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May 1, 2015
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Author: PDF


Operation Enduring Freedom ended on 28 December, 2014, marking the complete annihilation of Al-Qaeda infrastructure, manpower and any organized presence inside Afghanistan. U.S. had shown the world that it has the power and capacity to mercilessly strike its enemies anywhere and deliver its judgment on them. What followed it had Americans divided. U.S. now wanted to champion Nation-Building.

Afghanistan has never been a peaceful country. Throughout its history, it has been fighting against any outside intervention, and if not that, they had different warring factions fighting between themselves. Afghanistan was also the battlefield between Soviet Union and U.S. allies during the cold war, which eventually led to the fall of Soviet Union.

Afghanistan has truly earned the title, “Graveyard of Empires”.

Militarily, U.S. and NATO forces operating inside Afghanistan have been fairly successful. Afghan Taliban, which provided refuge to Al-Qaeda, were thrown out from their rule; the country bombed wherever running miscreants tried to hide. Afghanistan shares border with Iran, Pakistan, China and former Soviet States. Thus, from a geo-strategic point of view, it is located at a very important land. Military operations have helped NATO gain invaluable experiences both in tactical and in strategic battles. Even though, the military presence came at the cost of thousands of casualties and hundreds of billions of dollars, it helped the global peace and promoted counter-terrorism in the entire region.


Today, Intra-Afghan peace process is ongoing albeit with occasional hiatuses, where both the Afghan government and Afghan Taliban are talking to each other and planning out the future of their country. For U.S., Afghan Taliban was never the primary enemy, but it was their support of Al-Qaeda which led America to target them. Under the previous U.S. administration led by Former President Donald Trump, U.S. secured a deal with Afghan Taliban, under which the Taliban guaranteed that no territory of Afghanistan will be used or any support provided by them against United States or its allies.

Despite all of this, Afghanistan faces an unprecedented surge in violence, while ANSF in spite of years of assistance and training by NATO, and find themselves difficult to defend off attacks. Moreover, ISIS has gained strength in several regions in the country, with many of its members consisting of battle-hardened former TTP fighters (Pakistani Taliban). Ironically, Afghan Taliban have fought off ISIS presence and helped in diminishing their fighting capacity. Afghan Government has also been cooperating with Afghan Taliban in providing education in areas under Taliban control.


After a long deliberate review of the U.S.- Taliban peace deal under the new administration led by Biden, it has been announced that the officially 2500 force left inside Afghanistan will abandon their positions to return back to U.S. homeland. U.S. along with other international donors will nevertheless, have to continue to finance the fragile economy of Afghanistan and pump billions of dollars annually. However, the retraction helps to keep NATO troops out of harm’s way.

For the purpose of counter-terrorism and to keep a check on whether Afghan Taliban honor their part of commitments, a proposal where Uncle Sam keep a small, special forces contingent nearby is lucrative; and for it, U.S. will have to shake hands with the devil, Pakistan. U.S. and Pakistan has had a very turbulent relationship but, both have needed one another to safeguard their interests respectively. U.S. can release withheld helicopters, and security assistance to Pakistan and maneuver a deal involving establishing a base near its Afghanistan border. The base can also be utilized to monitor Pakistan nuclear program and in case of any emergency, direct the troops to secure Pakistani nukes, as many U.S. officials somewhat believed or continue to do so.

U.S Army.jpg

(Photo Credit: U.S. Army)

The Afghanistan Papers highlighted by Washington Post on 9th Dec, 2019, summed up the situation regarding Afghanistan pretty well. American public were fed lies and misled to believe the occupation of Afghanistan is helping the U.S. The truth is, Afghanistan will continue to be in turmoil in the near future and only the Afghans themselves can carve out a future for their country. As far as U.S is concerned, it’s time to bring soldiers back home and focus inwards; and that is exactly the POTUS is Knuckling down, more so in the light of evolving Russian and Chinese threats.
I really don't understand why IA does not send a Corps or 2 to Afghanistan. It has so many benefits

1) BJP will get massive PR boost at home especially with Hindutva crowed.
2) Closer Relationship with Uncle Sam. This will bring better equipment and diplomatic support to India to take back Pakistan Occupied Kashmir.
3) Encircle Pakistan.
4) Can protect the Secular and non Muslim population of Afghanistan against the beastly talibs.
5) Mountain trekking is really good for fitness !!

