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CoronaVirus in China - Updates & Discussion

Sinovac is not sinopharm mate, majority Chinese vaccine is Sinopharm which has higher efficacy. The problem is 2 years of bliss cultivated complacency in Shanghai, their lockdown criteria and mass testing criteria was really low compared to other cities. SINOVAC was designed for the first variant and had high efficacy against death and severe illness, 2 dose Sinovac is useless against omicron.

However, 3 dose Sinovac has almost same efficacy as Pfizer 3 dose as per HK data. You can go to sinodefence forum for that debate. Next, Chinese daat is rather accurate for infected and death, they take it really seriously, the reason why we can't open up so soon was because if it spreads the strain on the medical system. Would be tremendous.

Cehck CDC data not worldometer, its not accurate.
For the US situation, I don't think it's taht simple, there are no longer mass testing and only doing selective testing based on symptoms. The figure is even higher. Death is 3x of Chinese death, that's a fact. If you were to accumulate the death for 35 days compared to 500+ deaths in Shnaghai for 35 days, then you can see the gap is even bigger.

Shnaghai has almost 900k infected including asymptomatic, 600/900000 death rate is 0.06% death rate. The guys math is wrong.

No one doubts that the US is having more Covid deaths than Shanghai, but it's more like they are currently having 300+ deaths per day and not 1900 you claimed which is a huge difference.

No one doubts that the US is having more Covid deaths than Shanghai, but it's more like they are currently having 300+ deaths per day and not 1900 you claimed which is a huge difference.

I claimed that on that particular day 1900 died and there were 105k infected, I still have the google screenshot. And that day which I checked was the day my area opened up so I was curious. To my shock, 1900 died in that ONE day compared to 500+/600 in 35 days for Shanghai. Get it? Was I lying? And if I go by your worldometer data, US added 29000 deaths on the 35 days Shanghai was locked. Thats 29000/600. Do the math. That's 48x number of deaths.
I claimed that on that particular day 1900 died and there were 105k infected, I still have the google screenshot. And that day which I checked was the day my area opened up so I was curious. To my shock, 1900 died in that ONE day compared to 500+/600 in 35 days for Shanghai. Get it? Was I lying? And if I go by your worldometer data, US added 29000 deaths on the 35 days Shanghai was locked. Thats 29000/600. Do the math. That's 48x number of deaths.

As I've said, the data was inaccurate due to anomalies. The current 7-day average figure by the CDC is closer to 300+ rather than 1900. I've also previously screenshot that there are days which the US reports zero deaths, from Google. So I can use a single day data anomaly and claim that the US is having 0 deaths now? On 8 May they are reporting just 27 deaths on Google. So are they really having low double digit deaths now?

Idc whether they had 48x number of deaths of Shanghai in the 35 days or not. I'm simply pointing out that the number is probably closer to 300+ rather than 1900 (to your shock lol) due statistical anomalies or reporting error. Or what the Taiwanese call 校正回归.

Google/NYT on 4 May:

CDC on 4 May:

As I've said, the data was inaccurate due to anomalies. The current 7-day average figure by the CDC is closer to 300+ rather than 1900. I've also previously screenshot that there are days which the US reports zero deaths, from Google. So I can use a single day data anomaly and claim that the US is having 0 deaths now? On 8 May they are reporting just 27 deaths on Google. So are they really having low double digit deaths now?

Idc whether they had 48x number of deaths of Shanghai in the 35 days or not. I'm simply pointing out that the number is probably closer to 300+ rather than 1900 (to your shock lol) due statistical anomalies or reporting error. Or what the Taiwanese call 校正回归.

Google/NYT on 4 May:
View attachment 842397

CDC on 4 May:
View attachment 842398
Again we are talking 2 different things here, never did I said US is having 1900 dead daily. I just said that particular day had 1900 dead and it was more than 3x the total dead from a 35 day lockdown in Shanghai. So what's wrong in my statement?
Again we are talking 2 different things here, never did I said US is having 1900 dead daily. I just said that particular day had 1900 dead and it was more than 3x the total dead from a 35 day lockdown in Shanghai. So what's wrong in my statement?

