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Nice reading about Babur and Ra'ad/H2/H4 etc

This Prasun K Sengupta have one of the wildest imaginations

Original news never mentioned the name of Pakistan:hitwall: about this Ukraine smuggling of Kh-55SM/Korshun by Iran and china but then Pakistan tests the Babur cruise missile few years after the news and Indians were surprised and then comes this Prasun K Sengupta with wildest of claims and start including Pakistan without any kind of proof. He gives the details of every thing like he was there supervising the operations but wont have any thing to say once you ask him for proof

Dr A Q Khan was running the KRL not the NESCOM :bunny: where this cruise missiles are designed and build so his complete theory of Wal-Mart goes to ground as only thing in this article that can be called a Wal-Mart is he i.e. Wal-Mart of baseless news:enjoy:

He can not see the difference between Babur and Kh-55

  1. Range is different

  2. Weight is completely different Kh-55 with 1,090kg and Babur with 1400-1500 kg

  3. Payload capability is totally different Kh-55 with 500 kg and Babur with 300 kg
  4. Air in take is of different design Kh-55 with completely external from start and Babur with comes after the booster is burnt out
  5. Power plant has different placements Kh-55 with pod shape and Babur with is with power plant at end of missile like tomahawk

  6. Different kind of launchers Kh-55 with air and submarines and Babur with ground launched with rectangular launchers for operational use and DH-10/C-602 is with round launchers
  7. Babur has much more similarity with the TOMHAWAK cruise missile then this Russian
  8. Same is the case for the Raad ALCM as south Africa have no equivalents with similar performance and aerodynamics. Raad ALCM is more like western ALCMs then something from south Africa
  9. I mean I don’t know how this super idiot keeps making gups of this class. He says that just change the shape of MUPSOW and air intake and controls and stretch the airframe and you will have Raad ALCM . if you apply same logic on almost any ALCM missile of world it can be called Raad ALCM

    Same is the case for his article about the Pakistani ballistic missile

  10. I mean how hard it is to understand that Shaheen-II with Launch Weight of 25000 kg is totally different missile altogether then M-18 with Launch Weight of only 7000 kg:devil:

I mean how def one have to be to conclude that M-18 and shaheen-II are same when there is hell of difference between two.:hitwall:

Same is the case for the Hatf 2A Abdali SRBM , Hatf 3 Ghaznavi SRBM , Hatf 4 Shaheen 1 MRBM.

Here is detail of export of Kh-55SM (AS-15B) nuclear-capable air-launched cruise missiles (ALCMs) from Ukraine to Iran and China but no name of Pakistan:pakistan:
Ukraine's Illicit Weapons Sales to Iran and China

On February 2, 2005, Hryhoriy Omelchenko, Deputy Chair of the Ukrainian parliament’s Committee on the Fight against Organized Crime and Corruption, made public information about ongoing investigations into the alleged illegal export of 12 Kh-55 (NATO designation AS-15A) and Kh-55SM (AS-15B) nuclear-capable air-launched cruise missiles (ALCMs) from Ukraine to Iran and China. [1]

The transfer of the missiles was in violation of Kiev’s START I Treaty obligations. Under the treaty, to which Ukraine became a party by signing the Lisbon Protocol in 1992, Ukraine committed to dismantling or returning to Russia the Tu-160 and Tu-95MS bombers and accompanying Kh-55 ALCMs that remained in the country after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. [2]

However, according to Omelchenko, the Progress trading firm (a subsidiary of the state arms trader Ukrspetseksport) illegally transferred missiles to China in April 2000 and to Iran in May 2001. In addition, Progress supplied Iran with an associated ground targeting system, referred to as the KNO-120. [1]

Omelchenko’s letter began with a request to arrest Valeriy Shmarov, head of Ukraine’s arms export company Ukrspetseksport. According to the letter, a criminal case regarding the missile sale was opened in February 2004. Director of the air cargo company UkrAviaZakaz and former Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) staffer V.V. Yevdokymov, along with three Russian citizens (Oleg G. Orlov, Ye. V. Shilenko, and G.K. Shkinov) stand accused of collaborating with S.M. Samoylenko, then director of Progress, in the missile sale. [1]

Orlov, a Russian arms trader accused by the U.N. Security Council in 2001 of selling illegal weapons to Angola, and Shilenko approached Ukrspetseksport in early 2000 regarding the sale. [1,3] The Russians had fictitious documents from the Russian Ministry of De fense and the state-owned Rosvooruzheniye arms trading company, as well as end-user certificates to support their request to purchase 20 Kh-55 missiles. These false documents were evidently accepted by Ukraine’s State Export Control Service, which allowed the sale to move forward. Yevdokymov arranged for the missiles to be transported by air from Ukraine to China in April 2000. [1] He provided customs with documents indicating that the flight was departing for an airport in Russia, but instead the six missiles were flown to China. [4] Former Ukrspetseksport head V.I. Malyev reportedly knew that the paperwork was fictitious and that the missiles were headed for China.

