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Pakistan issues a notification for a ballistic missile test in the Arabian Sea 1/13/21

Itā€™s good time to test 5k and 7k range missiles since US still needs Pakistan in Afghan exit plus post Exit Afghanistan. Sooner or later Afghanistan will end up in a shit show, so better now than later.
There are many ways, excuses and reasons to word the testing of longer range missiles. Indian test can be easier one. Local Political consumption, scientific reasons. Test it and play it down.
not just sanctions but more worse than the sanctions we faced during 90s we might again become one of the most sanctioned countries in the world .....
Agreed! Hence saying we don't need strategic reach beyond India because it will invite sanctions is being naive. We will be hit with sanctions and we need to be prepared both economically as well as militarly incase we get threaten again to be bombed back to stone age, we at least have the means to send them back to iron age.
not just sanctions but more worse than the sanctions we faced during 90s we might again become one of the most sanctioned countries in the world .....
Agreed! Hence saying we don't need strategic reach beyond India because it will invite sanctions is being naive. We will be hit with sanctions and we need to be prepared both economically as well as militarly incase we get threaten again to be bombed back to stone age, we at least have the means to send them back to iron age.
not just sanctions but more worse than the sanctions we faced during 90s we might again become one of the most sanctioned countries in the world .....
We have to come up with ICBM. Sanctions are not that big of a possibility but sooner or later west coming after you militarily is. Pakistan needs both ICBM and SLBM.
We have to come up with ICBM. Sanctions are not that big of a possibility but sooner or later west coming after you militarily is. Pakistan needs both ICBM and SLBM.

US sanctioning Pakistan is a matter of time now and Pakistan being put on the list for using child soldiers crap is just a glaring example of that and its a beginning . Pakistan must be prepared for any legitimate defence needs as our enemies are appearing beyond Indian borders. When India can test over 5k missile then Pakistan should do the same as if we get sanctioned then it exposes Western hypocrisy. Its time for the ICBM as our enemies must not think hurting Pakistan is a one way street.
Time has gone to to sit and scared from sanctions. Pakistan has to face this problem and new Block SCO will reduce this pressure soon.
Time has gone to to sit and scared from sanctions. Pakistan has to face this problem and new Block SCO will reduce this pressure soon.

Pakistan should F' the UN... have there ever been any proposals for a new world government body? I don't think so there has ever been one but this could open and it will create a rift between the world.. If the sanction game is not stopped I could predict many countries leaving the UN and creating their own world government body and creating their own currency... It is an intiative that will be welcomed by many
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