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Abuduwaili Abudureheman: Hong Kong denies detaining Uyghur student


Jul 8, 2017
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  • By Joel Guinto
  • BBC News
29 May 2023
Abuduwaili Abudureheman

Image caption,

Amnesty said Abuduwaili Abudureheman told a friend he had been interrogated by police at Hong Kong's airport

Hong Kong has denied detaining a Uyghur scholar who human rights activists say went missing after arriving in the city earlier this month.

Abuduwaili Abudureheman texted a friend on 10 May saying he was being interrogated by police at the airport.

He has not been heard from since, his friends told Amnesty International.

The rights group has demanded Hong Kong reveal his whereabouts, but the government said such a call was slander and "groundless and unfounded".

Hong Kong authorities also said there was no record that Mr Abuduwaili had arrived in the territory or was denied entry.

The Chinese government has been accused of a brutal crackdown against the Muslim minority Uyghurs, which it denies.

Mr Abuduwaili, who was born in Xinjiang, had been based in South Korea for the past seven years where he had earned a PhD in sports industry and leisure. He had flown from Seoul to Hong Kong to visit a friend, Amnesty said.
The group said it had received information that Mr Abuduwaili was on a "watch list" of Uyghurs and other Muslims from the north-western Xinjiang region, who had travelled outside of China.

Amnesty said it had recorded numerous cases of Uyghurs detained in China and abroad based solely on having a history of foreign travel.

"The unknown fate of Abuduwaili Abudureheman is deeply worrying, given the background of crimes against humanity committed against Uyghurs by the Chinese government in Xinjiang, and its ongoing pursuit of Uyghurs who have travelled overseas," said Alkan Akad, an Amnesty researcher.

The US, UK and international human rights monitors have accused Beijing of detaining about one million Uyghurs in so-called "re-education camps" in Xinjiang, , separating children from their families and breaking their cultural traditions.

The region is also cloaked in a pervasive network of surveillance, including police, checkpoints, and cameras that scan everything from number plates to individual faces.

China has also been accused of targeting Muslim figures and banning religious practices in Xinjiang, as well as destroying mosques and tombs.

In a landmark report last year, the UN accused China of "serious human rights violations" in Xinjiang that "may constitute international crimes, in particular crimes against humanity".
It also urged China to release "all individuals arbitrarily deprived of their liberty".

China called the UN report a "farce" arranged by Western powers.
All are doing propaganda and conspiracy against China. China do no wrong never.

In a landmark report last year, the UN accused China of "serious human rights violations" in Xinjiang that "may constitute international crimes, in particular crimes against humanity".
It also urged China to release "all individuals arbitrarily deprived of their liberty".

@etylo @renhai
How can we increase Chinese influence in UN to stop such propaganda? I can’t believe UN is lying so openly.
All are doing propaganda and conspiracy against China. China do no wrong never.

@etylo @renhai
How can we increase Chinese influence in UN to stop such propaganda? I can’t believe UN is lying so openly.
Clean up the human rights violations of killing and discriminations of Muslims and minorities in your la la land India first before you concern with the UN bogus report of human rights in China. the UN as we all know is a US tool that serves to discredit China all the time, fool.
Clean up the human rights violations of killing and discriminations of Muslims and minorities in your la la land India first before you concern with the UN bogus report of human rights in China. the UN as we all know is a US tool that serves to discredit China all the time, fool.
Bro India case is hopeless, everyone knows that.

But China? Well, I can’t believe people are running so much propaganda against China which always follows rule of law and respect all religions especially Islam.

Why UN (and the world at large) always lie about China is beyond me.
This guy didn't even leave South Korea and never entered Hong Kong, but that didn't stop Western MSM from printing this fake news all over.

