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All Compiled Guidelines Of the Forum on ISSB



New Recruit

Nov 9, 2014
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i just read all available threads in this issb forum and decided to collect all Tips, Instructions and Advices at one place from all other posts, so i will select and post good suggestions in this thread, in this way a seeker can easily access information on this site.

All credit goes to original posters (i really thankful to all posters. Specially Xeric, Muradk, Peregrine and F.O.X)

it's a humble request to all of you that share anything here that can be helpful and still not shared here.....

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Muradk said:
Just remember a few things Don’t try to be over smart, Stay serious, Take charge of your teem. The first thing they see in you is how you answered question in the interview. When they ask you a question wait for 2 to 3 sec and them answer, If you don’t know the answer just say Sir I am sorry I don’t know the answer and if he says No just give it a shot you say I am sorry sir I rather give you a right answer than a wrong one.
Participate in all activities make your observer realise that you are a leader and always remember (You Command Respect not demand respect)
And please do not go to those ISSB schools they really screw you up.

Ahmed said:
during out door tasks ,show dedication to your work .
full cooperation with your fellows whether they are doing the same thing or not .
in writing test write whatever first thing come in your mind but be positive , ambitious and optimistic.
show leadership qualities.

Qsaark said:
Be positive and hope for good; don’t take the test lightly but don’t stress yourself out too much as well. You have more than one chance, so don’t be afraid of getting failed. If you are failed, you have still learned a lot, at least you are familiar with so many things now and will be better prepared for the next attempt. Taking advice is a good, but at the 11th hour, this is nothing but a recipe of disaster! So calm down, start your day with prayers, and face whatever is laying ahead of you.
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whydowelove said:
Do practice your writing test...specially the psycho test and one thing they call SELECTION DOZIER FILE in which you get time based question ...they will show you a word for 16sec or so and you have to write one complete sentence...and there will be 100 words for example

be careful of your interview is from this. write what you are or you have practiced......if you ask my opinion do buy a ISSB book and practice these tests from it.........just to manage your time and to get idea how to write good sentences....

2nd thing you get in the selection Dozier file are...Picture stories...i think they show you 4 pictures and you have to write a story on every picture in 4 mins (not sure).....good idea is to write on social work, your profession, key issues like Kashmir, terrorism or regarding Pakistan. and don’t forget to write using STAR technique (SITUATION, TASK, ACTION, RESULT )

whydowelove said:
GTO (remember he alone can take stand for your RECCOMMEDATION), so give your best short....

for military planning polish your maths...........for example...if a car is moving at speed of 20km/hr how much its going to cover in 8.5 mins? (hopefully my question makes sense)
listen very well to GTO..................
secondly during planning every one will give his opinion so listen to others too and give your opinion with logic.... coz GTO is watching you all and he know's who is doing well..
do show initative when he ask who wil become commmender....generally he chooses the worst person first (not obvious but from experience)

then the mazdoori (hahahaha) flanks and drums and ropes (progressive group task) 40 mins, 3 parts, 1st and 2nd part are the easiest one and 3rd impossible.....and if your group gets into 3rd part means you got the best group...just one thing to keep in mind......every thing red is out of bound.....and before starting progressive group task telling your group to make an idea gives good impression on GTO....think on wht you can do to make an impression?

semi group task same principle .....just he splits the group into 3 halfs....best oppurtunity to show your guts.......

the command task..........
take initative to be commander (He wont choose you if he has doubt in your abilities or if your are performing well, just to know you well)...
give your best..wht ever your commanders ask you to do ...do it immediately (even if he wants you to lift 40kg big drum) and if you think its wrong ask him Mr commander if its like this wht do you say? dont tell your commander your idea is stupid.....even if it is..........just give your suggestion........thats all.......one thing more listen well to GTO when he is explaning to you abt task....if you got wrong conveying your group wht he said you runied all of your hard work..........
being commander choose the best person for best work......stay in between your group ....guide them, help them, try to clear them first (if you managed to finish your task)..
bear in mind commander does;nt mean you are TEEKAyDAR....

whydowelove said:
interview with GTO..... just general will ask you abt maths, can ask your weakest and strongest points.......general knowledge questions, islam, pakistan........

