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Zionist Fascism



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Aug 30, 2006
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Zionist Fascism
By Sgt. Harris

Christianity Claims it has been amended from its warrior past by several religious processes. The main were the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Reformation. That Islam needs the same reforms.

Then how does one explain WWI and WWII, Hitler was an Evangelical.

Islam has gone through several changing attempts, one major tamerpering was the creation of the Wahabbi sect, it was an attempt at Evangelicalization of Islam, Wahabbisms desperately dashs to eradicate sprituality from Islam is akin to the Evangelical crusade to wipe out spirituality from Christianity, the Wahabbii’s hold the Shia and the Sufi in contempt, they have launched violent pogroms against these believers, disinformation brought on by a holier than thou attitude, along with hate and fear encouraged by lack of wanting a dialogue.

Fortunately Wahabbiism hasn’t taken hold because the Quran is unchangeable, something holy books should be, there is an notable jealousy of Islam’s ability to gain followers with even with the most ruthless misinformation campaign launched against any faith in history, and thats what worries most Zionists.

Christianity at one time was always at the forefront of fighting oppression.

Islam currently is the only faith uncorrupted by Zionism, whether you belive thats a good thing or it’s a bad thing, the fundemental fact is Zionism can only survive if it is left unchallenged and unquestionable, any other form of belief immediately becomes a threat to this ideaology. Zionism isn’t about accepting everyone, on the contrary Zionism is making everyone, one and the same, differences in person is a Zionist nightmare.

Fear on the other hand is a Zionist tool to enforce it’s hierchy a certain privilaged class is left untouchable while the rest are considered drones and pushed into a slave labor senerio, Nazism didn’t die it just changed it’s name to Zionism.

Islam allows it’s followers to fight oppression Zionism encourages oppression, it encourage corporate megolomania and citizenary obedience. Zionism will fall way of Communism, and facism, it’s foundations are based on those ideologies.

Also there tends to be a lack of respect for other faiths in Zionism’s approach to understanding, as long as they are screaming and you are listening they consider that to be understanding, they will degrade, insult, and demean your beliefs under the guise of reaching out. Taking things out of context, authorizing without verifying and falsifying without concern is all part of the tactics used to attack faith.

Evangelical’s are notorious at using these tactics, because their belief is they are right, a ideology based on destruction such as the Rapture appeals to the hopeless and it’s the hopeless that lack consideration, believing their ailments will be remedied by the utter destruction of everyone else who seems to be hopeful. Attacks on Muslims, Jews, and other Christians is a self satisfying orgasm, for Evangelical Zionists.

Evangelicalism, however, has little sense of the “cultural-linguistic”, inter faith dialogue is sinful, it opens up to other ways of thinking and worse of all understanding. A supremacist feels supreme only if he can remain ignorant. Spend a little time among evangelicals, and you are sure to learn about this revivalism of American Protestantism its distinctive shape of anti-intellectualism.

Evangelical’s embrace Zionism, because they believe Zionism is the Final Solution to the Jewish problem, getting Muslims and Jews to kill each other saves them from another failed Rapture that Adolf Hitler so badly botched up.

Why does Israel play an important role for the Evangelicals. Israel is more than just the only Democracy in the ME, it has a Evangelical decree to follow a fulfilment of Prophecy, Israel will usher in the end of the world according to the faithful.

We have made very familiar with Al Qeada’s end of the world doctrine, I suggest becoming familiar with the Rapturist’s doctrine, both are terrorists, one just happens to be telling the truth about it’s desires to rule the world, the other uses Government cover and the advantage of the “Great White Father” complex.

To put it simply, one doesn’t shave, while other is always clean cut.

What can stop this madness, who has the camera, these days with cellphone camera’s and video cameras available for under $500 and blogs and forums anyone can be a photojournalist, we live in the information age,what that means is we get information, Zionist’s would like to retard that information, but the explosion has occured.

Learning to see the other side’s view, position, concerns, is required for growth as people and as nations.

This happens to be the exact thing Zionist are against, be they Jewish, Christian, Muslim or Atheist, Zionist have always manipulated information, debating’s founding father is Freedom of Speech, but asking for that freedom has now become unpatriotic, in fact un-American.

these evengelicans, how many of them are in iraq? the videos you see of us soldiers talking about them being there to kill satan and bragging about killing sand n*ggers and ragheads, all indoctrined with evangelical christianity/zionism?

the pope's emissary in the holy land recently criticized the evangelicans for their war mongering attitude.
Well Major Averroes the first thing to land safetly in Iraq after the airport was secured, was a air load of Bibles, roughly numbering 300,000, now the US troop level was about 130,000 who where the other Bibles for, theres a story floating around on the net, that stated any Iraqi POW wanted water food so forth had to agree to taking a Bible and attending bible study...

That story no longer exsisted after the Abu gharib scandal broke...
Sgt. Harris quote - Islam currently is the only faith uncorrupted by Zionism..

Huh? You think Christianity is in some way corrupted by Zionism? Where?
On the contrary, Jews reject Jesus outright and have therefore absolutely nothing in common with Christianity..
Jesus said:- "Whoever rejects me rejects God" (Luke 10:16)

Don't get me wrong, Jews are generally nice friendly people (although some of their politicians are useless), but as a Christian I reject Judaism completely..

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