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Ready to work with any government in Pakistan: US


Oct 18, 2007
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ISLAMABAD: US ambassador Anne W. Patterson said that whichever the government would be formed in Pakistan the United States is ready to work with it.

Anne W. Patterson met with Dr. Farooq Sattar of the Muttehadda Qaumi Movement (MQM) in Islamabad.

Later talking with journalists, Dr Farooq Sattar said that he briefed the US ambassador about his party’s agenda.

He said that his party respects the mandates of all parties and wants them to respect his party’s mandate.

The US ambassador said that America wants stability in Pakistan.

She avoided any direct reply to a question regarding President Pervez Musharraf and said that whichever the government would be formed in Pakistan the US would work with it.

Anne Patterson said that America respects the mandate given by the Pakistan people and wants further close relations with the future government of Pakistan.
MS , ANNE .PATTERSON and her country were the biggest problem in and of pakistan, her country is and was trying to distabilize pakistan. america is playing its evil game on the name of WAR ON TERROR.

MS, ANNE herself is involved in interfering pakistans internal and p-olitical affairs directly. it is pakistans natinal bad luck ! that all of pakistani political leaders and even pakistani top military brass were impressesd and under directly USAs adminstrations control.

most of pakistans political leaders were under direct US adminstrational control because of thier crouptions in the past and thier lust of power.

pakistans top military, brass is also under controled by US admistration because of thier faulty runing of state which a crime itself these days, and their illogical decisions on most of the state affairs.
pakistans politicians and pakistani military brass were two opponents in one united country PAKISTAN. its very enjoying for powers like USA to put both of them against each other and rule pakistan with its own needs.

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