final task....................rubbish except to check your english (flank=phatta, drum is drum, rassi=rope, jump, seeri=ladder) just that........just kidding........its important tooo give your best short...........acutally its like progressive task but THEY SEPERATED THEM BECAUSE in progressive task you dont knw each other so they want to know if you can work in new environment with new ppl and how you react and treat them whereas in final task you know your group well they want to check how you will work with ppl you know (i assume)?

whydowelove said:

20-45 mins duration...

brush your math, physics (ohm law, one of there favt.), islam (basic dates you need to remember) like jhang badr date? hajj? namaz? wht is ghazwa? difference b/w nabbi and rasool?
then pakistan (borders of pakistan), imp places........quaid e azam, iqbal sahib.
why you want to join army? (logical reason) not mugay bachpan say shook (shock...hahaha) tha......stupid answer......

weakest and strongest point? and how you justify them? they should not be like affecting your personallity or have an effect on the job you are applying for................atleat prepare 5 of them

can be ................i am determined (merit), addicted to tea (de-merit)

be clear and try to speak wht you are.........coz they know wht you are by selection dozier file.........

whydowelove said:

doesnt matter how much you do in 2 mins..........they want to look you expression how u do them..........it doestn mean you couldnt do one and still they will select you....i mean number doesnt matter.......

one thing more ..........prepare your merit and demerits.......both in english and urdu.............
also prepare.........
happiest day of my life, saddest day of my life, my dream, my life ambition..........or other relating topics.......................
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Xeric said:
The best advice i could give you here is to get hold of ISSB books, though they are not that accurate but they would give you some insight to what would you face during ISSB. The books would contain lot of info (words-to make sentences, story writing etc), try to go through all of them as it would give you practice. Think of difficult words (like knife, fire, bomb, girl, hot, waste, dark, bad, ugly etc) and practice them out.

As for the group discussion, you would probably get topics on current affairs and social issues. A few examples can be; Role of women in our society, Current political crisis of the country, Madarsa education Vs Schooling etc. The more you read (newspapers, books, magazines) the better you would get at it.

whydowelove said:
topic can be from any where hell or heaven.........just keep these tips in mind
1- try to take initiative if you have command on the top if not dont speak unless you get some sense........
2- speak once but the best (i mean to say try to hold one valid point by covering all the topic) 2mins are more than enough for you if some one let you to speak...........
3- in case if you dont know much about topic listen well to your group.....they leave key points in competition to speak more..............
4- do argue with logical reason.......
5- try to look into person eyes who so ever is speaking............ye na ho Gdo taraf deek rahay ho..............
6- if you cant do well in first discussion dont loose hope................do best in 2nd one..........specially the one in english........
7- rest like Xeric said already ........can be current affairs........or any thing .......i remember mine was on culture relating.......but time has changed alot since that........so yours can be totally different...............try to read on key issues about future of pakistan, electricity, overcoming the present situation, role of youth.........but yar to be honest you can read only its scattered information you cant change into knowledge........
whydowelove said:
2- models are nothing just basic maths................

try to make concepts of questions of calculating time, distance and age...........i think we have those questions in 6 or 7th class maths.......do those exercises and try to calculate orally against time.........

tip for military planning

listen well...........Gdo will make a long story ..........listen to it well.........and there will be only few things to keep in mind/important...........again logic and attitude matters.........

whydowelove said:

visit this website for few picture stories......though these pictures are very clear...........in ISSB you hardly can see any character whether male or female.......but good to practice.....
and other sentence completing.............

enemy entered into our territory...................
alpha wanted to join army.........................
watching an accident alpha.......................
she was alone in her home......................
stepping into war.............................
after watching .....................

i made them my self here...........may be looks stupid but stories are some what like these..........
ArmyMan said:
my friends issb is just about your self . they only want to know you and your innerself. just try to give out your inner person. don't try to dodge them because they are doing their job from years and thousands of candidates are interviewed by them. just keep faith in Allah and be prepare for some general mathematics eg. if 5 pencils are at 21 ruppes than how much will two cost ..:p.
physics , eg pascal law etc.
biology , chemistry , and about sport you do. if you don't do any sport just say it straight forward no need to tell lie.. and if you play any and you have't got any trophie or things like that then no need to mention lie . if you do game in mohalla and don't know proper rules than no need to confuse your self simply say it " sir i play it at mohallah level .." if they ask about current champion if you know good.. but if no.. just tell him that i don't know.
the main thing is that be straight forward and speak truth. remaining leave on Allah .. inshaAllah if it is good for you, you will be recomended

