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CoronaVirus in China - Updates & Discussion

Shanghai registered 2,634 locally transmitted confirmed #COVID19 cases and 15,861 asymptomatic cases on Wednesday, local authorities said on Thursday morning.

Eight new deaths related to COVID-19 were also recorded on Wednesday, the authorities said.
Mainland #China reports 2,830 local confirmed cases and 16,652 asymptomatic cases on April 20.
#Shanghai reports 2,634 + 15,861 cases and 8 death cases.
#Jilin province reports 95 + 261 cases,
#Guangzhou reports 8 + 4 cases.
Source: NHC
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Shanghai go back up again. Socail media reported that one factory added 1,000+ to be the major contributor. Good news is majority cases are from quarantine. Community spread is still trending lower.

Mainland #China reports 2,971 local confirmed cases and 21,355 asymptomatic cases on April 22.
#Shanghai reports 2,736 + 20,634 cases and 12 death cases.
#Jilin province reports 136 + 205 cases, #Heilongjiang reports 31 + 14 cases.
Source: NHC
Beijing is getting real bad now, my office in Shuangjing, Chaoyang district was locked down yesterday afternoon, people were given just hours to leave the building.
Mainland #China reports 1,410 local confirmed cases and 9,293 asymptomatic cases on April 28.
#Shanghai reports 1,249 + 8,932 cases and 47 death cases.
#Jilin province reports 20 + 35 cases, #Beijing reports 48 + 6 cases.
Source: NHC
No, very mild just like flu, I think the government overacted over it.
Tahts not lockdown mate, that's just no work day. Lockdown means you are quarantined in your compound. Shanghai is at day 30, and the cases are near zero.... Still waiting for them to reopen
After 35 days of lock down, my area is partially reopened. Let's see the damaged done, in a 35 day period 500+ of mostly unvaccinated 65+ older people died. Economic damage was 40bil$ and infection is down to 5k daily which are located in locked immobile areas. Today I was shocked to see the latest Google figure from US, 105k cases today and 1900 dead today. So US COVID deaths in a day is equivalent to 3x China's death in 35 days.

I don't think zero covid is sustainable in the long run but are we sure this is over before a deadlier variant comes out?
Today I was shocked to see the latest Google figure from US, 105k cases today and 1900 dead today.

Probably some statistical anomaly/reporting error by Google citing the NYT. There are days which the US report 0 deaths as well which is obviously untrue. And there are also many days which report only double-digit deaths.



I prefer using the 7-day moving average from Worldometers instead:

Sinovac is not sinopharm mate, majority Chinese vaccine is Sinopharm which has higher efficacy. The problem is 2 years of bliss cultivated complacency in Shanghai, their lockdown criteria and mass testing criteria was really low compared to other cities. SINOVAC was designed for the first variant and had high efficacy against death and severe illness, 2 dose Sinovac is useless against omicron.

However, 3 dose Sinovac has almost same efficacy as Pfizer 3 dose as per HK data. You can go to sinodefence forum for that debate. Next, Chinese daat is rather accurate for infected and death, they take it really seriously, the reason why we can't open up so soon was because if it spreads the strain on the medical system. Would be tremendous.

Cehck CDC data not worldometer, its not accurate.
For the US situation, I don't think it's taht simple, there are no longer mass testing and only doing selective testing based on symptoms. The figure is even higher. Death is 3x of Chinese death, that's a fact. If you were to accumulate the death for 35 days compared to 500+ deaths in Shnaghai for 35 days, then you can see the gap is even bigger.

Shnaghai has almost 900k infected including asymptomatic, 600/900000 death rate is 0.06% death rate. The guys math is wrong.
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