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Pakistani Made Grad rockets not Good

It’s more likely to believe the corrupt Pakistani army is also manufacturing below par weapons.

nope. they are corrupt and everything, but a certain level of quality is always ensured. engagements with ttp, afghan army and indian army on LoC is more than enough proof.
The Ukrainians don’t like Pakistani Made GrAd rockets.

Pakistan should stop giving ammunition to Ukraine and let them be overrun by the Russians!

Ukraine war: Bakhmut defenders worry about losing support​

7 hours ago
Grad in the field

The call from Ukraine for more weapons and ammunition to bolster its defences has grown louder as the war has gone on
By Jonathan Beale
BBC Defence correspondent, Bakhmut
A year ago Volodymyr and his men were firing all 40 barrels of their BM-21 Grad rocket launcher in one go. Now they can only afford to fire a few at a time at Russian targets.
"We haven't got enough ammunition for our weapon," he explains.
His unit, the 17th Tank Battalion, is still being called on to provide fire support to Ukrainian forces desperately clinging on to the edges of Bakhmut, the eastern Ukrainian city which Russia has spent months trying to capture.
Russian forces are getting ever closer to their goal of taking the city, but at enormous cost.
While we're waiting in a line of trees, hidden from view, Volodymyr receives a call to fire his rocket launcher at a Russian mortar position about 15 kilometres away.
Grad missile launcher hidden in trees

Some of the Ukrainian Grad missile supplies are coming from the Czech Republic, Romania and Pakistan
His men remove the branches camouflaging their vehicle. They drive towards an empty field about a kilometre away and quickly work out the range.
They elevate the rocket barrels towards the target while, out of sight, a Ukrainian drone hovering above assesses their accuracy.
They're told their first rocket misses by about 50 metres, so they adjust the elevation and fire another two and quickly return to the trees for cover. This time they're told they've hit the target.
Volodymyr however, is frustrated they can't do more. "We could have provided more support to our guys who are dying there."
He says Ukraine has already burned through its own stocks of Grad ammunition, so is relying on rockets sourced from other countries. Volodymyr says supplies are coming from the Czech Republic, Romania and Pakistan. He complains the rockets originating from Pakistan are "not of a good quality".

For starters, Pakistan should have NEVER provided any weapons to those Nazi-Scum that control and oppress their own citizens. Secondly, the Ukrainian military is not fighting a just war and is led by a bunch of zealots who are responsible for the deaths of upto 350,000 Ukrainian soldiers. The Nazi regime in Ukraine is supervised by its Western overlords, in particular the british buffoons, the psycho polish leadership and the braindead leadership sitting in Washington DC.

Pakistan was on the path to recovery and resurgence under the leadership of Imran Khan. Had Imran Khan's government not been illegally ousted, we would have witnessed Pakistan forge closer relationship with Russia, as it has done with China.

The lack of vision and ambition, in the minuscule brains of the likes of that idiot Bajwa and the thug Asim Munir, is what has costed Pakistan dearly and it is on the verge of Civil War and the total collapse of the State.

Given the trajectory of Imran Khan's government, Pakistanis would have witnessed a rapproachma with India, Pakistan joining BRICS and a successful completion and operation of CPEC. Pakistan would have also stopped IMF/WB pressure and moved toward AIIB, as well as the new BRICS Bank.

This is what happens, when mafia thugs run the military and greedy parasite politicians run the government.
For starters, Pakistan should have NEVER provided any weapons to those Nazi-Scum that control and oppress their own citizens. Secondly, the Ukrainian military is not fighting a just war and is led by a bunch of zealots who are responsible for the deaths of upto 350,000 Ukrainian soldiers. The Nazi regime in Ukraine is supervised by its Western overlords, in particular the british buffoons, the psycho polish leadership and the braindead leadership sitting in Washington DC.

Pakistan was on the path to recovery and resurgence under the leadership of Imran Khan. Had Imran Khan's government not been illegally ousted, we would have witnessed Pakistan forge closer relationship with Russia, as it has done with China.

The lack of vision and ambition, in the minuscule brains of the likes of that idiot Bajwa and the thug Asim Munir, is what has costed Pakistan dearly and it is on the verge of Civil War and the total collapse of the State.