Peregrine said:
as far as Physical tests are concerned, they are not very tough, so don't worry, people who only clear 3 or 4 of them with minimum points also get selected for PMA, so don't stress over physical tests, as far as individual, command & group tasks are concerned you will have to be very vigilant & intuitively creative but don't be over smart. As for written intelligent tests, they are several books so go through them, prepare for word association tests, you will have to do some practice for them & always make sentences which will reflect your personality as an optimist. for group discussion, again it all depends on your knowledge & your command over the language but to hand you a few tips, don't oppose others straight forwardly, if you have time then think over all aspects negative or positive of the topic & present them all. i hope this will be helpful & do ask me in pvt if you need to know anything.

F.O.X said:
Just Remember One Thing Do anything But lie , The ones conducting your interview are professionals , They will find out if you are lying or trying to be a little too smart , They dont want perfect answers They want honest answers , you could answer all the question wrong & you may still qualify your interview , and you may answer everything right & they may fail you on spot .

Qualifying ISSB is more of a mental then Physical test remember that when you are going to ISSB , Be confident , Stick to your answers do not change them just bcoz the person sitting in front of you is staring at you.

Yes you may realize that your answer is wrong so when answering answer carefully , and if they ask dont you think the answer is this ? simply tell them that Sir by the information I have my answer is correct. this way if your answer is correct well done, if it is wrong then you are still safe .
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F.O.X said:
Do not take any private tuition for ISSB , you will be caught & will not be selected.
if you want to pass ISSB you have to do it on your own

Free Soul said:
There are no pet answers. Stay positive, humble and confident, when a briefing is given on the task half of the task is understanding the brief (remember the numbers given in the briefing distance time etc).

Stay in touch with current affairs, have views of your own, increase your general knowledge a bit. Know your geography, a bit of history. Present yourself well, smartly dressed, neat and clean

Stay yourself. One is either Army type or he/she is not. So do your best and leave rest to fate.
A very few out of so many get the privilege to join this prestigious institutionMY PAK ARMY.

Xeric said:
some instructions or guidelines for GTO's task mainly.

1- Use your brain.

2- Avoid over smartness

3- Dont try to let others down

4- Remember it's not a solo act, but a group task
Kasrkin said:
Important tips about Group discussion, DONT fight or even argue or show the tiniest bits of annoyance...address the whole group as opposed to one friend or one rival. 1 of the topics is English and 2 in Urdu. Conclude and round up your idea, but do have the decency to let others speak and aleast pretend that you are listening to them. Also don't for a second laugh or take unseriously some one elses opinion. Be respectful and serious with all, don't try to belittle but be firm. If you have expressed your view, dont change it no matter what.

Najam Khan said:
Don't try to use short cuts/don't cross area restricted by GTO during test....if you do so by mistake then accept your mistake ASAP,if you won't they will take it asCheating.Sometimes people think that GTO is ignorant at this small moment but actually he is watching everything from hisBig Black spectacles.

A tip for interview...always look into the eyes of the interviewer,if you won't they will consider you a Liar...looking into eyes while talking means you have confidence in whatever you are saying.

inayatali said:
You can tell a lot from a person’s appearance. Show us you have got a sense of personal pride.

Self Confidence
Self-confidence and maturity are largely the product of experience. You can strengthen these qualities by participating in-group activities, taking on responsibility and exercising independence.
We look for people with good expression, may it be Urdu or English, clear direction, a good vocabulary and sense of grammar. Try to develop these by joining in debates and group discussions.

Academic Ability
Good academic results mean you will be good at absorbing the training of advanced and sophisticated equipment. Make your English and Mathematics sound.

If you possess the above qualities, you will have a greater potential for leadership training. Try and seek out positions of responsibility in academic, youth, social or sports activities.

Take adequate physical exercise in the run up before you report at the ISSB.

You should be convincing and sincere in your reasons for wanting to join armed forces. Make sure you really know for what and why you are applying.

