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Indian NRC/CAB reaction in Bangladesh

Mr Permit Shah, this is not your job
The fresh glare coincided with a move by US Senators to seek information on the Kashmir clampdown

By Anita Joshua in New Delhi
  • Published 15.02.20, 3:42 AM
  • Updated 15.02.20, 3:42 AM
  • 3 mins read

Amit Shah(File photo)

Union home minister Amit Shah’s offer to grant permission to politicians to visit Jammu and Kashmir has opened him to Opposition ridicule and charges of misrepresentation.

The fresh glare coincided with a move by US Senators to seek information on the Kashmir clampdown, which has surprised analysts because it came too close to President Donald Trump’s visit to India later this month.

The European Union, while acknowledging positive steps to restore normality in Kashmir, on Friday called for the swift lifting of the remaining restrictions in the new Union Territory.

The Opposition deployed sarcasm and cited specific instances to challenge Shah after he said at the Times Now conclave on Thursday that “they (Rahul Gandhi and Sitaram Yechury) never went to Kashmir after they were stopped once. They can go now. Anyone can go there now, we will give permission to everyone.”

CPM general secretary Yechury, who was detained twice at Srinagar airport before he approached the Supreme Court for permission to visit, was quick to respond: “Since when do Indians need permission to travel to any other part of India from Amit Shah?”

Yechury called out the inaccuracies in Shah’s statement.

“I went again to Kashmir, Mr Shah, without your condescending permission, but after filing a case in the Supreme Court. You not only run a brutal and insensitive government but also an incompetent one, if your agencies didn’t tell you that I went to Kashmir thrice,” Yechury tweeted.

The CPI’s D. Raja, who had gone along with Yechury on the first two attempts to visit Srinagar, had the same question for Shah.

“Who is he to give us permission to visit a part of this country? On the one hand, the government claims that normalcy has returned, and then he says permission is needed. What kind of normalcy is this?’’

Raja and Yechury were the first politicians to try to visit Srinagar soon after the constitutional contours of the erstwhile state were changed in early August. The two leaders were turned away from the airport itself, not allowed to exit it or even engage with other passengers inside.

Subsequently, both Left leaders went with other Opposition party members, including Congress MP Rahul, only to be turned away again from the airport.

Eventually, Yechury first and then former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Ghulam Nabi Azad managed to enter Srinagar with the Supreme Court’s intervention.

On Friday, the RJD’s Manoj Jha used sarcasm in his response: “Thank you @AmitShah ji for this ‘great favour’ in a democratic country. But before we decide to visit as you have now very kindly ‘allowed’ us... would we be able to meet your/our colleagues like @F_Abdullah01 @OmarAbdullah @MehboobaMufti…? Waiting!”

Further, Jha told reporters: “I am grateful to the honourable home minister for giving us permission to go somewhere. This is the current status of our democracy where the home minister will decide who can go where. Anyway, now that you have given us permission to go after organising a couple of conducted tours for legislators from abroad and diplomats, we are ready to go.

“But will we go and ask the Chinar tree how do you like the normalcy? Please give us permission also to meet the detained leaders. And, after we return, we shall publicly express our gratitude to the home minister for allowing us to travel in our own country.”

The Opposition has been upset over the government facilitating visits for foreign legislators and diplomats while preventing India’s own politicians from visiting Jammu and Kashmir and meet their colleagues and interact freely with the people.

In October, the government had facilitated a private visit of members of the European Parliament — mostly from far-Right parties — and in January and again this week, diplomats based in Delhi were taken to the new Union Territory on a conducted visit.

Asked about their head of mission’s assessment of the visit, Virginie Battu-Henriksson, the EU spokesperson for foreign affairs and security policy, said: “The visit confirmed that the government of India has taken positive steps to restore normalcy. Some restrictions remain, notably on Internet access and mobile services, and some political leaders are still in detention. While we recognise the serious security concerns, it is important that the remaining restrictions be lifted swiftly.”

