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Banned Words on PDF

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When we have the words 'India', 'Hindustan', 'Bharat', there's no need for the use of 'Gangadesh'. There's no official word called 'Gangadesh'.

Really? Are you sure?

It's up to the mods/you people to decide whether 'jihadi' as a word is an insult in this forum or not. We are not deciding it for you.

Why should I explain anything to you? We Indians don't want the usage of 'Gangadesh' on the forum. We Indians will decide that, right? Maybe we can take a poll among ourselves.

I certainly don't want 'Gangadesh' as a word to be used.

@vegav @jamahir @Gandhi G in da house @Joe Shearer @ChennaiDude @Nilgiri @KhanBaba2 @Axomiya_lora @Naofumi @Mad Scientist 2.0

It's not really something I'm going to participate in much discussion about. Let PDF admins do what they feel best, and measure the results....and re-adjust later etc... They be the bosses.
That is right it is Mujahid.. as Jihadi in Arabic means "My Jihad".. so it has a Hitler's like connotation of " Mein Kampf " Hitler's book of 1928..
thanks that is right.
ee sound at the end of word denotes my eg. ukht; akh; am; ab; habib and so on
"India" a polished Turd...

A word or region that brought up so many fantasies ... Europeans couldn't have their eggs seasoned with plain salt(which itself was a currency), they wanted black pepper. Now that salt has done a number on me I just throw some black dust on my omelet. In desperation they set sail... and found America! Good for India bad for America. Imagine puritans landing on the coast of Kerala and today's wannabes living in reservations on tribal land. Besides, becoming home to all the disparate persecuted European communities.

They did find India not much later and later colonized much of south, south east and east Asia... again using India quite liberally... no copyrights back then. Little did they know of a people who once Europeans left picked up that turd and polished it again to suit their own narrative. Another case of identity theft but this time knowingly and quiet blatant. Doesn't it constitute power projection or historical/civilizational claim over a land they sit right next to?

All the while the land actually home to Indus and all that euphoria sits off the limelight... perhaps more abundant in salt than pepper.
Dear Members,

After some discussion and review, PDF staff has unanimously decided to ban the use of the following words on the forum:

Porkistan (or derivatives like Porkistani, Porki):
Reason: Derogatory reference to Pakistan & Pakistanis

Gangu and it's derivatives like 'Gangustan':
Reason: A native or inhabitant of Gangetic plains (River Ganges in India).
Often used by Pakistanis as a racial slur. (Per Urban Dictionary)

Madrassa Chaap:
Reason: Derogatory reference for Muslims/Pakistanis.

50 Cent Army:
Reason: Derogatory term used for China/Chinese

Reason: A slang / racial slur for a smelly dirty curry drinking hairy Indian that poos in the loo. (Per Urban Dictionary)

Reason: A derogatory term used to describe people of the maharashtrian descent or maharashtra region in India. (Per Urban Dictionary)

Jihadi (by non-Muslims):
Reason: The word Jihad in Islam means 'to struggle' whereas Jihadi used as a derogatory reference to Muslims, conflated in contemporary culture with terrorists.

Bangu , Bangler , Bangla lala land , Bongoli
Reason: Derogatory terms used for Bangladeshis

If ANY of our members come across any other words that have a derogatory meaning, please let the forum staff know so we can review. We have members from around the world here, reflecting different cultures, so we need your assistance in identifying, understanding and banning derogatory words.


In my humble opinion, this whole exercise is unnecessary.
Most of them are normal conversational words, we know how we talk in our cultures of both sides of the border.

This is going to over whelm and flood the form with Reports and MODS are going to be over loaded and frustrated, and when that happens, PDF will go back to same old state where no actions were taken and reports ignored.

You can see what is happening to this thread, and others, since this discussion started.

We have seen Indian level of trolling in their numbers from usual Sanghi to highly educated articulated trolling, and because of their sheer numbers on PDF, Media outlets and on Internet, they will always have a benefit.

Now we have good number of MODS and they are trying to keep things in order.
This too much of banning the words will reverse the step taken in the positive direction.

What can be done is, PDF management can add serious type of words gradually and continuously based on their own judgment.