We are looking for people with an awareness of the world around them, and an interest in military matters. Discuss current affairs and defence issues with your parents, teachers and friends and keep yourself updated with good newspapers.
swet said:
Hey there young guns.This thread shall
deal with me answering all your SSB(India)
/ISSB(Pakistan) doubts personally.I would
be giving you tips of what should be done
and what should be avoided during the
selection procedure. So there's something which you should
know about me before trusting.I got recommended from 11 SSB Allahabad on 14 Sept 2011, Batch No. ANDA 35052,
Chest No. 29, for Air Force.However I was
then diagnosed for a Heart disease(ECG
Pre-excitation), during medical
examination and unfortunately couldn't
join. That should make me more than eligible to
clear your doubts about it, doesnt that?
So, You want to clear the SSB/ISSB.Then
you should and must be knowing the
general procedure of the expected 5 day
stay there.Its recommended that you should be clear by now as to what tests
shall be done there before proceeding to
read the thread.If you dont then google it.
1. Screening test: This is undoubtedly the most underestimated part of the SSB/
ISSB.The rejection ratio is far more greater
and chances for one to get off the SSB/ISSB
very high.But a little preparation shall get
you through it. Do's a. Give the Intelligence test well. If you get recommended then the final merit list
depends on this so dont screw it off.
b. Write a fanatic but pratical and positve
story.The Picture shown at PPDT shall be hazy and perception would be different for
every candidate.Just form a basic idea of
what comprises the background and who
is the main character.Remember: There
should only one main character other
figures need no recognition. That character should be of your age and must match
your sex(male for male candidate and
c. You would have heard everyone saying
write a positive story. But what the heck!
what exactly is a positive story? A positive story is one where the Hero is not in
danger and is well off emotionally. For
example you are given a pic wherein
there's fire shown and people are trying to
put it off. Quickly find the most prominent
character and name him.It wont be viable to write that the Hero's house is on fire and
he's trying to put it off but better would be
that they are doing a drill where the hero is
directing others to safeguard their homes
from a probable fir.
The names which you choose in the story should not be a common one. Its
recommended that you use the name of
your friends instead of going for common
names like Ram/Shyam etc.It would show
you low intellectual skill.(Same goes for
Thematic Apperception Test) d. The most important part is to give a
proper fluent narration to your story.The assessors might not go through you story.
It needs to be grammatically correct and
most importantly should be given with
CONFIDENCE. Having a good command over
English/Hindi/Urdu and a great vocabulary
is always a plus point. e. G.D. is another very important process to ***** your qualities. Give your points
logically. You should give your points 4 5
times. Not more than that. Do not hesitate
or stop once you start your point.
There would be total chaos in G.D. Try
getting out of arguments. d. Be attentive while listening to others
during G.D. Pretend that you are listening
carefully but there's really no need to listen
to the speaker just pretend and formulate
the next point you are going to give,
during that period of time. Don'ts 1. Do not write a lame/impractical story.
2. Do not show your hero as physically,
mentally or emotionally weak.
3. Do not write the name of side characters.
4. Do not write the story in present
tense.Story should be in past tense. 5. Do not hitch or fumble during
narration.If you forget a line skip it
6. Do not waste time in remembering
forgotten points.
7. Never try to manipulate a discussion. 8. Do not try to dominate a discussion.
9. Avoid Starting A Discussion.(I would be
explaining this later.)
If luck favors and everything goes well. No
one can stop you getting through the
screening test. Try getting through the Screening its very
humiliating and disheartening to get out of
Once you are in next 4 days are all yours..... Psychological test Do's 1. Write a positive story during TAT. As
explained 1.c
For god's sake do not write a military story
or try to write one at each and every
point.This is the most misconceptual part in
TAT. Try writing a normal civilian(preferred unless the pic shows an army man)
story.The blank story should be scientific/
social/adventurous one.
2. Practice well for WAT.Nothing else can be
done for WAT and SRT save practicing.
3. No need to write full sentences during SRT. Use meaningful phrases like tactfully
persuaded, swam across etc.
4. Do not try writing absolute
truth.Manipulate it a bit.But do not forget
what have you manipulated. GTO Ask a question in the post. I am not going
to write completely about it. Why not start a group discussion? A knowledgeable guy would suggest you
to start a discussion but an experienced
one would never suggest you to do that.
Its not only you who would be trying to
start a discussion. All other candidates shall
be doing the same, which in all cases ends up in a fight and thats where the GTO gets
more pissed. So, wait for the argument or
fight to be over. Till then you should not
day dream and wander about girls. Try
getting a mouth shutting point into your
head and organize your thoughts. When the fight is over(it doesnt continue more
than 2 minutes) come up fast and machine
gun your points on others. Leave them
spell bound for a few seconds.Give your
points on regular intervals. Interview Post individual questions below. Do's 1. Try speaking the truth(not necessarily).
2. Always remember what have you lied.
3. Fill the Personal Information
Questionnaire neatly and clearly mention
4. Answer with a smiling and cheer full face.
5. See the news before entering the
Interview hall.
6. Update your G.K. regularly or browse the
internet to get a gist of 6 months events. Dont's 1. Do not try to bluff the I O. He's your
grandfather in catching those bluffs.
2. Do not try to gain the sympathy of I O.
3. Never show a moronic and dull face to
the I O.
4. Being cheerful doesnt mean you would start a beer party in there.
5. Do not forget to thank me if you found
this helpful.