The two-day visit to Srinagar and Jammu ended on Thursday and was followed up on Friday with a briefing by national security adviser Ajit Doval.

Four members of the US Senate have written to secretary of state Mike Pompeo seeking details on detentions and the clampdown in Jammu and Kashmir, besides the number of individuals at risk of statelessness in case the NRC is implemented.

They also sought information on excessive use of force against those protesting the Citizenship (Amendment) Act. Pompeo has been given 30 days to respond.

The letter — signed by two senators each from the Republicans and the Democrats — reminds the US government of the inclusion of Kashmir-related restrictions in the Foreign Operations and Related Programs Appropriations Report, describing the Modi government’s actions as “troubling”.

The letter of the senators has surprised Capitol Hill watchers, coming as it does less than a fortnight before President Trump embarks on his India visit, more so because one of the signatories is Lindsey Graham, known to be close to Trump.

South Asia senior associate at the Washington-based Wilson Centre, Michael Kugelman, tweeted: “I’m not one to overstate the impact of Congress’s criticism of India, but this is big — a strongly worded letter from a bipartisan group of senators, including Lindsey Graham who has Trump’s ear on foreign policy issues. This isn’t liberal bias. It’s a tough bipartisan message.”

12:19 pm, February 5, 2020 / Last Updated: 12:39 pm, February 1, 2020

I have to go to Detention Camp because my parents do not know my birthplace: Rajasthan Chief Minister


State Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot spoke at the anti-CAA movement in Jaipur yesterday. Photo: Collected

Star Online Desk

Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot remarked that he would also have to go to detention camp because his parents did not know his birthplace. He also called on the central government to repeal the citizenship law to protect India's peace and harmony.

He made the remarks yesterday after appearing in the anti-CAA movement in Jaipur, Rajasthan. India's media Times of India reports this.

Jaipur has been protesting against citizenship law for almost two months. Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot was there yesterday.

"If I cannot give my (parents) details, then I will have to go to the detention center," he said. I do not know the birthplace of my parents. You are sure that if such a situation occurs I will go to the Detention Center first. "

The Chief Minister of Rajasthan also said, “The government has the right to make laws. The law has to be taken into consideration of the countrymen. Protests are taking place all over the country, like Delhi's Shaheenbagh. Therefore, before the central government, people have to understand the emotions.

Ashok Gehlot said, “The citizenship law is against the constitution of the country. The Center should repeal this law. ”
1:40 AM, February 27, 2020 / Last Updated: 1:20 pm, February 27, 2020
Delhi Following Gujarat model, death toll now 38

দিল্লী সংঘর্ষের নমুনা। ছবি: এএফপি

Samples of the Delhi collision. Photo: AFP

Star Online Desk

The death toll in the communal clashes in Delhi has risen to five. Indian media reported the Times of India and NDTV. However, Delhi police claimed that the situation was normal today.

Meanwhile, Aam Aadmi Party leader Tahir Hussain has been charged with murder, arson and clashes Thursday evening. He has been accused of involvement in the murder of Intelligence Officer Ankit Sharma. However, Tahir denied the allegations.

Until Tuesday night, neither Prime Minister Narendra Modi nor President Ram Nath Kobind had made a public statement about the violence in northeast Delhi. The Prime Minister tweeted and urged Delhiites to remain calm on Wednesday.

According to Home Minister Amit Shah, government officials have urged the media to perform their duties properly. He also appealed to the people not to spread rumors.

Without the government's propaganda on the conflict in Delhi, no special initiative was seen. Moreover, what is being propagated as a conflict between two parties is not a reflection of the correct picture. Strong allegations have been made that the police along with BJP cadres and cadres are attacking the mostly Muslim residents of Northeast Delhi, burning houses and shops.

