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26-year-old Aviad called from the festival: "I'm shot - they're killing everyone here"

GAN HADAROM. On Saturday morning, thousands of people fled for their lives when Hamas terrorists attacked a trance festival. Now the childhood friends Aviad Halevi and Zur Saidi are buried next to each other in their home village.

- Aviad called and said he had been shot, says uncle Hazi Dean.

Aviad Halevi's father washes off his front steps in the village of Gan HaDarom, outside Ashdod, with a hose. He can't bear to talk, he can't. But he welcomes us into the house where the relatives are preparing for the funeral reception.

- I am not supposed to bury him. He was going to bury me, says Aviad's grandfather.

He holds up a couple of handwritten A4 sheets, flips through them.

- I will give a speech for him today. My oldest grandson. How will I manage it?

The voice breaks. Aviad's grandfather turns away, pours orange juice and offers. The tables are set, the house in the village of Gan HaDarom is ready.

But Aviad Halevi's relatives are not.

Uncle Hazi Dean shows us to a small room upstairs. The family is in deep sorrow, but they jointly want Aviad's story to be told. Hazi Dean is given the responsibility of conveying it on behalf of the family.

The festival is called "nature festival" and was for trance music lovers. It was held outdoors in a desert-like area not far from Gaza, in southern Israel, from late Friday night and through the night into Saturday. The 26-year-old childhood friends Aviad Halevi and Zur Saidi went there together last Friday.

- There were thousands of young people there. Hamas knew it. They went straight there, because they knew they would find young people who had come there just to dance and have fun, says Hazi Dean.

At 8 o'clock on Saturday morning, Aviad Halevi called home.

- "I've been shot, I can't walk," he said. He sent his exact location via Whatsapp. "Please come and help us!" he pleaded, says Hazi Dean.

They spoke to Aviad again at nine o'clock. No help had arrived.

- He had lost a lot of blood. At 10 o'clock he again begged us to come. "They kill everyone here," he said.

That was the last time Hazi Dean heard his niece's voice. Then the mobile battery was discharged.

The death toll in Israel passed 600 on Sunday. Many believe it will end at a much higher figure. Emergency departments in the country are overcrowded and it is difficult to have time to notify relatives, which means that the official figures lag behind.

In addition, fighting continued between Israeli soldiers and the terrorist group Hamas in several places in southern Israel. The extent of the attack is not yet fully understood.

It is not yet known how many were killed at the music festival, other than that "dozens" of bodies have been found. Reports suggest that the dead could number in the hundreds. Among the visitors to the festival were a large number of Europeans and Americans, in addition to the Israeli youth.

- Hamas came back and looked for survivors. They came back and shot them again to make sure they were really dead, says Hazi Dean.


Outside the room we are sitting in, several women are crying. The heartbreaking screams enter through the cracks in the door and make Hazi Dean take a deep breath.

- We sent in some very brave men who took weapons with them and went there. One of them found Aviad and Zur dead. He lifted them into the car and drove them home, he says.

Then he bets. This is important to him.

- I want you to write exactly what I say now. Hamas - we are talking about a group of killers, a group of animals. They are not normal people. I don't know where all these hundreds of animals came from. I don't understand how they think. It's crazy.

Hazi Dean looks at his phone, pulls up a clip.
- It's really strange that you just met me. Google my name, says Hazi Dean, spelling.

Hazi Dean is the maternal uncle of Aviad Halevi.

The hits in the search engine show that the man sitting before us is one of Israel's most famous magicians. Aviad Halevi was his assistant.

- And it wasn't even his job! He worked in finance, wanted to make the big bucks, but still, every time I called and asked for his help... he came.
In the clip, Hazi Dean is strapped in and hanging upside down from a crane. He is about to start being lifted upwards, tens of meters into the air. A young Aviad Halevi grabs his cheeks and says something.

- He was the last person I saw in the eyes before I did my trick, the one who said "you can do it". That was the way he was. He was incredibly smart and he didn't have to work with me, but he did it for me, says Hazi Dean.

The burial site is ten minutes by car from the family's house in the village, which is a so-called "moshav". It traditionally means a type of agricultural society where all families have their own businesses, but share tools and vehicles with each other. In Israel there are also kibbutzim, which are collective communities where the residents run businesses together. In Hamas's surprise attack, precisely these types of villages have been hit hard.

In the aftermath, many wonder how it could happen. And why no rescue came for several hours.

It is quiet at the newly dug graves that will soon be filled again. Before the funeral procession arrives, the only thing heard are regular, dull bangs. Sometimes the silence is broken by fighter jets and helicopters passing in the air above us.

The firecrackers come from Israel's bombing of Gaza. Israel is a small country, Gaza is only a few miles south of Ashdod.

- If the flight alarm goes off, don't panic! says a man into the microphone at the funeral.

- Just lie down and hold your hands over your heads.

There, in Gaza, are an unknown number of kidnapped Israelis. Israeli media and websites are flooded with calls from worried relatives, who have lost contact with their loved ones since Saturday and fear the worst.

