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Saints and Soldiers

lol, no, actually, truth is very far from that.

What I tell you is the psyche (Did I spell that right?)

We do train to Identify threats, but what say a man with AK-47 is more of a threat than a 5 years old kids holding a football in the street?

Many many times, kids are used as a tool of war, and things may not be as simply as you seems. There was a story about how a soldier need to kill an unarmed 13 years old kids, because he is feeding info and act as a spotter to a nearby mortar pits.

There were story a woman got hired by the local camp canteen pull out a 9mm and start shooting officer after she finish tidying up the dishes.

We do not shoot kids like they are firecrackers, but when you have to shoot one, what kind of process gone thru your mind? And my last post is exactly just that
So ,that is why in many cases you arrest them, instead of shooting to get info which he was collecting-I don't know about shooting them-but yes I believe that they are more arrested(I don't know I believe maybe b/c mentally I am still not accepting this fact completely that defensive institution can be axis of evil, sorry:D). Indeed there are various cases and actions must be taken accordingly.
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But do you think that they will be afraid of such action? This will not only increase hate against the doer but also they will make preparations and built weapons more passionately.Their moral will be increased and their objective will be "justified" .The doer shall miss not only warfare on ground but its own soldiers will be suffering of psychological disorders (might be possible).
Also,the doer country will lose international support while victim shall gain support and pressure will be build up against the doer country.

Countries and regimes have varying degrees of complicity.
A- brazen, shameless indulgence, as has happened so many times in history,
B- plausible deniability, where criminal elements receive covert support
C- tacit tolerance, where a culture of dehumanization and lax punishment encourages/tolerates "rogue" behavior
D- strict morality and enforcement

I think it's not hard to look through history and find instances of all cases.
So ,that is why in many cases you arrest them, instead of shooting to get info which he was collecting-I don't know about shooting them-but yes I believe that they are more arrested(I don't know I believe maybe b/c mentally I am still not accepting this fact completely that defensive institution can be axis of evil, sorry:D). Indeed there are various cases and actions must be taken accordingly.

We can only arrest a limited amount of people, and most of those dude is hardcore extremist and they don't mind dying, hence the shooting rate is high while the arresting rate is low.

And you are still relating the psyche and what soldier do under training. And this is only basic human instinct to save your own arse.......When you are given a choice between you and him, you choose him 10 out of 10 times.

You cannot be civilize and killing people at the same time, that's probably where my point lies. And at some time and some point, you need to made up your mind about killing, it doesn't matter who is the first one you kill, a dude with AK-47 shooting at you? Or a 5 years old standing in the corner of a street holding a mobile phone.

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