On Tuesday night, South Asian analyst Michael Kugelman tweeted, "Violence continues in New Delhi due to high levels of silence by the Indian government. They are now having the worst time of the year. Yet they are deaf. Which is sad and worrying. At such times, peace and unity are very much needed. Nothing can be heard about that. "

ছবি দ্য টেলিগ্রাফের সৌজন্যে

Photo courtesy of The Telegraph

Though the Indian government was silent, one Justice S Muralidhar was especially vocal on the Delhi conflict. The hearing of the case was going on in his Ejlaas. He sharply criticized the central government, state government and Delhi police in the case yesterday morning.

During the hearing of the case, Justice S Muralidhar said, "We do not want another anti-Sikh riot." On that day, the court directed Delhi Police to ensure proper treatment of the injured in the riots. The court also directed the FIR to be filed against the three BJP leaders.

Due to such a decision, on Wednesday night, Justice M Muralidhar also had to fall under the wrath of the Indian government. His transfer was ordered Wednesday night. He has been transferred from the Delhi High Court to the Punjab and Haryana High Court.

Narendra Modi was the Chief Minister during the hellish violence in Gujarat, and Amit Shah was the Home Minister of Gujarat. Now Narendra Modi is the Prime Minister of India, Amit Shah is the Union Home Minister. Compare that with the Gujarat massacre in the Indian media. Compared to Nero's flute context.
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1:40 AM, February 27, 2020 / Last Updated: 1:40 AM, February 27, 2020
What is happening in Delhi is not a 'riot'

দিল্লিতে সংঘর্ষে নিহত ব্যক্তির স্বজনের আহাজারি। ২৭ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২০। ছবি: রয়টার্স

Relatives in Delhi mourning their family member killed in clashes on 28 February 2021. Photo: Reuters

What is happening in Delhi is not a 'riot', those who call it a riot are commenting on the Gerua (saffron) forces of India either intentionally or unintentionally. I refuse to call it a "clash of anti-CAA and CAA-supporters". What is happening is the state-backed Gerua (saffron) Hindutva terrorist attack - the Muslim population is its first target but not the only target. In the future, others will be affected. The target is a pluralistic India.

The attacks and killings in Delhi are one of the phased steps to create a Hindu state. Section 370 repealed, NRC, CAA - these are part of that step; In the same manner, armed men have now been mobilized against the people of India who believe in pluralism, the police in India are in alignment with the Hindutva armed terrorist forces.

With their group rejected in the Delhi elections the BJP and the Sangh Parivar families are now trying to show that they will implement their agenda with the use of force. They will tackle any obstacle with brute, crude action. The BJP is now relying on the fanaticism of ideological armed Hindutva fanatics, not on the force of the 37 per cent of the votes cast in the last elections across the country for them.

The role of the Kejriwal administration in Delhi is now in question. Greetings to the unequal adventure of those who have been on the highways and by-ways in Delhi - the resistance that has raised a large part of the citizens of India over the past few months. The bloodshed of murder in Delhi is in the hands of Modi - whoever is dragging him in the chest, those who are holding him like Trump will also have to take responsibility for the murders by being an accessory to these events in the future.

It is important to remember that this war is not only for the citizens of India - its future is concerned with the interests of the citizens of all South Asian countries. The rise of the Modi and Hindutva in India and the influence of India's behavior on other South Asian countries has been, is, and will continue to be a factor of interest to South Asian countries. That is why it is necessary to stand up for this fight, express sympathy and prepare for protest in the presence of Modi and the RSS family in the future.
1:40 AM, February 27, 2020 / Last Updated: 1:40 AM, February 27, 2020
What is happening in Delhi is not a 'riot'

দিল্লিতে সংঘর্ষে নিহত ব্যক্তির স্বজনের আহাজারি। ২৭ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২০। ছবি: রয়টার্স

Relatives in Delhi mourning their family member killed in clashes on 28 February 2021. Photo: Reuters

What is happening in Delhi is not a 'riot', those who call it a riot are commenting on the Gerua (saffron) forces of India either intentionally or unintentionally. I refuse to call it a "clash of anti-CAA and CAA-supporters". What is happening is the state-backed Gerua (saffron) Hindutva terrorist attack - the Muslim population is its first target but not the only target. In the future, others will be affected. The target is a pluralistic India.

