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Preliminary and Final Medical Exam - Pak Army

I go to gym and due to weight lifting i have faced acromioclavicular joint dislocation. Can any brother tell me will it cause disqualification in final medical?
Question concerning the Preliminary and Final Medical Exam for the Army should be asked here. Feel free to ask any question.

Note: Mazay lainay wala hazrat will be dealt with severly.

Here's what goes around:

Initial Medical

1) Minimum Height - 5 feet 4 inches

2) Wieght - As per BMI (Body Mass Index) Chart. It is available over the net, check it out as per you age, height and build.

3)Eyesight - 6/6 with glasses.

4) Should not be color blind

5) No apparant phisical defect.

6) Yes you would have to go naked. Primarily to check that you have not grown breats or something to the effect. A guy would also inspect your gentials with his hands (though not every time) espacially the testicles.

Final Medical (after clearance of ISSB)

1) All the above mentioned checks would be redone.

2) Chest X-ray

3) Blood picture

4) Urine test

5) A visit to ENT specialist - He will 'look into' your ears for ear drum damage etc.

6) A visit to Surgical and Medical specialist.

7) Yep, you would have to go naked again. This time you will also be required to do things like bending over, showing our behind to the doc and coughing.

Any further questions, feel free to ask.

I have a deviated nasal septum. do they immediately disqualify on this matter or they give us time to get it operated? Also, what if I get it operated prior to the medical examination? Will they object that I got this operated without their consent? I'm applying for Commission in Navy so please reply asap. Thanks in advance :)
I have a deviated nasal septum. do they immediately disqualify on this matter or they give us time to get it operated? Also, what if I get it operated prior to the medical examination? Will they object that I got this operated without their consent? I'm applying for Commission in Navy so please reply asap. Thanks in advance :)
bhi in which field you are going to apply ?
I have a deviated nasal septum. do they immediately disqualify on this matter or they give us time to get it operated? Also, what if I get it operated prior to the medical examination? Will they object that I got this operated without their consent? I'm applying for Commission in Navy so please reply asap. Thanks in advance :)
Yes u can get it operated...no issues and even if u dont and SC doctor has any objections then they will give u time to it operated.
brother can you guide me regarding initial test and medical for weapon engineering branch. I applied for SSC weapon Engineering branch.
sorry bro, only know as much as you do.. ask seniors here.. sorry :(

Yes u can get it operated...no issues and even if u dont and SC doctor has any objections then they will give u time to it operated.
Thanks alot for your answer :) One more thing. do they check your teeth too?? i've a bad tooth :D
sorry bro, only know as much as you do.. ask seniors here.. sorry :(

Thanks alot for your answer :) One more thing. do they check your teeth too?? i've a bad tooth :D
Yes they do but no issues even if u have bad teeth.
i have couple of questions, im in last year of Bachelors(Software Engineering) and im 22 years old, can i join Pak Army after BS?
What about the initial test? is the syllabus same for FSC students and Graduate students who are applying for long course?
Will they still put me in Engg. Core after long course because ive done BS in Engineering?
Thanks in Advance
Question concerning the Preliminary and Final Medical Exam for the Army should be asked here. Feel free to ask any question.

Note: Mazay lainay wala hazrat will be dealt with severly.

Here's what goes around:

Initial Medical

1) Minimum Height - 5 feet 4 inches

2) Wieght - As per BMI (Body Mass Index) Chart. It is available over the net, check it out as per you age, height and build.

3)Eyesight - 6/6 with glasses.

4) Should not be color blind

5) No apparant phisical defect.

6) Yes you would have to go naked. Primarily to check that you have not grown breats or something to the effect. A guy would also inspect your gentials with his hands (though not every time) espacially the testicles.

Final Medical (after clearance of ISSB)

1) All the above mentioned checks would be redone.

2) Chest X-ray

3) Blood picture

4) Urine test

5) A visit to ENT specialist - He will 'look into' your ears for ear drum damage etc.

6) A visit to Surgical and Medical specialist.

7) Yep, you would have to go naked again. This time you will also be required to do things like bending over, showing our behind to the doc and coughing.

Any further questions, feel free to ask.
today was my Preliminary medical and i am 6 cm(74cm) UC captain there has given me 2 week time please tell me how to increase my chest size

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