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Learning CSS

Sifar zero

Jul 27, 2020
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South Africa
Hey guys I am learning web development and I am currently doing css.
Can anyone give me some tips??
And is web development a good career in Pakistan and how is the pay??
good freelancing opportunities for web development.
Hey guys I am learning web development and I am currently doing css.
Can anyone give me some tips??
And is web development a good career in Pakistan and how is the pay??
Css is very basic for Web development. You could get a job 15-20 years ago but now you need to learn minimum of 2 programming languages.

It's like html will give the structure of the website and CSS will style it. It can't do more than a makeup for a bride...

But if you want to create a behaviour or logic to the website, you will need minimum of JavaScript skills. If you are good you can learn and apply css skills within a month

The Web development truly starts from Javascript and it's libraries (Jquery, react, NodeJS) and can enhance your skills with PHP.

In short, learning CSS is a good idea but that's like 10% skills of the good Web developer.

PS: I learned HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, databases, Java and Python as part of my undergraduate degree in IT.
Css is very basic for Web development. You could get a job 15-20 years ago but now you need to learn minimum of 2 programming languages.

It's like html will give the structure of the website and CSS will style it. It can't do more than a makeup for a bride...

But if you want to create a behaviour or logic to the website, you will need minimum of JavaScript skills. If you are good you can learn and apply css skills within a month

The Web development truly starts from Javascript and it's libraries (Jquery, react, NodeJS) and can enhance your skills with PHP.

In short, learning CSS is a good idea but that's like 10% skills of the good Web developer.

PS: I learned HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, databases, Java and Python as part of my undergraduate degree in IT.
Which uni do you study in??
I can give you some tips as I work professionally in this.

Basically most web page UI is blocks/boxes. Everything you see is an HTML element. The text you wrote, your profile image, the Pakistan banner, and everything if you notice is inside a block, this block is mostly an html <div> tag.

So all you do is think of the design, declare div tags, use ids or classes to access these div tags or the elements like text (<p>), image (<image>) etc inside it. Like this <p id="countryText"> </p>

You access these tags in css, #countryText if its an id, .countryText if it is a class. Css is mostly for positioning and style, flexbox is mostly what you need, and css positioning.

And javascript is the coding language, it adds behaviour to a page and makes it become alive. You access these tags in Javascript using something like getElementById, or getElementByClassName. You add handlers to user behaviour, Like if they click an image show a popup. You don't need to know everything about css or html, just very basic information, and then you learn as you go. Javascript is what you want to focus on.
A page can have behaviour added to it by using the coding language javascript, which also gives it life. GetElementById or getElementByClassName are two Javascript methods you can use to retrieve these tags. You can add handlers to user behaviour, for example, showing a popup when they click an image. Just the very basics of css and html are required, and you can learn more as you go. What you need to concentrate on is Javascript.
get into more scripting languages. CSS is really isnt going to help much
Python is a good suggestion- as you can easily jump to multiple areas (big data, Machine learning, web dev. app dev) using just that one language.
get into more scripting languages. CSS is really isnt going to help much
Python is a good suggestion- as you can easily jump to multiple areas (big data, Machine learning, web dev. app dev) using just that one language.
What’s the market like in Pakistan for AI and ML work btw?
I would recommend the following- all of which is free/ learn python from coursera the first beginners track - five courses minus the project that will not be useful for you. The same for intermediate- five courses minus project.

Do the same for Java if you have time. All of this is free and won’t cost a cent.

In the US, you can also get a nanodegree from udacity or udemy that will help you build out your portfolio.
Hey guys I am learning web development and I am currently doing css.
Can anyone give me some tips??
And is web development a good career in Pakistan and how is the pay??
The key with CSS is practice. There's absolutely nothing complex in it. Just takes time. Get a lot of practice building practical and useful/ real-world UIs . As a backend dev who made the switch to frontend, I absolutely DESPISE CSS. :lol: Love the JS, tho. It's the only part of frontend that you can call programming.

Screenshot_2020-10-20 6qhiogx1cut51 gif.png

But, spend enough time doing it and it becomes second nature. You'll look at a design and figure out the CSS on the spot. Of course there can be hiccups in implementation sometimes but you get the point.

On a more technical note, try to divide the CSS part of a UI into layout/structure and design/styles. First build a skeleton of the UI. Probably the only properties you'll need to understand for this is display and position. Display is simple enough except some advanced ones i.e. Grid display is hard for beginners to grasp. Position on the other hand can give you the most confidence if you master it. It's also the most pain in the a*s part for most beginners.

Also, most people who are decent with CSS still don't understand the importance of good markup. Good HTML often makes writing the CSS significantly easier. This is hard to explain but it'll come naturally as you progress. You'll notice your markup improve as your CSS improves.

For the design/styles part, their is less to do with concepts and more with memorization. tt's very easy and you'll just need to familiarize yourself with the properties and values. Once you've done something a couple times, it's pretty easy to grasp and use later on. Doesn't take nearly as much effort as building layouts.

Learn about the common css tricks etc. If you are working by yourself and don't have a mentor, Youtube and csstricks are a great source.

Then there are general standard practices, like UIs should be scalable. Reduce redundancy. Use CSS variables as much as you can. Learn the less commonly used selectors (can't stress this enough). They can be life savers and can take your ability to a whole new level.