The attacks and killings in Delhi are one of the phased steps to create a Hindu state. Section 370 repealed, NRC, CAA - these are part of that step; In the same manner, armed men have now been mobilized against the people of India who believe in pluralism, the police in India are in alignment with the Hindutva armed terrorist forces.

With their group rejected in the Delhi elections the BJP and the Sangh Parivar families are now trying to show that they will implement their agenda with the use of force. They will tackle any obstacle with brute, crude action. The BJP is now relying on the fanaticism of ideological armed Hindutva fanatics, not on the force of the 37 per cent of the votes cast in the last elections across the country for them.

The role of the Kejriwal administration in Delhi is now in question. Greetings to the unequal adventure of those who have been on the highways and by-ways in Delhi - the resistance that has raised a large part of the citizens of India over the past few months. The bloodshed of murder in Delhi is in the hands of Modi - whoever is dragging him in the chest, those who are holding him like Trump will also have to take responsibility for the murders by being an accessory to these events in the future.

It is important to remember that this war is not only for the citizens of India - its future is concerned with the interests of the citizens of all South Asian countries. The rise of the Modi and Hindutva in India and the influence of India's behavior on other South Asian countries has been, is, and will continue to be a factor of interest to South Asian countries. That is why it is necessary to stand up for this fight, express sympathy and prepare for protest in the presence of Modi and the RSS family in the future.
Remember the ryhme that you used to hear from your grandmother in your childhood? Read again, just insert the word sanghi instead of bargi ( বর্গী).
The ryhme is,

Khoka ghumalo para juralo bargi ( read sanghi) elo deshe
Bulbuli te dhan kheyeche khajna debo Kise,
Dhan phuralo pan phuralo khajnar upay ki
Ar kota din sobur Koro rosun bunechhi.

The bargi terrorism now turned in to sanghi terrorism. Bargis were uncontrollable after the death of Aurangzeb , it looks sanghis are becoming uncontrollable like Bargis that time.

Both dacoit groups ( sanghi and bargi) seat in power and started masscare!
Remember the ryhme that you used to hear from your grandmother in your childhood? Read again, just insert the word sanghi instead of bargi ( বর্গী).
The ryhme is,

Khoka ghumalo para juralo bargi ( read sanghi) elo deshe
Bulbuli te dhan kheyeche khajna debo Kise,
Dhan phuralo pan phuralo khajnar upay ki
Ar kota din sobur Koro rosun bunechhi.

The bargi terrorism now turned in to sanghi terrorism. Bargis were uncontrollable after the death of Aurangzeb , it looks sanghis are becoming uncontrollable like Bargis that time.

Both dacoit groups ( sanghi and bargi) seat in power and started masscare!

Well these new 'Bargis' may be jumping up and down a lot - but this is not the naive 17th or 18th century anymore. They will be given proper 'reception' if they ever cross the border.
Well these new 'Bargis' may be jumping up and down a lot - but this is not the naive 17th or 18th century anymore. They will be given proper 'reception' if they ever cross the border.
Bargi was terrible, and they occupied most of Indian land in 1759. Wikipedia said. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maratha_Empire.

Can the new bargis be given the same treatment? There is no Aurangzeb or not even alibardi Khan. Even tipu sultan lost battle against them. Look at the map ( wiki link) , it's same as present days BJP area. What a magic! BJP just grasp bihar and borgis didn't. Almost all are same.

So borgi dacoits were the same terrorist before, like present days.

However thankfully the borgis lost the third battle of panipat against durrani empire, that is present days Pakistan and Afghanistan. Can Pakistan dismantle the new borgis again?

Will there be another battle of panipat? Who is gonna lead the battle?

