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  • anything that may derail the topic will be deleted , topic is air combat not the war itself. Chuck could have views of his own , what we are discussing is his assessment of air combat that he recorded.
    No Sir this can't happen Sir we now have to reach Delhi that is order HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW now we will remain in touch through Radio and Tv Pakistan Delhi INSHALLAH
    Yes be prepared Sir for war that is only thing which I have to say to you because all Hadees like related to Roman and Persian Empire and also related to Constantinople and also other hadees about increase of murders divorce earthquake and natural disasters and several other Hadees have come to be true so this will also become true really very soon
    Mr Hadees are part of Islam no Muslim can debunk it they are and will always be part of Islam and this will happen even if you don't believe it because this is bound to happen
    Sir Muslims have planed wars based on Hadees and have won them and this will continue to happen but yes some liberal scum Muslims are to afraid to accept the truth so they write crap about things Hadees are second major part of Islam and Islamic Law and after Quran
    Wow!.........Chennai lo Koyemdebu area lo untunnanu. Okka chinna IT company Tickmarks lo IT consultant ga pani chestunnanu.
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