Progress was paid US$600,000; the payment was made by two firms based in Cyprus via the U.S. firm Technocality Inc. through the Central European International Bank in Budapest. [1] Six missiles destined for Iran similarly were sold for US$600,000, and related ground targeting equipment for an additional US$200,000, also paid through Technocality Inc.
This time, a fictitious contract between a Cypriot firm and Iranian firm for the provision of equipment to oil refineries was used as a cover for the money transfer. Further, the Iranian deal included servicing of the missiles; Ukrainian specialists visited Iran for this purpose several times in 2001-2003.

In October 2004, the SBU opened a criminal case regarding the embezzlement of more than US$13 million by Ukrspetseksport staff, including Director Shmarov, through these and other illegal weapons sales. Omelchenko related that it was only in the fall of 2003, when SBU head Leonid Derkach was replaced by Ihor Smeshko, that the SBU began to investigate illegal exports, including the Kh-55 sales as well as other illegal arms sales to Sierre Leone and Eritrea. [1]

The Kh-55 missile, also known in the West as a “Kent” missile, is a strategic ALCM (a missile with a range exceeding 600 km) under START I rules. The Kh-55SM is a long-range variant of the missile, with a maximum range of 3,000 km. The Kh-55 and Kh-55SM are designed to carry a 200-kt nuclear warhead; the conventional variant of the Kh -55 was never adopted into service; the conventional variant of the Kh-55SM missile is the Kh -555. [5] Several Kh-55—as well as short-range Kh-22—missiles remained in Ukraine after Russia purchased most heavy bombers and related weapons from Ukraine after the breakup of the Soviet Union.

It is likely that the missiles were purchased for parts and possibly also reverse engineering of the Kh-55’s highly efficient turbofan engine, the R95-300. Kh-55s were designed only for nuclear warheads and only for heavy bombers (Tu-95MS and Tu-160). Iran or China would have to modify their Kh-55s to make them capable of being launched from underneath the wing of an aircraft. Although such a conversion is conceivable, given the small number of missiles, it hardly seems worth the effort.


  1. “Deputatskiy zapit” [Deputy’s Request], Sobor website, February 2, 2005, <http://www.sobor.org.ua/vr/dep020205_2.htm>.

  2. “Protocol to the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Arms,” in NIS Nuclear and Missile Database, Nuclear Threat Initiative website, <http://www.nti.org/db/nisprofs/fulltext/treaties/start1/s1lis.htm>.
  3. Pavel Felgenhauer, “Great Weapons for Rogues,” Moscow Times, February 15, 2005, <http://www.themoscowtimes.com>.

  4. “Utechka informatsii iz Apellyatsionnogo suda Kieva: rakety iz Ukrainy okazalis v Kitaye i Irane!” (Leaked information from Kiev’s Appellate Court: Missiles from Ukraine turn out to be in China and Iran!), Obozrevatel (Kiev),February 3, 2005, in Integrum Techno, <http://www.integrum.com>.
  5. “Russian Heavy-Bomber Delivered Missiles,” NIS Nuclear and Missile Database, Nuclear Threat Initiative website, <http://www.nti.org/db/nisprofs/russia/weapons/bombers/bombers.htm>.
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I have personal reservations about the transfer of such missiles to Iran, personally I don't think it will make difference. Iran does not have the manpower, R&D, technical capability to absorb such technology. They can have a few to use against their enemies, but the purporse would end right there.

If Pakistan had acquired such a missile, it would have "extremely" beneficial for our cruise missile program. The Kh-55SM has a range of 3000km, I only wish babur LACM had that kind of range. I don't know where these indians get the idea babur is really the Kh-55?

what can you say about relations between Pakistan and Ukraine? We know there is significant and "secret" cooperation between the defense industries, but we can only see that with Al-Khalid tank. Is there any cooperation in missile technology? Ukraine was the center of technology for the previous Soviet Union, I'm sure we can get some serious technology for our ICBM's and cruise missiles.
I have personal reservations about the transfer of such missiles to Iran, personally I don't think it will make difference. Iran does not have the manpower, R&D, technical capability to absorb such technology. They can have a few to use against their enemies, but the purporse would end right there.

If Pakistan had acquired such a missile, it would have "extremely" beneficial for our cruise missile program. The Kh-55SM has a range of 3000km, I only wish babur LACM had that kind of range. I don't know where these indians get the idea babur is really the Kh-55?

what can you say about relations between Pakistan and Ukraine? We know there is significant and "secret" cooperation between the defense industries, but we can only see that with Al-Khalid tank. Is there any cooperation in missile technology? Ukraine was the center of technology for the previous Soviet Union, I'm sure we can get some serious technology for our ICBM's and cruise missiles.

Nop no MTCR violation ie no ICBM or cooperation on 3000 km range cruise missile
You see trick is to fly under the radar just like nineties when we just focuses on the Indian threat only and now very few people can object our Atomic program as Islamic bomb unlike Boom Boom approach from Iran where every body even close friends are not willing to cooperate and see you have power I hope you understand what I am trying to say here

Pakistan can itself build True IRBM with 4000 km range and MIRV and that would do the job for Pakistan in short to medium term and for medium to long term SLBM will be great addition to our strategic forces

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