One of the missing is 23-year-old Dorin Atias. She, like Aviad Halevi, was last seen at the music festival.

"We have turned the world upside down, we have spoken to everyone we can think of. We've looked everywhere, but we can't find her," writes Dorin Atia's mother Tali Atias in an international search.

The only clue to Dorin's whereabouts came via the friend she was at the festival with.

The friend called his sister early Saturday morning and said "they've caught us".

This is how DN works with quality journalism: information published must be true and relevant. Rumors are not enough. We strive for first-hand sources and to be there where it happens. Credibility and impartiality are central values for our news journalism.
Muslims in Europe are not in an organized campaign trying to take over Europe, lay IEDs for your police cars, and kill your politicians.
Many on PDF say that taking over Europe is in the plan.
There are numerous terrorist attacks by Muslims.

Jews are effectively since decades taking over land in the Middle East. It is a power struggle.
And Arabs has waged war against Israel.
Israel has returned land in return for peace.
When Israel evaquated Gaza, Arabs used that to attack Israel.
That is shooting themselves in the foot,

Let Arabs try to take over Stockholm, you will kill them won't you?
Don’t forget that Arabs started the armed conflict.
I do not know why I am writing this, I do not believe in reasoning or arguing. I believe in what you believe in and do on a daily basis, the only solution is violence when it comes to defense. The white man knows nothing but violence.
And Arabs know nothing about how to achieve a political resolution and spits on international law.

There is plenty of empty space in USA, and USA love Jews we all seen that, they are ready to kill for them, so why not just take the Jews and resettle them in different states, because of course we can not take someone's land just because your God which I don't believe in said so, America is a country without a religion so take the Jews there, Simple. Or unless the US people believe there is a God, and that God has given this land to Jews hence I would like to see the claim of Americans who say America doesn't have a religious state policy.
There are plenty of empty space in Saudi Arabia as well.
Why don’t the Arabs return there?

Because most often the british military did not target the civilian population like the IDF does.
I don’t think you understand what ”target the civilian population” means.

And neither are the palestinians killing all the jews in israel---.

This the first time that the israilis have suffered such a major loss of life---.

This attack was staged thru the support of the Israeli intel agy's with the approval from Netanyahu---he knew it and let it happen intentionall---.
Which is part of the general Muslim whining.
No emphathy for victims, only worry about their own hide.

People look at the launch sites of 100's of missiles---right next to the border---thousands of rocket launch tubes---noty possible to do it---unless the IDF and israeli intel was looking the other way---.
Missiles are fired from the urban part of Gaza.
I don’t think you understand what ”target the civilian population” means.

Which is part of the general Muslim whining.
No emphathy for victims, only worry about their own hide.

Missiles are fired from the urban part of Gaza.

Enjoy the video


It was all about religion---second coming of Christ---other than that---the british had no love lost for the jews.

Israel attacks any place where they believe Hamas is located and care enough about civilian casualties that they inform in advance of the attack. It is impossible to judge without detailed information if there is a crime involved.
yeah sure . like UN facilities that were used for sheltering the ones who lost their home

Some will argue that Arab states do the same for Palestinians
the Jews come from USA and Europe
the Palestinian didn't come from those Arab states

Many on PDF say that taking over Europe is in the plan.
There are numerous terrorist attacks by Muslims.
now some one must post list of USA and EU terrorist attack in middle east and Afghanistan in last 30 years

There are plenty of empty space in Saudi Arabia as well.
Why don’t the Arabs return there?
are those Arabs from those space ?

the Zionists come from EU and USA
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my guess is something like this

That is targetting buildings which may or may not have a military value.

or using white Phosphorus inside densely populated area like gaza
You know very well that there is no international treaty banning White Phosphorus.
The treaty on Incendiary Weapons explicitly states that smoke shells are not incendiary weapons, even if they contain White Phosphorus.
So why do you keep lying about it in thread after thread?
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yeah sure . like UN facilities that were used for sheltering the ones who lost their home

You mean the UN facilities a few meters away from Palestinian artillery positions?
That makes the UN location collateral damage And the Palestinians are responsible.

the Jews come from USA and Europe
the Palestinian didn't come from those Arab states
Close to a million Jews came from the Muslim states to avoid persecution.
Plenty of Jews came from Africa.

Plenty of Arabs immigrated to the Mandate between the World Wars. Yassir Arafats family came from Egypt.
now some one must post list of USA and EU terrorist attack in middle east and Afghanistan in last 30 years
States do not do terrorist attacks. They work within the frame of law. They may commit war crimes. The majority of the war crimes were committed by the Arabs.
90-95% of the Iraqi civilians were killed by other Iraqis, often trained and armed by Iran.
are those Arabs from those space ?

the Zionists come from EU and USA

Arabs certainly came from the Arabian peninsula. Very few Arabs in current Israel during the Roman times.
The Jews has come from all parts of the world. Almost 1,6 million from the Muslim world to avoid persecution and repression.
Another 1,5 million comes from the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.
So again you are lying.