Because obviously it was misleading. If instead I used the figure of 20+ deaths instead, a bunch of posters would jump at me lol.
Because obviously it was misleading. If instead I used the figure of 20+ deaths instead, a bunch of posters would jump at me lol.
Hello, what's misleading? A One day death number equivalent to 3x a 35bday number. Okay, wake up. And stop sleeping. Just admit you are trying to talk cock.
Hello, what's misleading? A One day death number equivalent to 3x a 35bday number. Okay, wake up. And stop sleeping. Just admit you are trying to talk cock.

Umad? Deflecting eh? Idc 3x35 or whatever. 1900 is intentionally misleading because it's an statistical anomaly like 0, 17, 20+, especially when you can hover the graph to see the data for other days. So the 7-day moving average figure is more indicative as it smooths out anomalies and backlogs.




I see that you like to quote that 1900 figure in other threads as well. If it makes you feel better that the US is dying 1900 every single day to validate China's zero-Covid, then so be it.

Apparently simply pointing that out is talking cock. I'm not even saying the US is doing great or China is doing bad but you get so sensitive and defensive sigh.
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Umad? Deflecting eh? Idc 3x35 or whatever. 1900 is intentionally misleading because it's an statistical anomaly like 0, 17, 20+, especially when you can hover the graph to see the data for other days. So the 7-day moving average figure is more indicative as it smooths out anomalies and backlogs.

View attachment 842417
View attachment 842420
View attachment 842418View attachment 842422

I see that you like to quote that 1900 figure in other threads as well. If it makes you feel better that the US is dying 1900 every single day to validate China's zero-Covid, then so be it.

Apparently simply pointing that out is talking cock. I'm not even saying the US is doing great or China is doing bad but you get so sensitive and defensive sigh.
Hello oooo, until now you have not proven what I said is wrong. Since when did I mislead people. Facts are fact, that one day death is 3x the 35 day infection in Shanghai. Stop posting graphs, prove that my statement is wrong. Lolol. Stop talking cock and argue for the sake of arguing lah. Don't be so kiasu.
Facts are fact, that one day death is 3x the 35 day infection in Shanghai.

It's factually correct but misleading. There are days which the US reported zero deaths. So? Is it indicative of the situation? Would I be factually correct? But would I be misleading?
It's factually correct but misleading. There are days which the US reported zero deaths. So? Is it indicative of the situation? Would I be factually correct? But would I be misleading?
There, I rest my case. It is FACTUALLY correct, but your miniscule brain mislead it yourself. Get it. Lolol. So don't blame me for your lack of understanding power
There, I rest my case. It is FACTUALLY correct, but your miniscule brain mislead it yourself. Get it. Lolol. So don't blame me for your lack of understanding power

Is the US reporting 0 deaths factually correct?

China under pressure to curb imported Omicron variant​

2022-07-07 16:44:01Ecns.cnEditor : Zhao Li

(ECNS) -- Gene sequencing results showed a more-infectious Omicron BA.5.2 subvariant has become the dominant Covid strain in Xi’an, Northwest China Shaanxi Province.

The BA.5.2 subvariant spreads faster than other strains, such as the BA.2 variant and is more contagious with a lower CT value among infected cases, making the current pandemic situation in Xi'an severe and complicated, according to a local press conference in Xi'an on Tuesday.

As the transmissibility and immune escape ability of the Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 variant slightly increased, China faces improved pressure in the prevention and control of imported cases, said Wang Wenling, a researcher at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

As of Wednesday, Xi'an has 9 high-risk and 10 medium-risk areas.

Since December last year, Omicron has become the dominant variant in the world. The World Health Organization designated four Omicron subvariants of BA.4, BA.5 and BA.2 as variants of concern on May 18.

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