However maratha empire was dissolved after third Anglo maratha war ( 1805 - 1818) , and then East India company took control of total India. So now who will be doing that?

Game should be played like that time when USA dissolved Soviet, because now only balkanization of India can dissolve the demonic entity.

If they will be taken down in next Indian election, they will come again to power with more ferocity. Atleast history is the witness about there dacoit nature.

So not election, only balkanization of India is the real solution of this problem. But again, is it really possible,if yes then how long it will take?
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'All airports will be shut down if Modi arrives'
Online desk
Online February 26, 2024, Saturday, 6:19 pm | Last Updated: 4:00


If the patience barrier breaks down, there will be dire situation. Hefazat-e-Islam Bangladesh Secretary General Junaid Babunagari has said that if Modi comes to Bangladesh, the entire country, including Dhaka, will be shut down.

Speaking to the chief guest at the protest rally in front of Hathazari Madrasa today, he said that the government should take responsibility for the situation in the country due to Modi's arrival. The people of the country will not tolerate the Hindutva terrorist on the soil of Bangladesh, neither the terrorist massacre of Delhi, nor the massacre of Gujarat.

The protest rally was also addressed by senior teachers of Hathazari Madrasa, Maulana Nurul Islam Jadid, custody leader Mufti Mahmudul Hassan Gunawi, Maulana Nasim Saheb, Maulana Mir Muhammad Qasem, Maulana Mufti Muhammad.
'All airports will be shut down if Modi arrives'
Online desk
Online February 26, 2024, Saturday, 6:19 pm | Last Updated: 4:00


If the patience barrier breaks down, there will be dire situation. Hefazat-e-Islam Bangladesh Secretary General Junaid Babunagari has said that if Modi comes to Bangladesh, the entire country, including Dhaka, will be shut down.

Speaking to the chief guest at the protest rally in front of Hathazari Madrasa today, he said that the government should take responsibility for the situation in the country due to Modi's arrival. The people of the country will not tolerate the Hindutva terrorist on the soil of Bangladesh, neither the terrorist massacre of Delhi, nor the massacre of Gujarat.

The protest rally was also addressed by senior teachers of Hathazari Madrasa, Maulana Nurul Islam Jadid, custody leader Mufti Mahmudul Hassan Gunawi, Maulana Nasim Saheb, Maulana Mir Muhammad Qasem, Maulana Mufti Muhammad.
Hifazat is strong. Remember what they had done in 2013? I am afraid, and wondering how govt will manage them? AL played a dirty card by inviting Modi. If Modi come if can cause AL serious trouble of hefazat really act as they said.
Hifazat is strong. Remember what they had done in 2013? I am afraid, and wondering how govt will manage them? AL played a dirty card by inviting Modi. If Modi come if can cause AL serious trouble of hefazat really act as they said.
You will see that Modi himself will cancel the visit. Hefazat actually talking on behalf of Hasina due to strategic reasons.
You will see that Modi himself will cancel the visit. Hefazat actually talking on behalf of Hasina due to strategic reasons.
Oh yes, that could be true! It's great news then, hifazat is now AL ally, so yes you are right I think. Thanks for the idea bro!

What about jamat, why they are on street? Did they also became AL ally secretly?? I won't be surprised if it happened! I know the might of AL laboratory, the converter machine of Razakar to freedom fighter and freedom fighter to Razakar lol.
@Old School
Oh yes, that could be true! It's great news then, hifazat is now AL ally, so yes you are right I think. Thanks for the idea bro!

What about jamat, why they are on street? Did they also became AL ally secretly?? I won't be surprised if it happened!
Jamat is traditionally always a pro-establishment party since it's inception during the British time. Same here in Pakistan. However, BD Jamat switched their qibla to Qatar from Saudi since 2010. They are now funded by Turkey-Qatar-Malaysia based Brotherhood. Yes, BD Jamat is now divided into two factions. The younger faction works with AL.

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