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19 th and 20 th century Crusade led by USA

Cash GK

Sep 20, 2015
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The History of Crusades and the Current West's Role in Jerusalem: A Tale of Indigenous Struggles


The ongoing conflict in Jerusalem between the indigenous Palestinian people and the occupying Israeli forces has a long and complex history. This article aims to shed light on the parallels between historical crusades and the present-day involvement of the United States and the West in aiding the settlement of people from the West in Jerusalem. It also highlights the struggle of indigenous Palestinians fighting for their freedom against occupying forces, the recent surprising advancements by Palestinian fighters, and the double standards displayed by the West in their approach to conflicts around the world.

Historical Context: Crusades and Settlement in Jerusalem:

The Crusades, which took place between the 11th and 13th centuries, were a series of military campaigns initiated by European Christians to regain control of Jerusalem and the Holy Land from Muslim rule. These expeditions were driven by religious fervor, economic interests, and political motivations. The Crusaders established settler communities in the region, leading to a lasting impact on the demography and culture of Jerusalem.

Present-Day West and the Settlement of Westerners:

In recent times, the United States and other Western powers have been actively involved in aiding the settlement of people from the West in Jerusalem. This support has raised concerns about the displacement of indigenous Palestinians who have lived in the region for generations. Critics argue that the influx of Western settlers further marginalizes and threatens the cultural and territorial rights of the Palestinian people.

Indigenous Struggles and Attacks on Occupying Forces:

The indigenous Palestinians, rightfully fighting for their freedom and rights, have consistently faced numerous challenges. They have been subjected to attacks by occupying Israeli forces, leading to significant casualties among civilians. The Palestinian fighters, driven by their desire for liberation, have occasionally surprised the world with their tenacity and strategic advancements against the Israeli defense system. USA came to help them bring its naval forces to defend 19th and 2oth century Crusade.

Recent Developments and the Hypocrisy of the West:

One notable event that unfolded during the Palestinian struggle was the surprise attack by Palestinian fighters, which dismantled the Israeli defense system and liberated substantial portions of land. This event showcased the determination and resilience of the Palestinian people in their fight for freedom.

However, despite the ongoing violence and oppression faced on the Palestinians, the West's response has been marked by hypocrisy. While they readily provide military aid and support to defend other nations against foreign forces, such as in Ukraine, they have failed to grant the same right to the Palestinians. This double standard raises questions about the principles and motives guiding Western interventions and exposes the inconsistency in their approach to conflicts around the world.


The history of crusades and the current situation in Jerusalem highlight the struggles faced by indigenous Palestinians fighting for their freedom against occupying Israeli forces. The support of the United States and the West in the settlement of people from the West has further complicated the situation, threatening the cultural and territorial rights of the Palestinian people. The recent advancements by Palestinian fighters demonstrate their determination and resilience. However, the double standards displayed by the West in their response to conflicts worldwide raise concerns about their commitment to justice and equality. The ongoing struggle for freedom and self-determination in Jerusalem serves as a reminder of the importance of addressing historical injustices and working towards a peaceful resolution that respects the rights and aspirations of all parties involved.
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