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  • Just saw one of your posts in that closed troll fest of a thread in the BD section. I want to let you know that in general Bangladeshis get along perfectly fine with Pakistanis, especially in the West. I also have Pakistani family members, in fact, married to one. But as with everything, there are people with differing views.
    A fellow red devil, i see ten haag in your Profile Picture!!.
    Currently crying over man Uniteds loss in CL…
    Have you watched the movie Gladiator. Commodus who takes over power from his father is upset because people don't like him, then someone gives him idea to give something to people so they have something for entertainment. He starts gladiator game where people kill each other and people watch, have a laugh, bet on people, chant the name of their favourite gladiator.
    The same concept is used in modern day games, people spend billions on sports, while the elite are busy looting. People may feel hardship but once a week they go have fun in the 🏟. Stadium is modern day Colosseum.
    PakAlp, I watched Gladiator years ago so I don't remember much of it so thanks for telling me that it was Commodus who first promoted the gladiator games to distract the citizens. You are right about the same reason done by most governments today and you are right about the self-destructive attitude of the citizens when instead they should have been revolting.
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