Grow a pair Saffron Chaddi!
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The Afghanistan Papers highlighted by Washington Post on 9th Dec, 2019, summed up the situation regarding Afghanistan pretty well. American public were fed lies and misled to believe the occupation of Afghanistan is helping the U.S. The truth is, Afghanistan will continue to be in turmoil in the near future and only the Afghans themselves can carve out a future for their country. As far as U.S is concerned, it’s time to bring soldiers back home and focus inwards; and that is exactly the POTUS is Knuckling down, more so in the light of evolving Russian and Chinese threats.

Isn't this one more example supporting Churchill's famous contention that American can always be relied upon to to the right thing, but only after trying everything else?
I really don't understand why IA does not send a Corps or 2 to Afghanistan. It has so many benefits

1) BJP will get massive PR boost at home especially with Hindutva crowed.
2) Closer Relationship with Uncle Sam. This will bring better equipment and diplomatic support to India to take back Pakistan Occupied Kashmir.
3) Encircle Pakistan.
4) Cant protect the Secular and non Muslim population of Afghanistan against the beastly talibs.
5) Mountain trekking is really good for fitness !!

Grow a pair Saffron Chaddi!
Historically speaking, the folks from Afganistan have mowed the Indians down, not the other way round.....
Isn't this one more example supporting Churchill's famous contention that American can always be relied upon to to the right thing, but only after trying everything else?

TBH, we still don't know if things will go as planned of not. AT might resume targetting foreign forces after 1st May, which might make NATO reconsider their decision to withdraw.

And from purely Afghanistan's point of view and to protect their interests, I must say U.S. withdrawal is a wrong wrong decision. Afghanistan can not stand on it's own feet and require the support America will roll back.

So is it a right decision? Probably not; but it is a determination Biden had to make.
TBH, we still don't know if things will go as planned of not. AT might resume targetting foreign forces after 1st May, which might make NATO reconsider their decision to withdraw.

And from purely Afghanistan's point of view and to protect their interests, I must say U.S. withdrawal is a wrong wrong decision. Afghanistan can not stand on it's own feet and require the support America will roll back.

So is it a right decision? Probably not; but it is a determination Biden had to make.

As I said elsewhere, things will get clearer as the President's decision is implemented and all the details are worked out over the next few months. I think Pakistan will make out okay, but let's see.
US troops must come home, enough blood has been shed for a lost cause, let the other Powers decide future of Afghanistan, its not American's duty to build Afghan nation and its principles they have to do it themselves, this meaningless war has to end, but personally i believe that Biden will back down from this decision, i've seen a constant criticism on his decision on almost every US new outlet, those war hungry people will make sure that Americans keep dying in a far away land, fighting for the people who literally don't give a F about them at all .

Author: PDF

View attachment 734316

Operation Enduring Freedom ended on 28 December, 2014, marking the complete annihilation of Al-Qaeda infrastructure, manpower and any organized presence inside Afghanistan. U.S. had shown the world that it has the power and capacity to mercilessly strike its enemies anywhere and deliver its judgment on them. What followed it had Americans divided. U.S. now wanted to champion Nation-Building.

Afghanistan has never been a peaceful country. Throughout its history, it has been fighting against any outside intervention, and if not that, they had different warring factions fighting between themselves. Afghanistan was also the battlefield between Soviet Union and U.S. allies during the cold war, which eventually led to the fall of Soviet Union.

Militarily, U.S. and NATO forces operating inside Afghanistan have been fairly successful. Afghan Taliban, which provided refuge to Al-Qaeda, were thrown out from their rule; the country bombed wherever running miscreants tried to hide. Afghanistan shares border with Iran, Pakistan, China and former Soviet States. Thus, from a geo-strategic point of view, it is located at a very important land. Military operations have helped NATO gain invaluable experiences both in tactical and in strategic battles. Even though, the military presence came at the cost of thousands of casualties and hundreds of billions of dollars, it helped the global peace and promoted counter-terrorism in the entire region.

