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2020 /21 Covid-19 new virus strain news and discussions.

Lucky we shut out UK. No wonder UK need to leave EU. They really need to be isolate. :enjoy:
The UK found out that mutated virus in September and by November 1/4 of their cases were infected by this "super spreading" mutated version. But the UK didn't warn others until recently due to some countries already got infected.
All countries should ban air travel during the pandemic. Should have done this a whole year ago.

The British government approach to COVID has been a joke!
The UK found out that mutated virus in September and by November 1/4 of their cases were infected by this "super spreading" mutated version. But the UK didn't warn others until recently due to some countries already got infected.

WHO reported coivd-19 come from nature, emerged years ago.
There are blood sample from mid 2019 in Italy with coivd-19.

Then where are other coronavirus come from? Are they come from Ganges River?

View attachment 698352
Corona is a group of virus, covid 19 is one among the group..

Corona virus group causes common cold and seen in many contries
New virus strain has been known about since November and already spread to other parts of Europe. Noise now is just a way UK can get out of Brexit negotiations, IMO.
I have just only started the process of bringing back our house maid from the Philippines and now this !!! grrrrr
@RAMPAGE You got any suggestions with your miracle vaccine?
Again, read a bit of science, genetics in this instance, during your time off from trolling Indians.

Such minor genetic mutation will not affect the efficacy of existing vaccines. The killed pathogen of which the vaccine comprises and the new strain are virtually the same to an immune system.
LONDON: British health secretary Matt Hancock said Sunday that the government has imposed a strict Christmas lockdown in London and southeast England because a new strain of the coronavirus was "out of control".

Hancock warned that the strict measures that affect almost a third of England's population could stay in place until the virus vaccine is fully rolled out.

"We acted very quickly and decisively," Hancock told Sky News, justifying the "stay at home" order, ban on family gatherings over Christmas and closure of non-essential shops.

"Unfortunately the new strain was out of control. We have got to get it under control."
Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Saturday that millions must cancel Christmas plans and stay home because the new strain was spreading far more quickly.

Around 16.4 million people entered the strictest "tier four" measures from Sunday, or 31 percent of England's population.

They are not allowed to hold family gatherings for Christmas, while in the rest of the country households are allowed to mix on Christmas Day alone.

London's Metropolitan Police said that it would take action against those who "make reckless decisions that risk lives."
Other UK regions have also tightened their anti-virus measures in response.

Wales introduced a strict lockdown from Sunday, while Scotland has banned travel to and from other UK regions for Christmas. Both Scotland and Northern Ireland will enter fresh lockdowns on December 26.

Hancock told Sky News that the situation was "deadly serious."

"It's going to be very difficult to keep it under control until we have the vaccine rolled out," he said, adding: "This is what we face over the next couple of months."

The UK hopes to reach a figure of half a million vaccinations over the weekend, the health minister said.

Scientists first discovered the new variant in a patient in September, Susan Hopkins of Public Health England told Sky News.

She said that scientists in November found the new strain was behind a cluster of cases in Kent and spreading into London and Essex and informed the government on December 11.

Public Health England then again notified the government on Friday when modelling revealed the full seriousness of the new strain, she said.

She confirmed the figure given by Johnson that the new virus strain could be 70 percent more transmissible while saying this was an initial figure.

"I think 70 percent looks like a good number to land on at the moment," she said.

The virus has been found in all regions of England but in small numbers, Hopkins said.

Hancock said cases have also been identified in Australia and Europe.

Patrick Vallance, the government's chief scientific adviser, said Saturday that the new strain "contains 23 different changes," including to the way the virus binds to human cells and enters cells.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan told Sky News that London now has the same number of inpatients with the virus as during the peak of the first wave in April. Cases have also grown rapidly among those aged 10 to 19, he said.

Paul Hunter, professor in medicine at the University of East Anglia, told the Observer weekly that "if this new variant is behind the increase in this age group, then that is a big worry."

The grave situation prompted widespread criticism of the prime minister for promising last week not to "cancel Christmas."

"Not much was understood about this mutant virus. But that uncertainty should have been enough for the PM to see that then was the time to call off Christmas," wrote The Sunday Mirror weekly.

Labour Leader Keir Starmer said in a video statement: "We have a prime minister who is so scared of being unpopular that he is incapable of taking tough decisions until it is too late."

Flights banned

European countries started banning flights coming from the UK as the government in London warned about the new strain.

Following the example of the Netherlands, where a ban on all UK passenger flights came into effect on Sunday, a German government source said Berlin, too, was considering a similar move as "a serious option" for flights from both Britain and South Africa.

The Dutch ban came into effect from 6:00 am (0500 GMT) and will last until January 1. And neighbouring Belgium also said it was suspending flight and train arrivals from Britain from midnight .
UK says new coronavirus strain is more infectious, but vaccines should still work

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@waz @Irfan Baloch @Foxtrot Alpha @Horus @WebMaster

Kindly make this thread sticky.

Gonna be lot of English patients now :rofl:

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