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Nothing changed duffers are still in 1971

The problem is that GHQ culture is rotten to the core with toxic Generals that serve no other purpose than to advance the zionist capitalist/military empire, while sacrificing national interests even for personal selfish interests.

They are clearly installed for a specific purpose - Keep India and Afghanistan in check.

there has never been any civilian accountability of their toxic behaviours, treason, blunders and rampant corruption.

And this toxicity has spread wide in pretty much all state institutions.

No country or company or even family can run without checks and balances. It never works, lets see how long they can stretch their rule this time they country is buried in debt.
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if India was tolerant secular society the educated class of Pakistan will run off to India.
The class who hated living with gangetic people so much they launched a genocide against them in 1971, will flock to live with gangetic people?

The hypothetical class you are referring to does not exist.
It's a common sterotype that Pashtuns are backwards cave dwellers on both sides of the durrand line, but while Afghanistan is rabidly banning girls' education, you will find Pakistani pashtuns walking out of khutbas where the imam speaks against female education.
Balochs who are more Afghan/Iranian
Aside from the insignificant land that Iranian Balochistan is, I don't see how Baloch people are "Iranian," let alone more closely linked to Iran than they are to Sindh.

There are probably more Baloch living in Punjab and Sindh than in Balochistan. The three regions' economies are strongly linked. Sindh's most powerful tribe is Baloch. Lots of Baloch Sardars live in Karachi and send their kids to Karachi schools. I am childhood friends with a few of them myself.

Also, there is around 700km of desert separating core Sindh from core India. They are two very distinct regions, linked only by a foreign bastardisation of the formers' name adopted by the latter.
The class who hated living with gangetic people so much they launched a genocide against them in 1971, will flock to live with gangetic people?

It is a simple choice whether you want to live in a completely alien society (99%) like UK/US/Canada. Do you want to live in a 15% Islamic society with some linguistic affinity ? It may not be choice for all Pakistanis. Anyway the whole thing is hypothetical

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