesday to recommend the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine for use in children aged six months through five years.

"This recommendation does fill a significant unmet need for a really ignored younger population," said Michael Nelson, a professor of medicine at the University of Virginia and one of the 21 experts who said the benefits of the vaccine outweighed the risks.

US medical panel recommends Pfizer Covid vaccine for youngest children: livestream

16 Jun, 2022


WASHINGTON: A US panel of medical experts convened by the Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday recommended the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine for use in children aged six months through four years.

"I'm really pleased that we've reached this kind of milestone," said Ofer Levy, an infectious disease physician at Boston Children's Hospital who was among 21 experts that unanimously agreed the vaccine should receive an emergency use authorization.
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