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  • I am thread banned on tribute to Mr Parachas thread. What I wrote there was above apprehension of many. So basically ruined that thread.
    Prove it that it is the "apprehension of many". It's just your opinion otherwise.
    Although what you said may or may not be true. Prophet (SAW) asked us not to adopt any practices that idolaters are doing. As far as I see, yoga is directly mentioned in Hindu vedic texts and it was practiced as part of Hinduism. It is as Hindu as anything can get. And this is just my view hence I don't do yoga. I go to gym.
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    You're Muslim?

    w0w, had no clue.
    @dsr478 :D
    Probably because I don't put a tag saying 'I am a Muslim'.
    But few knows though, like Hussain guy who tag me every now and then when some Hindu nationalist stuff comes up lol.
    Anyway, you take care. :)
    It's a little... strange though imo if I'm remembering your posts correctly...
    My reply to your last post is stuck in moderation, pasting it here now:

    oops, too long to paste.\ but here you go: https://sunnah.com/bukhari/56/186

    it's dangerous when the literalists read these sorts of things.
    That is a hadith. Not the Quran. However there is nothing there advocating "terror" as in the modern sense of Terrorism. The root word is fear in the sinners hearts when they hear the truth. Do you realize that these translations are not verbatim translations. The word "terror" is never used. I have spent over 30 years studying this a single google paste isn't going to work. Look up the root of that word yourself.
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    Happy New Year 2017 :-) May you get lots of health, wealth, fame and all your wishes come true :-) Ameen
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