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Zionist those who control America and world. Very well-known faces

Even Joe Biden have forfeited the Irish lineage by having all his 3 children marry into Jewish families, just sayin.
The Biden Administration was trying to do a coup against Bibi.

Thinking the Biden Administration has some kind of deep love of Bibi's ilk is a total misunderstanding of the entire situation.

The Democrats support the secular faction in Israel.

The Republicans (and Russians) support the religious faction in Israel.

The religious faction in Israel is the one that supports doing the things you don't like to the Palestinians.

The same way that the state of Israel was formed with Stalin's support on the understanding that Israel would be a socialist state for both the (secular) Israelis and the (secular) Palestinians, only to get assassinated by the Zionists.
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This guy :


The character was created by writer Jerry Siegel and artist Joe Shuster ...

View attachment 964341
Hmmm...Nigerian hand palms that the "high-IQ" Chinese somehow see as "light-skinned...

Fine..here I walked outside for you so people don't yap that I used special lightbulbs or something

View attachment 964507
I'm half-Irish so being a Northern European you aren't going to get much whiter. You guys are off by an entire continent.

LOL! You are a lot closer to being an Indian than me...and don't you forget it..INDIAN :enjoy:

Even with these pics they will still pull their hair out over and over and over in complete denial.

Your hand looks White.
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