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Blind in Kashmir with 100 pellets lodged in his head

This tu tu main main really won't get us anywhere. I just pointed out a flaw (proven political bias in your cited sources) and you get all upset.

I think it was Gerald Celente who first came up with the term "presstitutes" but it went really viral and the right lapped it up here in India when General V.K Singh used it.


Obviously, you're in denial about the grave human rights violations going on in Kashmir. Instead of facing facts, you choose to blame "media". Enjoy your delusions.
very sad ...as any loss to human people is tragic...however do you want me to post some things that politicians, diplomats, so called experts have said about Pakistan which is very different from the narrative you believe?? Will that make you change your mind?? You know the answer...so please don't expect the same from other side as well...

Now please understand there is a discontent in valley and there is no denial on it...politicians from kashmir making such remarks unfortunately needs to be taken with a pinch of salt...here is an interesting article...In 2010 the same chap was putting the blame on opposition party(which was making similar claims) PDP who is now in charge and have a very different narrative..then he also blamed it on separatist for whom Pakistan has special affinity...so you see these people will keep changing their stance based on which side tide is moving...




You are welcome to post your views. I don't believe in stifling debate. In fact, an open debate is a good thing.

As for Omar Abdullah, former Chief Minister of Indian-occupied Jammu & Kashmir, he is far from a Pro-Pakistan politician so if he makes such a statement then yes I do take it seriously. After all, this is not Syed Ali Geelani we are talking about who we all know have favourable views towards Pakistan. Had Geelani said something similar, I would have put less stock in it. However, Omar Abdullah is not a separatist. As you said, nothing I say is going to change your views. You are entitled to your opinion.
You are welcome to post your views. I don't believe in stifling debate. In fact, an open debate is a good thing.

As for Omar Abdullah, former Chief Minister of Indian-occupied Jammu & Kashmir, he is far from a Pro-Pakistan politician so if he makes such a statement then yes I do take it seriously. After all, this is not Syed Ali Geelani we are talking about who we all know have favourable views towards Pakistan. Had Geelani said something similar, I would have put less stock in it. However, Omar Abdullah is not a separatist. As you said, nothing I say is going to change your views. You are entitled to your opinion.
I didn't say that...and it is foolish to even say such a thing...all i am trying to say in my previous post was that for similar incidents in 2010 when he was the CM he made exactly opposite comments...and it must not be surprising for a politician to take u turns like that....Let me ask you - do you believe 2010 stone pelting was Pakistan creation?? as the same chap was saying exactly that back then....in other words when you find Indians rejecting to his narrative then please don't say we are living in denial...his comments are opportunistic and thus deserves to be flushed out along with the morning news paper...

Dissent in the valley and death/injuries is undeniable....similarly the fact that there wont be any change on the status quo viz-a-viz kashmir...Your side and mine have tried all the tricks in the book and not an inch has changed on the ground...this is the reality we all want to ignore...
Are you fucking dumb? Many of the freedom fighters along Burhan had Pandit as their surname in a picture posted by your media.
by having name like David Headly ,dosen't mean he is Christian....idiot
You have to be the dumbest cow piss drinker I've met online. Cheers
lol, caught with pants down , pandits are Hindus and not Muslims...Pandits also used to refer as educated person. when u have no knowledge , dont speak
lol, caught with pants down , pandits are Hindus and not Muslims...Pandits also used to refer as educated person. when u have no knowledge , dont speak

My fist and your face. Want to make it a surgical date?
It's gone beyond religion. Indians are fucking disgusting degenerates in general.
I think using such large numbers of pellet guns is serious violation Of human rights , U.N should take notice of this. Also Kashmiri people should not support extremist like Syed Ali gilani who supported Osama bin Ladin and offered funeral prayers. Some Kashmiri mujahideen are involved in negative activities, one of the reason world is not taking them serious. I don't support pellet guns, Indian Supreme Court should ban this.
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Not sure why the protests stopped now ... may be they are not getting the payment now ?? He seems to be super man who can survive after having 100 pillets in his head .
Not sure why the protests stopped now ... may be they are not getting the payment now ?? He seems to be super man who can survive after having 100 pillets in his head .
Exactly, as usual too much exaggeration at the best. 100 pellets is way too much, it would have caused severe hemorrhage and finally death. ppl with pellet injuries do suffer but these kind of goebbelsian propaganda does more harm to them rather than evoking sympathy.
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