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Dear Chinese and Turkish members

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If Only Permanent Bans were more used... instead of Having the same cancer members in every side...coming back again and again...
What are we acting like? Putting a ban on BOTH is not good?

Got out of hand is a simple word...It was like World War!

And that to between our favourite countries?! Asking us to choose sides and at the same time saying bad things to one another?! I have issued warnings and negative ratings to BOTH Chinese and Turks and mind you it gave me no pleasure! I rather a ban than having to do that again!

Why don't you want to understand?

We Turks open a thread about Muslim Turks of East Turkestan in de-islamization/identification; mention their conditions. Chinese members cannot defend their government policies and go for retaliation against us.

However, you hold us Turks responsible for actions of China and Chinese retaliation here.

Where is the logic and justice here?
Because we all know it takes 2 to tango! Even on this thread the lengthy post by a Chinese was equivalent to a chest beating chimp!
There's no chest beating. It's only the truth. The cold, hard, heartless truth.
If only life were as easy as clicking a negative rating button, brother. As I said, what's happening in this forum is just a small microcosm of what China's rise is doing to the world around us. And it's only just beginning. The truth is bitter to some, but bitterness cannot change the truth.
Yes...if only life were that easy!

China's rise is not effecting anything but only fueling ego into the heads of many Chinese! :)

As for me, I actually don't mind being barred from posting in the Turkish section. I couldn't care less about the Turkish section or those in it. To me, they and their opinions are beneath notice - but when they trespass on China, you'd better believe I'll verbally incinerate them.
And here is the display of the ego :agree:

IF you claim you couldnt care less about the Turkish section then why do you and your countrymen visit it to troll it to pieces?

I take the opportunity again to invite you to reflect on Pakistan's future, and whether some of the relationships and weltanschauung it has now serve its interests. I might be an e-nobody, but deep down you know that what I'm saying is true.

It's why you reached for the negative rating button before.
Oh I reached for that button to save people's eyes from the sore of a post you presented...It showed a really disturbed mentality which I do not wish Chinese members to be viewed as :enjoy:
It is also unfair that this forum be used like a war chimney for firing and fueling hatred against each other!

Can you tell me how spreading hatred, calling foul words to Chinese members is going to help your Turkish Brothers in East Turkestan?

Yes that is why there is a ban on them too! We know it takes 2 to tango! :)

Such threads will be closed from now on...Anything on XINJIANG will be closed for the next few weeks to months until BOTH of you learn to behave!

it is always dangerous to make generalization no doubt there are some people (well know by all of us including the mods) who are using the forum like a war chimeny for firing and fueling hatred! however, my humble opinion is, this is why we have mods here right? to take care of the trouble makers and provide a civilized platform for people to share their oppnion and discuss! as I wrote guilt is personal therefore the punishments have to be personal as well. As you know there are some well prepared historical content on East Turkistan as well for instance https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/turkic-dna-east-tuerkistan.603822/ So telling the Turks in PDF to be silent on this matter is not accaptable by any standarts.
Why don't you want to understand?

We Turks open a thread about Muslim Turks of East Turkestan in de-islamization/identification; mention their conditions. Chinese members cannot defend their government policies and go for retaliation against us.

However, you hold us Turks responsible for actions of China and Chinese retaliation here.

Where is the logic and justice here?
No I dont hold Turks responsible for the Chinese retaliation...I have CLEARLY mentioned BOTH Chinese and Turks are HELD responsible and are not to be allowed certain topics!
China should stop this madness its not a tine to esclate fight with already in fighting with US and japan

Bring cobfidence and peace either way i see we are going to WW 3

chins vs usa
China vs turkey
China vs japan
Pak vs iran pak vs india
Ksa cs iran
Usa vs russia
Uae vs iran
Israel vs turkey
Boys (People) we have a bigger problem here. Could you postpone meaningless this debate for one month?
* First of all, you aren't going to solve Uygurian people problem on this website.
* Turkish media have focused on the local election and everything is irrelevant. Even websites as quiet as a mouse. There is not enough information about the latest news about the Pakistan-India conflict.
Even Erdogan can't help but feel the power of China,

You can attack only unarmed Uyghurs , nothing else

You chinese will lick Turkish balls , soon very soon

Turkey yet did not start the using cards against China
without Turks ( Turkey,Kazakhstan,Azerbaijan ) China's OBOR project is nothing

26.02.2019 - ANKARA Chinese Ambassador to Turkey Deng Li meet with Turkish foreign minister
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however, my humble opinion is, this is why we have mods here right?
Yes and no. You see we are here. However, we are only volunteering human beings who have to view this fight!
We are not paid to babysit either side, we use our time (I have spent some 2-3 hrs in a day just clearing out the report section - this does not include the UNREPORTED cleaning we sometimes have to do).

IF we the mods decide some topic needs a break we announce it and that is what I did...It isnt anything personal nor is it holding 1 side responsible! Nor do I like my Turkish brothers exchanging heated arguments which benefits no one!

Boys (People) we have a bigger problem here. Could you postpone meaningless this debate for one month?
* First of all, you aren't going to solve Uygurian people problem on this website.
* Turkish media have focused on the local election and everything is irrelevant. Even websites as quiet as a mouse. There is not enough information about the latest news about the Pakistan-India conflict.
I want to give you a thumbs p for the 1st part!

2nd part was irrelevant...This thread is ONLY about my Turkish and Chinese friends! :)
That is the point.

We open a thread about the current and real situation; and the other side cannot defend it, instead go for retaliation. At this point, the forum moderation hold us responsible for the other side.

If the logic is like this, that means the forum has bowed down to the threats of the other side and held in custody by the ''other sides''. Does this sound logical and fair?
The forum hasn't bowed down to anyone. Moderators are just busy playing whac-a-mole and apparently they are tired of it. Anyone who badmouths is a mole popping and deserves to be whacked.
Wow... They ban you for anything here, but almost never touch a crazy Chinese troll. I am done with Pakistani adminstration. It stinks.
You can attack only unarmed Uyghurs , nothing else

You chinese will lick Turkish balls , soon very soon

Turkey yet did not start the using cards against China
without Turks ( Turkey,Kazakhstan,Azerbaijan ) China's OBOR project is nothing
Thank you for the example!

Here is an example of things that is not allowed on this forum! Irrespective of whose balls whoever is supposed to lick...SUCH kind of language is a no no!

THIS needs to stop!
No I dont hold Turks responsible for the Chinese retaliation...I have CLEARLY mentioned BOTH Chinese and Turks are HELD responsible and are not to be allowed certain topics!

I repeat...

Honestly You cannot expect us Turks sit back and watch de-Islamization and Identification of Muslim Turks in East Turkestan, and say nothing, do nothing.

It is against the nature of any living beings to watch such things happen to any of her family. Please do not want such thing from us.

We Turks open a thread about Muslim Turks of East Turkestan in de-islamization/identification; mention their conditions. Chinese members cannot defend their governmental policies and go for retaliation against us.

However, you hold us Turks responsible for actions of China and Chinese retaliation here.

Where is the logic and justice here?
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