Given the trajectory of Imran Khan's government, Pakistanis would have witnessed a rapproachma with India, Pakistan joining BRICS and a successful completion and operation of CPEC. Pakistan would have also stopped IMF/WB pressure and moved toward AIIB, as well as the new BRICS Bank.

This is what happens, when mafia thugs run the military and greedy parasite politicians run the government.
We got paid. We don't care what they do.

nope. they are corrupt and everything, but a certain level of quality is always ensured. engagements with ttp, afghan army and indian army on LoC is more than enough proof.
It isn't always ensured, only some institutions follow an international quality standard that they have to follow. (Sometimes commonly slipping through it)

Others don't. It's usually the institutions established from British era that follow strict quality standards.
Paid? A SLAVE STATE doesn't get paid, it's thugs that dominate the state illegally, get paid. Pakistan is not a casino where you can put down money and gamble with the lives of 230 million Pakistanis.
You're overreacting.

We got paid, it was a transaction of products between two states.

Nothing more to it, don't lose your shit. The country is close to bankruptcy you should be celebrating this.
Can you further elaborate on this one?

I was reading various reports on Pakistani weapons delivery to Ukraine

Fundamentally,, the deals were done between Pakistan and bunch of different nations including the U.S, UK, European nations including Ukraine etc

When they approached Pakistan for supply of weapons, Pakistan was worried about fallout especially with Russia
So negotiations resulted in allaying Pakistani worries and a whole bunch of agreements, promises of support were offered as well as payment for weapons of course

Pakistani establishment weighed up everything and decided not only would we sell weapons, getting a good price but would also get much needed positivity from a range of western nations.
The orders would also could come thick and fast

Weapons have been sent to various ports
Through various countries
Multiple countries have been involved in shipping the weapons

Ukraine needed URGENT supplies of weapons, or it risked being overcome
So they asked Pakistan for various ordinance etc and stressed the need was urgent and immediate

Pakistan of course makes a certain amount of various weaponry and equipment on a yearly basis but this was not enough and without any orders placed Pakistan can't up production for no reason

So as much new stock of weaponry was purchased
Agreements have been placed for MASSIVE follow on orders
Pakistan has been asked to keep production rate as high as possible and everything will be purchased even if war ends tomorrow

Because the initial order could only contain a certain amount of new products, talks started on Pakistani reserves of various weaponry
One of those was old stocks of Pakistani grads which Pakistan keeps for reserve purposes, training, or shit hit the fan type situation where new stock ran out

The allies of whatever you want to call them, bought as much as we could spare.
Paid full price same as new stock

They specifically were told about and they themselves understood the risk and bought as much as we could spare anyway

Pakistan now intends to build new stocks and were quite happy to shot of old stock

Pakistan has just sent 200 containers of weapons via a GCC shipping company I think

Pakistans is producing as much as we can make for future deliveries and aim is to offer up different types of weapons in future
I was reading various reports on Pakistani weapons delivery to Ukraine

Fundamentally,, the deals were done between Pakistan and bunch of different nations including the U.S, UK, European nations including Ukraine etc

When they approached Pakistan for supply of weapons, Pakistan was worried about fallout especially with Russia
So negotiations resulted in allaying Pakistani worries and a whole bunch of agreements, promises of support were offered as well as payment for weapons of course

Pakistani establishment weighed up everything and decided not only would we sell weapons, getting a good price but would also get much needed positivity from a range of western nations.
The orders would also could come thick and fast

Weapons have been sent to various ports
Through various countries
Multiple countries have been involved in shipping the weapons

Ukraine needed URGENT supplies of weapons, or it risked being overcome
So they asked Pakistan for various ordinance etc and stressed the need was urgent and immediate

Pakistan of course makes a certain amount of various weaponry and equipment on a yearly basis but this was not enough and without any orders placed Pakistan can't up production for no reason

So as much new stock of weaponry was purchased
Agreements have been placed for MASSIVE follow on orders
Pakistan has been asked to keep production rate as high as possible and everything will be purchased even if war ends tomorrow

Because the initial order could only contain a certain amount of new products, talks started on Pakistani reserves of various weaponry
One of those was old stocks of Pakistani grads which Pakistan keeps for reserve purposes, training, or shit hit the fan type situation where new stock ran out

