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  • You had me completely flummoxed with your brutal frankness in your #79. On later reflection, you were a little harsh about Grand Slam. It had enough to worry a very high-grade commander like Harbaksh Singh, and he had to scramble to cover up. I would enjoy discussing it, including the context you brought in, some other time, some other place. PS: I loved the male model bit!!
    Much appreciated. My credentials as a patriotic Pakistani notwithstanding, I am first and foremost a student of military history. And while I believe it is impossible to account for and eliminate all sources of bias, I try to be as objective as I can.
    Joe Shearer
    Joe Shearer
    You must have read Major Agha Amin extensively then. He is truly a master of his craft, although (like you) his assessments are sometimes on the pungent side! If you have not already done so, please take a look at fatman17's thread on the 65 war; he quotes the good major extensively, and edifies all who read it.
    Maybe unwittingly, but I do not know who the gentleman is. I have not used this forum long enough to understand who's who. Any knowledge I have is from outside sources. But thank you for the heads up, I shall look into it.
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