It's a systemic pattern. MSM publish wildly exaggerated "news" and let them drive up negative sentiments against China. After a week or 2, they quietly issue a retract/correction but nobody would be reading it by that point. This way they can say "See? We correct our mistakes" but in reality the smear job has already been completed.


https://t . m e /mangopress/15040?single 🖕🖕🖕🚽🚽🚽💩💩💩💪💪💪🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🔫💣🍔☠️🦠💩🦅#USempire 🇨🇳🇭🇰#HongKongispartofChina 🇰🇵🇰🇷#OccupiedKorea

The Deep State Mainstream Media have used Amnesty's reporting of a Uyghur man Abduwali Abu Dureheman gone missing in Hong Kong in May after his flight from South Korea has gained traction, the problem is that the head of Physical Education Jo Wook-yeon who is also Abu Durehemman's advisor at Kookmin University has told Yonhap News that "Amnesty's announcement is different from the facts" Dean Cho added to that Mr Abu Durehemman never left Occupied Korea and has not departed to Hong Kong and been in contact with him on the basis for guidance for his doctoral degree. This goes in line with the Hong Kong airport authority which said that Abu Durehemman has never entered Hong Kong.

In another interview from another Occupied Korea news media MBC, Abu Durehemman has stated that "I did not leave for Hong Kong and have been staying in Korea."

@mangopress D:
I swear these stories seem to get debunked much faster these days

Is there a source on this? I can only find one English news source corroborating this on a random website. I don’t mind if it’s Korean language source, I just want to have it on file for debunking lib myths when necessary

Ethan Lau:
They should sue the shit out of Amnesty

Honestly if they’ve been making up bullshit they need to straight up be banned from HK

Ethan Lau:
Should be banned now

Mango Press discussion 📝:

Next Peng Shuai? 🤣

John Doe:
you know why they care so much? because they get paid to lie and to make up stories, basically anything that make China look bad, they get paid big time, that's why

for a story like this, they probably will get another million dollar funding from the NED

that's why they balantly lie and create fake stores like this. To them, it us just their dirty business.

Amnesty corroborated the Nariyah testimony in the 90s. They issued a retraction AFTER the invasion tells you all you need to know tbh.

B M:
They did that with all the absurd lies about Libya they backed up too

S Savill:
Amnesty. Shd really be Amnasty.

Man, The term "Non-governmental organization" is such bullshit
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This is very interesting.

Major South Korean news agency Yonhap is reporting that the head of physical education at Kookmin University, where Abuduwaili Abudureheman studies, says the student is in Korea & never left for Hong Kong.

HK also claimed the man never entered.

This get me thinking, why would Amnestry International publish a report that they would know by all logic, that would be debunked straight away? and make themself look like having egg on this face.

Granted it could be that they really don't care, because of gold fish memory of western reader or they think they could cover it up because western media would just ignore the truth and don't report it.

BUT I think there is likely a possibily of a trolling/fishing operation involved by AMI that went wrong. AMI have the report ready and released it without properly coordination and verification, hence the big facepalm.
Modern propaganda wars don’t care about making fake news, because fake news spreads more widely, and few media will repost the later clarification news. After all, it is news that a man bites a dog, and a dog bites a man is not news, as long as the false news is spread It is enough to give more people, and the purpose of the propaganda war is achieved

Amnesty International admits Uygur reported ‘missing’ in Hong Kong found in South Korea, as city government demands apology

  • Organisation says it has spoken with Abuduwaili Abudureheman and understands he never travelled to Hong Kong, as was earlier claimed
  • City government slams rights group over failing to apologise for claiming he went missing

Park Chan-kyongOscar Liu
Park Chan-kyong in Seouland Oscar Liu in Hong Kong
Published: 5:14pm, 30 May, 2023

Abuduwaili Abudureheman expressed shock when he heard he had been reported missing from Seoul, Professor Jo Woog-yeon, who teaches him, says. Photo: Instagram/abduwali9

Abuduwaili Abudureheman expressed shock when he heard he had been reported missing from Seoul, Professor Jo Woog-yeon, who teaches him, says. Photo: Instagram/abduwali9

Amnesty on Friday said Abuduwaili had travelled to Hong Kong from South Korea to visit a friend on May 10, but had not been heard from since he texted a friend about “being interrogated by Chinese police” after landing at the airport.

The next day Hong Kong authorities slammed the rights group over the “groundless” claim and insisted he had “not entered or been refused entry”.

In a statement issued late on Tuesday, the Hong Kong government slammed Amnesty for failing to apologise for its “shameful” and “false” accusations against local authorities.