A maximum of 250,000 has Western European origin. That is 5% of the population. Another 150,000 from the US. That is a total of 8% of the population.
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That is targetting buildings which may or may not have a military value.

You know very well that there is no international treaty banning White Phosphorus.
The treaty on Incendiary Weapons explicitly states that smoke shells are not incendiary weapons, even if they contain White Phosphorus.
So why do you keep lying about it in thread after thread?
In short targeting civilian intentionally

And it was not smoke shell they used there. For God sake why they want to use smoke she'll in center of Gaza

Close to a million Jews came from the Muslim states to avoid persecution.
Plenty of Jews came from Africa.

Plenty of Arabs immigrated to the Mandate between the World Wars. Yassir Arafats family came from Egypt.
What was the percentage of arab, jews and turks before some European countries take control of the area

States do not do terrorist attacks.
You very well knew they do
They work within the frame of law. They may commit war crim
You are to naive if you think so
Arabs certainly came from the Arabian peninsula. Very few Arabs in current Israel during the Roman times.
The Jews has come from all parts of the world. Almost 1,6 million from the Muslim world to avoid persecution and repression.
Another 1,5 million comes from the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.
So again you are lying.
No sowiet union is considered a European country. The African jews are recent phenomen
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Europeans want to be more Israeli than Israelis themselves. Good thing is when jew influenced western liberal leaders are pushing waves of refugees into Europe making it less European every day. Soon there will be a few hundred thousand angry Palestinians in Europe 👌

Europeans deserve to feel the true taste of kissing Israeli a55.
In short targeting civilian intentionally
You do not know what information Israel has and thus your comment is just an uninformed statement.
And it was not smoke shell they used there. For God sake why they want to use smoke she'll in center of Gaza
Yes it was smoke shells. Prove me wrong.
If You want to know why, ask the Israelis.

What was the percentage of arab, jews and turks before some European countries take control of the area
What was the percentage of Arabs, before Romans conquered the area?

You very well knew they do
States are measured according to compliance to international treaties.
Their acts in war are either war crimes or not.

You are to naive if you think so

No sowiet union is considered a European country. The African jews are recent phenomen
You claimed that they came from the EU, not ”Europe”. The Soviet Union was not part of the EU.
The only part of the former Soviet Union which is now a member of the EU is the Baltic countries and they didn’t have many Jews thanks to Nazi Germany and local supporters. Since Your propaganda (aka lies) is always targetting the West, I showed that very few Israelis have ancestors in the West
The African Jews started to emigrate to Israel in 1970s.

So how are the Muslims going to ensure full human rights to millions of Jews that they force to return to Muslim countries after their plan for Palestine succeeds.

Or are they going to repress them and kill them like they always have done?

Assuming Europe follows suit against those Muslims that committed the ”crime” of immigrating to Europe. How are the Muslim countries going to handle all those million Muslims that are deported?
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Yes it was smoke shells. Prove me wrong.
If You want to know why, ask the Israelis.
funny smoke shell in places there is no ground warfare
You do not know what information Israel has and thus your comment is just an uninformed statement.
till yesterday 11 reporter killed , 30 medic killed, ambulances bombed. 3 reporter killed at Lebanon border in a place not a single bullet fired toward Israel. 700 children in Gazza killed in last week, carvan of refugees who were leaving Gaza get bombed . I say its pretty clear what sort of information Israel have
Specially if you bother and read what Israeli official say and funny this time EU countries and USA even don't bother try to hide the fact they are partner with Israel in this Genocide

What was the percentage of Arabs, before Romans conquered the area?
you tell me what was the percentage before Jews massacre the original inhabitant and make them leave their lands suggest go and read torah and bible on that matter its very much informative . and what made you think the arab that lived in the area were not the descendant of the jews who lived there and converted

States are measured according to compliance to international treaties.
Their acts in war are either war crimes or not.
sugar coating terrorism committed by westerners and saving their *** .
wonder then why you guys call other countries institution as terrorist .

The African Jews started to emigrate to Israel in 1970s.
as i said way after the time we were discussing
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You claimed that they came from the EU, not ”Europe”. The Soviet Union was not part of the EU.
The only part of the former Soviet Union which is now a member of the EU is the Baltic countries and they didn’t have many Jews thanks to Nazi Germany and local supporters. Since Your propaganda (aka lies) is always targetting the West, I showed that very few Israelis have ancestors in the West
The African Jews started to emigrate to Israel in 1970s.
grasping at straws
Or are they going to repress them and kill them like they always have done?
Palestine - Muslim, Jew, Christian peaceful coexistence.

You have deep civilizational prejudice. Over 99% of Jews ever targeted and killed were by Europeans and Russians, who hated them specifically for their religion. Muslims do not hate Jews for their religion. 95% of any hostility would have been for political reasons and such incidents were few and far in between, spread over vast area. This changed in the 20th century with the rise of Zionism and Arab nationalisms.
Do you Pakistanis really care ? You have no trouble slaughtering Non-Muslims, Bengalis, Balochs, Afghans and Imran Khan supporters at various times in your history
Any decent human would care.

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