muradk said:
just remember be very polite but firm. Dont complain about anything no
loose talk specially about your instructors
in your rooms. keep a positive attitude in all
aspects. In the interview if he asks you a
question and you dont know the answer
just say I am sorry sir I dont know the answere he will say give it a try or just
guess, at that time you say sir I would
rather give you a right answer than a
wrong one. If he asks you what is 2+2 the
answer is 4 but take 2 or 3 sec to answere.
somethimes we give the wrong answer to the easiest question so take your time and
answere. Max 2 sec than answere. Buy a
atlas and just go through it so you know
which country in where. One thing which
most boys forget is haircut dont get a crew
cut just a decent cut , your nails should be clean , clothes neat and clean. If you cant
speak proper english just speak only what
you know dont start like Amitab in Namak
Halal And please dont bring religion into
any discission, they will ask you do you
pray just tell the truth somethimes I do sometimes I dont. dont lie while answering
the question dont move your eyes , look at
the person who is taking your interview
look directly into his eyes while thinking or
giving your answere, never bow your head
in the interview. dont sit on the chair untill he says sit, always say thank you. when the
interview is done and he says you can go
say Sir it was a pleasure talking to you
Khuda Hafiz. If the guy says what do you
think will you pass or fail just say Sir I have
given my best rest is up to ISSB dont say rest is up to you NO TC at all.
I remember when I did my ISSB in the 60s
there used to be obsticles a task which has
a ladders a 2by4 a drum stuff like that. If
you really want to do good before you
start tell the other boys hi lets sit for 2 min and make a plane before we jump in and
say that a little loud so the observer can
hear it. I asure you, you will get good
marks regardless you finish the task or not.
why I am saying this take the task as a
mission you 6 have to do, you just dont jump into a mission you prepare your self
and the other have a plan, while doing the
obsticle dont argue keep calm and keep
others calm, boys get into panic when the
observer says 5 min left all hell breaks
loose, at that time say it to every one dont worry about the time concentrate on the
There are always a few trouble makers stay
away from them dont confront them if you
have a problem do what I did kick his ***
when you reach the railway station. Beat the **** out of them but on the station not
close to the center or in the center please.
Haan if you talk to much like me tell your
self I have to keep my mouth shut for 3
days and I am sure you can. Dont play
cards in the night try not to smoke and no chewing Gums.
xeric said:
I agree with X_man in totality....
You are an open book for the ISSB staff...
an 18 year old kid cant fool them. Just be
urself...very very very urself....i cant over
emphasis this fact...
Dont try to outsmart them...be true, use ur mind and above all be positive. Just stop
thinking about ur gf...the day you decided
to join the Army...all gals around you
became ur sisters...
lastly, just trust in urslef...and go with this
mind...if i'll not get selected..it's not the end of the world....this thought is going to help
you alot...thts my experience.
guud luck...

