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What is PDF really for, Defence, politics or for (post ur type of girl)

There is a feature on the forum latest threads. It lists the latest postings. So when you create a thread or it becomes really active an obscure part of the forum gets its 15 minute of fame. And keeps getting it as long as the thread gets active. In the past before this feature on this forum became active one had to go through and find their threads. That avoided such things. Now one has to be more careful, and this is perhaps why you are seeing such a reaction because this thread shows up and continues to show up.
So I'm supposed to feel bad cuz I made the most popular thread here?
Really ?

An injured woman was dragged out of her crashed car with her husband protesting and raped on the motorway in Pakistan and you are going to say you are superior to Indians?
How deep in hypocrisy do you want to do?
2000 slaughtered, babies butchered out from the bellies of woman in india in gujrat under modi, so yeah.
i never claimed that i am superior all said was what i have seen of indian their men are the pathetic cucks, their woman ugly leaving punjabi's one of my mistake and thats about it so don't u dare compare us pakistani's with those damned indians get it! .

No - sorry, a person who uses Indians as a fallback example to talk about women’s respect and dating and so on has no value to his word on discipline or otherwise
Don't give a damn u think but again its 100 better than what u would have.
@SQ8 Sir what happened to your status? Inactive?
Man's the most active inactive poster ....

Just have decent pics not half naked women, that's all

We have had these threads for the longest time but just within some limits, the thread especially cause it's on members club isn't the problem just need a bit of guidance and enforcement
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Women is always at the canter no matter what the issue is, if you have a beautiful girl friend you must Defend her from lusty eyes (Defense), if you have more than one girl friend then you must be a master politician to ensure they all remain secret to each other (politics). So, talking about your type of girl covers both politics and defense
In the past the purpose of war was bootie and booty. Healthy male desire is what make Timur and Narid Shah's armies the best. A horny soldier makes a great warrior, at least in the past.
No,it makes for a pillager,not a warrior.
pulling an injured woman from an accident on the motorway to kidnap and rape her
wtf? raping an injured women? wtf? but then again, it's not like raping a healthy, non-injured woman isn't despicable enough.
when was this?

So I'm supposed to feel bad cuz I made the most popular thread here?
but very low effort content, tbh. anyone could have done that. but you get credit for thinking of it. :lol:
It is for going “Bajra Bajra Bajra!”

Pakistanis love their pussy.. they take it by hook or crook…whether she is willing or not. General Yahya to Niazi to even today.

Lol, I think you will find that applies to men everywhere. Need we recall the events of Helen eloping with Paris and starting the first true world war that saw the death of heroes and even a demigod? :lol:
Get Off your High Horse PDF is full of these threads Just go through General Multimedia Sections you will find Tons of them. As long as guys dont go full retard and start Posting NSFW Shit let them have a little fun. Thread will die in a day or two anyway.
This is a request to mods to kindly issue some kind of posting rules, people are uploading pics of po*nstars and lord knows what kinda of sh*t here. This is a defence related forum and it should remain that way.

What is your obsession with war-making, man ? Are you a dog to fight with other dogs, tear apart humans and cats and create chaos all the time ? Talk about bringing civilization to humanity by abolishing the concept of Nation State and abolishing militaries and money and contributing to bringing a single progressive political and social system to all human wherever they might be in Nature's universe now or in 500 years. Think of how serene and evolved humanity will become, even now on Earth. Let that thread be because it is more useful and natural than this obsession with killing you have.

In the past the purpose of war was bootie and booty. Healthy male desire is what make Timur and Narid Shah's armies the best. A horny soldier makes a great warrior, at least in the past.

Taimur and Nadir must not be held as ideals. It should be Tipu Sultan who was a progressive administrator was an admirer of the French Revolution, established a Jacobin's Club in Mysore and had he lived 55 more years would have introduced modern Communism into India.

Tipu did things like confiscate land from upper caste Hindus and distribute them to the oppressed lower castes Hindus. This was in the late 1700s but now in India upper caste Hindus in the government are again oppressing the lower castes and others and these governments hate the progressive Tipu to the core.

actually that thread was made to expose all the kan*ars of PDF :enjoy:

Tableeghi, expected of you to use crude, casteist, sneering words like "Oye kanjaran". Kanjars are better than you misogynist mullahs.

To protect the Sanctity and image of Pakistan and Islam, we should remove the thread "Post your type of girl"
@LeGenD @PDF @waz

No. Please read my reasoning above and below in this post.

but that wasn't the reason they were fighting for. Thats my point, they were trained from their childhood to fight for Islam and the sultan not for bootie

For Islam ? Which Tableeghi group brainwashed you ?

There is something called discipline and its alien to Pakistanis.
This is a gene pool that much like India is capable of pulling an injured woman from an accident on the motorway to kidnap and rape her, yet have the moral rot to say that women are horrible and should be banned.

You are very right. :tup: :) Munafiqat aka Hypocrisy.

So I'm supposed to feel bad cuz I made the most popular thread here?

No, don't feel bad because some mama's boys fools declared your thread haraam.

As far as I know, threads on virtually all kinds of topics are made on PDF.

Absolutely ! If there are fanboi threads by @Zarvan, @F-22Raptor and co. about the latesht means of killing humans just to propagate the cause of money and priesthood then why should it be a problem to be men admiring women ? Threads like 'What's in your gun locker' are cringe.
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I am neither pro no anti this thread. I am neutral.

But had this thread been about gays and inclusivity would there be so many complaining? Just because it's about why type of woman u like there are complaints.

Summary ... well I will let you fill this bit
I am neither pro no anti this thread. I am neutral.

But had this thread been about gays and inclusivity would there be so many complaining? Just because it's about why type of woman u like there are complaints.

Summary ... well I will let you fill this bit

So you have changed your position about the thread since yesterday given your posts there yesterday ?

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