Take actions on the reports on their judgement case to case basis and going through the thread to see what caused /led to this situation etc...

involving members in these type of decisions is not a good idea. especially when dealing with our respected neighbors.

ultimately its Pakistan Defence Forum and no matter what, Pakistani narrative and interests should be the priority. Indians are welcome here, but as a guest only, and in any civilized society guest has to abide by the host rules and adopt and be respectful. Guest can not behave in a similar manner how they behave in their own home (Bharat Rakshak) and can not ask the same rights as the hosts.

This thread should be closed and PDF Management should work it out internally.

just imagine, Indian IQ and Low IQ has become offensive and slur to most of Indians, after this thread and realizing PDF can be manipulated so easily.

I tried, I hope you will understand my point even when I am not able to express myself properly......you know gulabi angraizi.
@TheGreatMaratha I don't know why you're getting annoyed at me. I'm telling it how I see it. If it comes down to some kind of vote, so be it. You still haven't explained why Ganga and its derivatives is unacceptable to you as a descriptor of geographic and geopolitical origins, when used entirely without malicious intent.
I don't know how many times I have to tell you this. Saying 'Gangadesh' is akin to calling Pakistan as Arabia. You guys consider regions of Arabia very important, right? So should we call you Arabis, or Arabidesh or Arabistan? Calling 'Gangadesh' makes people living in other areas excluded. I'm not going to repeat this now.

I prefer 'India'. That is how everyone in the world knows it and it's a secular name.
All three 'India', 'Bharat' and 'Hindustan' are perfect. While speaking in Marathi, we always say 'Bharat'/'Hindustan' as India just sounds plain weird. While speaking in English, we always say 'India' as 'Bharat'/'Hindustan' sounds plain weird. I've observed this while people speak Hindi as well. Simply put, we can use any based on which language we are using. All 3 are secular according to me.
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Austin Powers thinks the word “skittles” should be banned.
Austin Powers thinks the word “skittles” should be banned.

Either he tasted the rainbow and it was not to his taste, or he ventured off trying to find the pot of gold at the end of one with no avail..
Saying 'Gangadesh' is akin to calling Pakistan as Arabia.
Sri Ganga Ma flows within Bharat, Hindustan, India......and is very near and dear to all Hindus, if not all Indians. while Pakistan is not even part of the Middle East or even share border with any Arab land.

But we sure has ancient River Indus flowing through Pakistan...find a word using "Indus".

So please try to make some sense, someone gave you a chance to voice your opinion, at least try to use a little of your ancient wisdom.

I hope, I did not say anything offensive which you can report.

infestation overload.
Saying 'Gangadesh' is akin to calling Pakistan as Arabia
Apologies as I don't intend to annoy you. No Arabian land, feature or river exists in Pakistan. No Arabian land, feature or river is regarded as Ma Pakistan. If you called us "Arabistan" it would be a factually flawed descriptor - even if without malevolent intent.

Unlike the river Ganges, your analogy simply does not hold water.
In my humble opinion, this whole exercise is unnecessary.
Most of them are normal conversational words, we know how we talk in our cultures of both sides of the border.

This is going to over whelm and flood the form with Reports and MODS are going to be over loaded and frustrated, and when that happens, PDF will go back to same old state where no actions were taken and reports ignored.

You can see what is happening to this thread, and others, since this discussion started.

We have seen Indian level of trolling in their numbers from usual Sanghi to highly educated articulated trolling, and because of their sheer numbers on PDF, Media outlets and on Internet, they will always have a benefit.

Now we have good number of MODS and they are trying to keep things in order.
This too much of banning the words will reverse the step taken in the positive direction.

What can be done is, PDF management can add serious type of words gradually and continuously based on their own judgment.

Take actions on the reports on their judgement case to case basis and going through the thread to see what caused /led to this situation etc...

involving members in these type of decisions is not a good idea. especially when dealing with our respected neighbors.

ultimately its Pakistan Defence Forum and no matter what, Pakistani narrative and interests should be the priority. Indians are welcome here, but as a guest only, and in any civilized society guest has to abide by the host rules and adopt and be respectful. Guest can not behave in a similar manner how they behave in their own home (Bharat Rakshak) and can not ask the same rights as the hosts.

This thread should be closed and PDF Management should work it out internally.

just imagine, Indian IQ and Low IQ has become offensive and slur to most of Indians, after this thread and realizing PDF can be manipulated so easily.

I tried, I hope you will understand my point even when I am not able to express myself properly......you know gulabi angraizi.
Sir this is an excellent post - gulabi or no gulabi.
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