“The organisation has not only refused to admit it was wrong, :angry: but says it will continue to monitor the human rights situations in Hong Kong and the mainland, in a bid to cover up its wrongdoings and shift attention to the fabricated smearing malicious attacks against Hong Kong and the mainland,” the statement said. :nono:

“The government despises such acts and hopes the organisation can offer a solemn apology in a responsible manner.” :agree:

In its reply to the Post on Tuesday, the organisation did not say whether it had verified the source of the information claiming Abuduwaili had gone missing before issuing its statement. :argh::blah: Neither did Amnesty say if it would apologise to the Hong Kong government.

The group’s clarification came hours after Professor Jo Woog-yeon, of Kookmin University in Seoul, told the Post that he called the 38-year-old student on Sunday when he learned about Amnesty’s report from the news.

“When I told him about the news, Mr Abuduwaili himself expressed shock o_O and dismay :angry: as he has been in South Korea throughout this year and he never set foot in Hong Kong,” he said.

“In order for me to confirm he is certainly in Seoul, we engaged in a mobile video call during which he turned the mobile camera around to show street name signs to prove that he was in Seoul indeed.”

The professor said he guaranteed Abuduwaili was “alive and well” in Seoul, adding the student did not want to talk to journalists.

In its initial statement, Amnesty claimed Abuduwaili was on a Chinese government “watch list” of Uygurs and other Muslims from the Xinjiang region, because of his history of overseas travel.

The Chinese government has been accused by Western politicians and groups such as Amnesty of human rights abuses in the far western region of Xinjiang, claims it has repeatedly rejected as “slanderous”. :devil:
Does this look like it is a plan right from the start?

As reported

"Amnesty claimed Abuduwaili was on a Chinese government “watch list” of Uygurs and other Muslims from the Xinjiang region".

And then a report by AMI say that "Abuduwaili had travelled to Hong Kong from South Korea to visit a friend on May 10, but had not been heard from since he texted a friend about “being interrogated by Chinese police” after landing at the airport.".

AMI can only reported this if AMI knew beforehand that Abuduwaili has plan to go to HK on this specific date of May 10, suppose to manage to get himself arrested, and then text to AMI the pre-arrange message.

AMI could not just make up this thing out of thin air with the specific date of May 10, and specific phone text message.

Only when AMI mistakenly release the likely pre-written report without confirmation, that we could have see this.
Someone from HK talk about this incident and revealation about Amnestry International.

None of this should be surprising for anyone who know that Amnesty was founded by someone who previously had a career in British Intelligence.

Summary from comment section if u can't bother to watch.

Five Key Insights into Amnesty International's Actions​
To better understand the situation, it is crucial to delve into the actions and associations of Amnesty International. Here are five noteworthy points:​
University students from Hong Kong were invited to an all-expenses-paid trip to the UK in 2018, where they worked with an Amnesty International division focused on media evidence. The topics they specifically investigated were police brutality and the alleged overuse of tear gas on civilians. Interestingly, the following year, these two themes dominated media coverage surrounding Hong Kong, raising questions about the origins of these narratives.​
During the 2019 unrest, some protesters adopted a tactic where they deliberately encroached upon safety buffer zones, provoking the police to intervene. These incidents were then edited to make it appear as though the police were attacking innocent people without justification. These edited videos were disseminated worldwide, further fueling the negative perception of the Hong Kong police force. Amnesty International played a significant role in amplifying this narrative.​
A prominent voice at the Hong Kong Free Press, who went by the name "Kong," claimed to be a local Hong Kong-born Chinese citizen. However, investigations revealed that "Kong" was, in fact, a white man named Brian Kern, previously affiliated with Amnesty International. This deception raises questions about the credibility and motivations of individuals shaping the narrative around Hong Kong.​
The original allegations regarding millions of Uyghur citizens being detained in concentration camps originated from a group called the Chinese Human Rights Defenders. Surprisingly, this group, which presents itself as a grassroots organization from China, is actually based in Washington D.C. and receives financing from the U.S. government. Its public face is William Nee, former head of the Hong Kong branch of Amnesty International. The questionable sourcing and motivations of this group cast doubt on the credibility of their claims.​
In 2021, media reports suggested that Amnesty International was forced to close its Hong Kong operation due to concerns for staff safety following the implementation of a mild security law. However, the truth was that Amnesty International voluntarily closed its operation during a period of financial struggles and budget cuts. The organization faced a significant financial hole of 17 million pounds and had to pay 800,000 pounds in compensation over a workplace suicide. Amnesty International attempted to conceal this information from the public.​
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