xeric said:
2. Exactly what Physcology of people do
ISSB seek. Either who runs his own
orders, or either who is a "YES SIR" man
and does whatever he is instructed to
do. I want a detailed answer about
physcology. They want none of what you have
All they require is somebody with a clear
The one who thinks clearly, positively and
evaluate everything before he makes any decision. Because in the Army you got to
be a guud decision maker as one wrong
decision can get many lives screwed!
Only and only if you can think clearly then
the question of 'running own orders' or
'Yes Sir' will never arise. The one giving the order is giving it after much deliberation
and the one obeying it i.e. you will carry it
out as you KNOW that it is legimitate and
correct. So the prejudice that one has to be
'obeying' all the time has no roots at all.
Moreover, at many a times you would be required to make you own decisions, and
act independently, so again you have to be
a guud decision maker also. Courtesy and
respect always have paramount
importance in this case but then again you
are an officer and you know very well what would be 'right' or 'wrong'.
Army is a very versatile carrier, today you
might be firing upon the enemy, tomorrow
you may have to carryout the job of police,
the day after you may be carrying out tree
plantation and then in the evening you may be preparing a football or hockey
You may have to deal with beggars and
shopkeepers and then again you might
have to deal with a DPO or DCO.
You might find yourself engaged with a foreign delegation and then you may also
find yourself talking to a widow who
complains that her in laws has taken away
all her husbands savings.
You might be kick the arse of some under
command who has a lose character and at the same time you might be talking to the
'numberdar' of a village to get soldier's
problem solved.
At times you might be required to get your
true anger controlled and at some other
occasion you might have to pretend that you out of your mind, though you might be
going on a date!
So if you can do this all "perfectly" you will
get the recommendation letter, if not then i
m sorry you have no place in the Amry
atleast! These examples will i am sure get your
mind agitated in the right direction. 4. How to behave before Person taking
interview. One word: SENSIBLY!! 3. Is it good to join tranning acadmies. Not advisable, but if you are so concerned
and away from the world, you might like to
try some.
galib said:
First of all, army is not built for emotional
nor intelligent people. If you are emotional,
you should find your way in films or
dramas. Not in army. Love for country is
good but it does not mean you should
worthlessly satisfy your soul by dieing for your country and country has no
advantage for it. It is good for you own
soul not for country.
Secondly, methods of army are tested.
History of army is very tested and old. Now
army will not bear that one intelligent mind come in tries to experiment with radical
new tactics and putting future of army in
danger. There may be good but it may be
bad. Army cannot afford that risk because
it is matter of defense of country. Army
runs on pre made rules. just be confident, try to take accurate and
quick decisions and be a gentleman. They
don't find a political leader in you because
your subordinates will obey you even you
r not leader.

One thing i know is never give any facial or
body expressions. like emotions etc.


F.O.X said:
My humble Tips for This: 1. Always write positive.
2. Make the story or Paragraph interesting.
3. Do not write the negative thoughts (you
know what i mean) , or you will be out .
4. Do not hurry thought for a little moment
& then start writing. 5. Make your concept clear, & bring
conciseness in it.
6. It doesn't matter that your story end or
not what matters is that what you have
written in it , so choose your words
carefully. 7. Do not write fancy thing bcoz that will
not impress the staff there rather then it
could be trouble for you.
8. use one word substitutes more in the
paragraph to make is short & conceptual.
9. use generally used words instead of using the words who are complicated to
save the time of the staff there.
can anyone guide me abOut the criteria for ISSB Grading ?
what do we mean by :
CHARLIE 41,42,43,44
and what activities does effect this grading the most
after recommendation some can't make it to the final merit list , the reason is perhaps grading
how do we improve our grading ?
Salam all! I've a question I wanted to ask regarding the medical tests.... What is knee knocking and how do I know that I actually have it?
Asalam-o-Alikum Everyone,
I am new here, i am from kotli azad kahmir, i want to join Pak Army through PMA L/C. I have a problem which I wanted to discuss. I want to apply for PMA in the coming days I have passed my F.Sc. but not in very good shape i.e it took me 4 years to pass it unlike normal 2 years. This was due to some family problems and also because of my own lethargic attitude. But i have passed it now with B-Grade (more than 60%). I was wondering, does it make my case weak, like does it mean that i'll have less chances of selection. Because most probably the ISSB staff are going to think that I was not interested in my studies and was a hooligan at college.But I was very good at school i have A+ in matric (more than 80%). and i am not very bad at studies either i.e my concepts are clear etc. And about family background, I belong to a military family (my father was an officer in Pak Army). and have other personnels in Armed Forces, belonging to my family too.

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