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Featured FRANCE24 exposes Indian media

France 24 is a Western channel with almost 2 million Subscribers. This video can go some ways in demolishing the carefully crafted 'Democratic, Secular, Shiny India with Press Freedoms'.
You are being too optimistic :p:

The video has a little over 7K views. Many of the views are likely to be from Pakistan lol

Indian media's reputation and credibility took a hit because of their click bait draws from Afghan media. But it was not like these Indian media establishments had the reputation of WSJ or NYT to begin with. Internationally, they are not much known one way or the other.
TRP race part I agree. And adding to that it does not help when the central government turns a blind eye and sometimes support such shows which helps in their narrative.
I sincerely hope its a phase and we get over it.
Wish you luck but history tells us otherwise, specially the likes of BJP have always been hand in glove with frivolous Indian media .

See you are a learned Pakistani who is aware of Indian businessmen, Indian CEOs, Indian IT and automobile industry et all.
Lol....how can you miss when every other Indian member who descends on this forum starts with boxing above weight and bragging about how the world rotates around India.... just like you having to boast about Narayen or Lal .
Mr Ansar Burney is a great human being. I dont want to compare any Indian activists with him as it would be dishonouring the great man.
But rather than being a spoilsport for India, focus on your country -and for all the bad you see in India do try to look into the good as well. Focussing on individuals maybe a good start, as in a group we are all hindus and weird to you.
If you as a guest on PDF have the knack to say you are showing us Pakistanis the mirror then also learn to accept the gruesome image that reflects upon you.....if it all boiled down to being a spoilsport then i too would be chest thumping on some Indian forum.
Ps, missile test?????
I myself know quite a few accimplishments from Pakistan which would have better suited your argument. On an intellectual and economic standpoint, you have your priorities all messed up as quite evident.
Being choosy and moving goal posts doesn't makes one a better debater or a winner......missile tests was just one of several examples i quoted and suited the original argument however, may i ask what was your purpose to bring over 20 year old Kargil war propaganda here.....which again begs the question.....do you think that no Indian soldiers were killed during that skirmish or no Indian dead bodies handed over by Pakistani army to India ....but unlike the Indian army, who had cameras behind every rock and boulder filming these ceremonies, you seldom witnessed Pakistan army doing the same, these are called ethics, morals and disciplines of professionals .....forget individual motormouth anchors, your state organisations also need some introspection and a shake up.
Alright ladies and gentlemen. Can Pakistanis join together to give 100 million views and likes to this video? Who will take up this challenge? Please share with your family and friends and prevail upon them to watch it and like it.
Indian made all these fakes one for local consumption ...and their nation buys all these stories ...very easily ... anything against Pakistan will sell in Indian media.
@WebMaster @Horus @waz @SQ8 why isn't there a campaign to get views and likes for this video? Are we completely dead as a nation?
Yes - unfortunately Pakistanis are. It is more important and attractive if it is a silly memed message but in this intelligently presented manner is not attractive.
Wait until you find out what India's national motto is...


Not a single Hindustani to defend mata Hindustan. Shameless bunch.

Video Description:
Indian TV played footage from a video game claiming it showed Pakistani Air Force activity in Afghanistan. The erroneous footage was the first broadcast on Hasti TV, an Afghan channel based in the UK. There have been several other examples of Indian media getting facts wrong on Pakistani involvement in Afghanistan. Notably, India Today broadcast a fake Tweet showing an image of a downed Pakistani jet. In reality, the image was taken in the US in 2018 and concerned a US Air Force jet.

Time for the surgical strike;

No phull shapport for you anymore b*stard French channel
Yes - unfortunately Pakistanis are. It is more important and attractive if it is a silly memed message but in this intelligently presented manner is not attractive.

I see Pakistanis a lot on Western You Tube channels defending. But Indians outnumber Pakistanis in social media because of the much larger Indian population. Plus, I am sure India has dedicated teams officially backed and funded which make so much noise in social media that something has to stick.
But what should be obvious to everyone: That which gets lost on the ground, can't be won via propaganda. So whether in Ladakh, or in Balakot or in Afghanistan, the realities of Indian losses are there to be seen (and enjoyed!). And ultimately it is the official planners, not the average persons, in countries who decide policies.
quit from his own company? he is the managing director and editor-in-chief of Republic Media Network.

P.S. for how long is france gonna remain halal?
P.P.S. france 24 missed the welsh flight shown as Panshir "raid"

Didn't know about Arnab! Must be raking some $$.
France Haram or Halal doesn't matter. What matters is Western outlets with large followings showing some alternate versions.

This particular video seems like a 'dud' unfortunately but something like this by NY Times would have gone long ways. Sort of like when NY Times exposed the decadence of the warlords like Dostum and got 2 Million views in last couple of weeks!


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