W3schools gets a lot of flak but it can take you a pretty decent level in a short time. Don't worry about any crap your read on stackoverflow etc. You don't want to delve into MDN as a beginner. It'll wear you out than do you any good. W3Schools is great for beginners. As your skill level increases and you are working with advanced/complex stuff, you'll automatically find yourself using more comprehensive and authoritative sources where w3schools doesn't cut it. But, as a beginner, don't overwhelm yourself.

And that's all there is to CSS. For the most part, you'll only be having trouble with JS, and CSS will come naturally with time.

EDIT: most of the answer recommending OP to look into scripting languages and ML/AI when he is asking for help with beginner CSS stuff remind me of this hilarious meme.

What’s the market like in Pakistan for AI and ML work btw?
I would suggest not to box oneself into "What is applicable for Pakisani/UK/<country> Market".
do something that is useful anywhere -
not being on current tech because your current market doesnt need it, keeps you and the country market both behind
learning the latest/trending tech - will help you market yourself anywhere,and also create new startup in case your current market is behind!
The key with CSS is practice. There's absolutely nothing complex in it. Just takes time. Get a lot of practice building practical and useful/ real-world UIs . As a backend dev who made the switch to frontend, I absolutely DESPISE CSS. :lol: Love the JS, tho. It's the only part of frontend that you can call programming.

View attachment 918079

But, spend enough time doing it and it becomes second nature. You'll look at a design and figure out the CSS on the spot. Of course there can be hiccups in implementation sometimes but you get the point.

On a more technical note, try to divide the CSS part of a UI into layout/structure and design/styles. First build a skeleton of the UI. Probably the only properties you'll need to understand for this is display and position. Display is simple enough except some advanced ones i.e. Grid display is hard for beginners to grasp. Position on the other hand can give you the most confidence if you master it. It's also the most pain in the a*s part for most beginners.

Also, most people who are decent with CSS still don't understand the importance of good markup. Good HTML often makes writing the CSS significantly easier. This is hard to explain but it'll come naturally as you progress. You'll notice your markup improve as your CSS improves.

For the design/styles part, their is less to do with concepts and more with memorization. tt's very easy and you'll just need to familiarize yourself with the properties and values. Once you've done something a couple times, it's pretty easy to grasp and use later on. Doesn't take nearly as much effort as building layouts.

Learn about the common css tricks etc. If you are working by yourself and don't have a mentor, Youtube and csstricks are a great source.

Then there are general standard practices, like UIs should be scalable. Reduce redundancy. Use CSS variables as much as you can. Learn the less commonly used selectors (can't stress this enough). They can be life savers and can take your ability to a whole new level.

W3schools gets a lot of flak but it can take you a pretty decent level in a short time. Don't worry about any crap your read on stackoverflow etc. You don't want to delve into MDN as a beginner. It'll wear you out than do you any good. W3Schools is great for beginners. As your skill level increases and you are working with advanced/complex stuff, you'll automatically find yourself using more comprehensive and authoritative sources where w3schools doesn't cut it. But, as a beginner, don't overwhelm yourself.

And that's all there is to CSS. For the most part, you'll only be having trouble with JS, and CSS will come naturally with time.

EDIT: most of the answer recommending OP to look into scripting languages and ML/AI when he is asking for help with beginner CSS stuff remind me of this hilarious meme.

View attachment 918077
This meme was 👍.
I would suggest not to box oneself into "What is applicable for Pakisani/UK/<country> Market".
do something that is useful anywhere -
not being on current tech because your current market doesnt need it, keeps you and the country market both behind
learning the latest/trending tech - will help you market yourself anywhere,and also create new startup in case your current market is behind!
So I was actually asking for selfish reasons. I am pretty well settled in the US in this field in a name brand company- although wondering if I will survive the layoffs in the market now (InshAllah I will)- and wondering what opportunities exist in Pakistan.

I don’t know if someone of my skill set would be useful there or that there is anything useful I could do for the country.
If you are learning CSS, here are some tips that might help you:

Practice, practice, practice - CSS requires a lot of practice to master. Keep working on different projects and experiment with different styles.

Keep it simple - Don't try to complicate things by using too many styles. Use simple and clean code that is easy to read and understand.

Understand the box model - The box model is an important concept in CSS. Make sure you understand how it works and how to use it effectively.

Use CSS frameworks - CSS frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation, and Bulma can make your life easier by providing pre-designed CSS components.

Keep in mind that, CSS alone won't cut it. You need to learn JS and at least one backend programming language as well.
I would suggest not to box oneself into "What is applicable for Pakisani/UK/<country> Market".
do something that is useful anywhere -
not being on current tech because your current market doesnt need it, keeps you and the country market both behind
learning the latest/trending tech - will help you market yourself anywhere,and also create new startup in case your current market is behind!
THIS. I don't know shit about the Pakistani market. I've been freelancing all this time and when you sell your services on the internet, the entire world is the marketplace.

So I was actually asking for selfish reasons. I am pretty well settled in the US in this field in a name brand company- although wondering if I will survive the layoffs in the market now (InshAllah I will)- and wondering what opportunities exist in Pakistan.

I don’t know if someone of my skill set would be useful there or that there is anything useful I could do for the country.
What's your background, sir?

Understand the box model - The box model is an important concept in CSS. Make sure you understand how it works and how to use it effectively.
@Sifar zero , I forgot this. Very easy to grasp but if you skip this, it will come back and bite you in the a*s at the worst moment and you'll struggle to figure out where you went wrong. :lol:

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