The allies of whatever you want to call them, bought as much as we could spare.
Paid full price same as new stock

They specifically were told about and they themselves understood the risk and bought as much as we could spare anyway

Pakistan now intends to build new stocks and were quite happy to shot of old stock

Pakistan has just sent 200 containers of weapons via a GCC shipping company I think

Pakistans is producing as much as we can make for future deliveries and aim is to offer up different types of weapons in future
It shows the true production quality, capability and capacity of the Pak military industrial complex. Looks like the Western intelligence also knows about it. The Ukrainian conflict is exhausting all the available stocks....
You're overreacting.

We got paid, it was a transaction of products between two states.

Nothing more to it, don't lose your shit. The country is close to bankruptcy you should be celebrating this.

Your reply is underwhelming and it seems that your views are far removed from the reality that this money for Grad Rockets does NOT help the average Pakistani who has to pay exorbitant amount of money for the basic things in life.
army considers weapons stock their own personal stock and is on sale
Secondly, the Ukrainian military is not fighting a just war a
it was invaded, russia is not fighting a just war. your head is a bit muddled.

It isn't always ensured, only some institutions follow an international quality standard that they have to follow. (Sometimes commonly slipping through it)

Others don't. It's usually the institutions established from British era that follow strict quality standards.
it is.

also, pakistan has no arms manufacturing institutions left over from british era. all of them were established after pakistan came into being.

Your reply is underwhelming and it seems that your views are far removed from the reality that this money for Grad Rockets does NOT help the average Pakistani who has to pay exorbitant amount of money for the basic things in life.
it pays for the salaries of thousands of civilian pakistanis employed in POF, HIT etc.

Paid? A SLAVE STATE doesn't get paid, it's thugs that dominate the state illegally, get paid. Pakistan is not a casino where you can put down money and gamble with the lives of 230 million Pakistanis.
it has got nothing to do with being a slave. its a business transaction. like any company would do. selling rockets has got nothing to do with gambling with lives. seriously, you need to get yourself checked, you are a bit confused.
There have been lots of credible rumous of Ukrainians wanting quite a of weapons and ammo.
it was invaded, russia is not fighting a just war. your head is a bit muddled.

1. Maidan coup d'état - 2014 enacted by Neo-Nazi Ukrainians and orchestrated by the then Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs - Victoria Nuland. Removing a constitutionally elected President Viktor Yanukovich.

2. Neo-Nazi backed Porochenko govt passed bill to ban Russian language in Ukraine. This was followed by anti-terrorist operation of the Ukrainian military against the Russian speaking Ukrainian citizens. Resulting in over 14000 Russian speaking Ukrainian citizens killed.

3. American support for Ukraine stems from its 2008 invitation to both Georgia and Ukraine to be part of NATO military alliance. To which the then Ambassador of America to Russia - William Burns declared Russia's position on the American desire of NATO for Ukraine and Georgia, " Niet, means niet." (No means, no).

4. Prior to the Russian Federation's SMO, issued formal draft agreement under the auspices of the "Security Guarantees" in December 2021. Which declares that Security of one nation cannot be at the cost of another. This was ignored by America.

5. September 2014, Minsk Accords l was signed by Ukraine to provide security and autonomy to the People of Donbass, overseen by Chancellor Merkel - Germany and President Hollande - France. Minsk Accords ll was issued and signed by Ukraine in 2015 for the same reasons. In 2022, both Porochenko and Merkel (in evidence) declared that the Minsk Accords was only signed to buy time for Ukraine to be armed to the teeth to fight Russia.

Having exhausted all means to reach agreements by negotiations and peace, the Russian Federation had no choice but to start a Special Military Operation in Eastern Ukraine (Donbass).

Also, refrain from personal attacks, as it only shows your level of intellect or lack there of.

it pays for the salaries of thousands of civilian pakistanis employed in POF, HIT etc.

Unless you have missed the stark reality, Pakistan is the 5th most populated country on the planet. Your "thousands" is but a drop in ocean of 241 million Pakistanis. And Pakistan ranks Number. 8 on the poorest countries on the planet.

So your argument does not cut it.

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