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Today, Intra-Afghan peace process is ongoing albeit with occasional hiatuses, where both the Afghan government and Afghan Taliban are talking to each other and planning out the future of their country. For U.S., Afghan Taliban was never the primary enemy, but it was their support of Al-Qaeda which led America to target them. Under the previous U.S. administration led by Former President Donald Trump, U.S. secured a deal with Afghan Taliban, under which the Taliban guaranteed that no territory of Afghanistan will be used or any support provided by them against United States or its allies.

Despite all of this, Afghanistan faces an unprecedented surge in violence, while ANSF in spite of years of assistance and training by NATO, and find themselves difficult to defend off attacks. Moreover, ISIS has gained strength in several regions in the country, with many of its members consisting of battle-hardened former TTP fighters (Pakistani Taliban). Ironically, Afghan Taliban have fought off ISIS presence and helped in diminishing their fighting capacity. Afghan Government has also been cooperating with Afghan Taliban in providing education in areas under Taliban control.

View attachment 734317

After a long deliberate review of the U.S.- Taliban peace deal under the new administration led by Biden, it has been announced that the officially 2500 force left inside Afghanistan will abandon their positions to return back to U.S. homeland. U.S. along with other international donors will nevertheless, have to continue to finance the fragile economy of Afghanistan and pump billions of dollars annually. However, the retraction helps to keep NATO troops out of harm’s way.

For the purpose of counter-terrorism and to keep a check on whether Afghan Taliban honor their part of commitments, a proposal where Uncle Sam keep a small, special forces contingent nearby is lucrative; and for it, U.S. will have to shake hands with the devil, Pakistan. U.S. and Pakistan has had a very turbulent relationship but, both have needed one another to safeguard their interests respectively. U.S. can release withheld helicopters, and security assistance to Pakistan and maneuver a deal involving establishing a base near its Afghanistan border. The base can also be utilized to monitor Pakistan nuclear program and in case of any emergency, direct the troops to secure Pakistani nukes, as many U.S. officials somewhat believed or continue to do so.

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(Photo Credit: U.S. Army)

The Afghanistan Papers highlighted by Washington Post on 9th Dec, 2019, summed up the situation regarding Afghanistan pretty well. American public were fed lies and misled to believe the occupation of Afghanistan is helping the U.S. The truth is, Afghanistan will continue to be in turmoil in the near future and only the Afghans themselves can carve out a future for their country. As far as U.S is concerned, it’s time to bring soldiers back home and focus inwards; and that is exactly the POTUS is Knuckling down, more so in the light of evolving Russian and Chinese threats.
The audacity to call PK the devil. No shame.
US troops must come home, enough blood has been shed for a lost cause, let the other Powers decide future of Afghanistan, its not American's duty to build Afghan nation and its principles they have to do it themselves, this meaningless war has to end, but personally i believe that Biden will back down from this decision, i've seen a constant criticism on his decision on almost every US new outlet, those war hungry people will make sure that Americans keep dying in a far away land, fighting for the people who literally don't give a F about them at all .

Did you hear Trump Endorsed Biden’s decision to withdrawal this past Sunday, but said it should be done sooner then September.

Trump’s wing of the Republicans party will now backup this decision to withdraw, so between them and the left wing peace nicks and the frustrated people in the middle, the withdrawal may actually happen.
Upon reflection on the more than 4 months until the planned withdrawal will be completed, is a larger then usual shipment of supplies and ammo (probably mostly being shipped through Pakistan) being send to Afghanistan to hand over to the Kabul Regime forces?

At the end of the Soviet war, what made the civil war so deadly was the large amount of ammo depots left for the Kabul forces and once different factions took an ammo dump, they were able to use it in and around Kabul to devastating effect. Years of fighting were sustained by those last couple of years of Soviet supplies to the forces in Kabul. Could history be repeating itself?
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