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Banned Words on PDF

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This is my point exactly, a few of them killed their own forums by not giving opposing members enough space to debate. And a lack of civility or too much hostility against 'foreign' members drives them away in droves. More generally too, high quality posters and professional members are also driven away by this sort of atmosphere. IMO, this in particular is why PDF has been so successful, and this is what those other forums failed to do.

We are not denying them space, we are all for giving opposing members space for healthy discussions, but without any strict control they will make this forum similar to their own. Without any Danda most of the Indians tends to resort to their famous civilized behaviour.

on one of their leader said, outside world's Human rights, ethics does not apply to India.

Give them the freedom of speech and space, issue is how much and at what cost...
strange creatures INDIANS are, preaching civility and ethics....

I would suggest (Humble Submission), Indians can start from home.
Indian Defence Forums and on all over social Media we have witnessed civilized Indians and their behaviour.

Even PDF has become troll fest because of Indian nonsensical behaviour.

Please do not dictate ethics, Manners or civility here on PDF, because this plateform is not meant to become toothless and Indian propaganda site, PDF must have certain level of allowance to counter deserving Indians.
You can not come here on PDF and insult our Armed Force, Shaheeds, make fun of Islam, Insult Pakistan and Pakistanis,propagate your false narrative and propaganda etc.....

it does not matter, if you use slurs, derogatory words or highly sophisticated literature straight from Shakespeare.......what matters is your intent and motive.

PDF management understands very well (I assume), how Indians gang up like a mob to subdue the weak, now question is, if PDF management is weak or strong to counter Indians here.

Most of the Indians behave like lynching mobs, and rest are the the actual players who stay in the background and encourage and instigate, while wearing a nice, civilized mask to be accepted by all.

There are some well behaved India members and no one calls them with any name, everyone respects them.

Simple advise is, do not behave and show your style of Indian civility and manners here, put forward your and argument and point in a civilized manner (Not the Indian Bharat rakshash, social media and Andh Bhakt Sangi mob manners) and no one will have any reason to call you any names.

I understand, both sides need to show good behaviour in order to make PDF progressive and respected internationally.....For that, we have a whole Army of Moderators. Previously PDF did not have enough Moderators especially keeping in mind the different time zones ,,,sometimes hours and hours used to go without any Moderator being online, and those were the times Indians will post and behave the worst....

Now since we have good number of Mods, things are progressing positively.
But, This does not suit Majority of Indians and reasons we all know.....

@Joe Shearer is very upset with the New Moderators Team because of their swift actions to control misbehaving members, and with @waz because waz started it all and took very strong stand against Indians after IOK issue. These are not allegations, he has expressed these feeling in multiple threads.

Moderators are doing an excellent job and PDF is on the right track. Now to please Indians do not go overboard..Pakistanis will not be happy (minus some) and this PDF will become Indian propaganda tool,

and that will be one more victory for them......."PDF GHARWAPSI" their are so many different reasons for which someone can accept gharwapsi.....Now question is, Is their any Good Enough reason for PDF.....

I will stop, already tooo longggggg.....I am/was not even member of any debate team...and I hate essay writing...
this here banned word malarkey just a con, an excuse to delete posts that show superpower2012 in a bad light. if it were just about me using 'injuns' to describe the superpower people, it would have simply been added to a script that changes a banned word into an acceptable one

Iran was being somewhat excessively maligned and I came up with a post to put things in-to perspective and may have used the word inadvertently due to force of habit but.... got smacked in the head by some genius

Your post in the thread What does Iran gain from letting RAW use its territory? was deleted. Reason: Please refrain from using banned words. 8:24 PM

a lot more are deleted on the quite without issuing a notice
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If the words are still on the list, they're not allowed.

There are obviously some common slurs that are not on the list that we expect posters to realize are not acceptable without being on the list (the N-word for example).

With respect to the argument by some Pakistani posters that the word 'India' is derived from 'Indus' which is in Pakistan, not India, I would suggest using the terms Bharat/Bharatis, Hindustan/Hindustanis.

Ganga is their National River, as well as very sacred for them, so what is wrong with Gangadeah?

Indus is National River of Pakistan, they can call us Industan, Indusland, I dont think any Pakistani will object to this...We are proud of our heritage National symbols...we do not feel shame or insulted if someone assocoate us with them.

Your post in the thread What does Iran gain from letting RAW use its territory? was deleted. Reason: Please refrain from using banned words. 8:24 PM
do you remember what banned word I used?
Proceed kind sir :enjoy:

I can do so gladly, but it really is a diversion from the topic. From this summary, if you consider the matter and decide what is to be done, these brief points may be expanded.

  1. There is considerable confusion about the structure of cultural development in south Asia. One model suggested [@Indus Pakistan ] has been a dyadic one: that culture developed in parallel along the Indus and the Ganga-Yamuna valleys. This is mistaken.
  2. Cultural development in south Asia took place along eight separate river valleys. These are, starting with the Indus to be courteous:
    1. The Indus Valley
    2. The Ganga-Yamuna Valley
    3. The Brahmaputra Valley
    4. The Mahanadi Valley
    5. The Godavari Valley
    6. The Krishna Valley
    7. The Kaveri Valley
    8. The Tungabhadra Valley
    9. The Narmada Valley
  3. Unfortunately, due to the seat of power in north India being in Delhi, due to the domination of north India seeming to be the primary goal of imperium according to those who first began to record the history of India as histories, due to the failure of other river valley cultures to represent themselves in these histories, Indian history is usually written as the history of north India with brief looks at other locations, cultures, politically powerful entities, and kings and emperors.
  4. If we take a balanced view of these cultural developments, we will find that the order of priority is actually closer to the following:
    1. The Ganga-Yamuna Valley - the Mauryas, the Guptas, the Sultanate and its five dynasties, the Mamaluk Turks, Khilji,Tughlaq, Sayyid and Lodi, the Mughals, and the regional sultanates of Jaunpur and Bengal;
    2. The Narmada Valley - the Chalukyas
    3. The Kaveri Valley - the Cholas, most prominently
    4. The Indus Valley - a border land, where every conqueror established his first bridgehead, for an assault on the interior: the Achaemenids, the Bactrian Greeks, the Saka-Pahlava, the Kushana, the Ephthalites, the Arabs, the Durrani, the Sikh;
    5. All the others; none of them, except Kharavela from the Mahanadi Valley, dominated India for long. The Brahmaputra Valley was so cut off from the rest that it allowed the inception and growth of the longest dynasty in Indian history - the Ahom Kings, who ruled for 6 centuries. The Godavari, Krishna and Tungabhadra gave birth to brilliant regional cultures and kingdoms, too numerous and prolific to be noted, but too peripheral to the mainstream of imperium to matter.
  5. The Dyadic Model is an incomplete representation of Indian cultural development, but is enormously relevant in terms of offering a core identity to an Indus-Valley based nation-state; I have supported it for that vital reason from its first emergence.
  6. That apart, the question of India, vs. Bharat vs. Hindustan/Hind, is a red herring that frequently darts across these discussions. How India emerged is well-known, better known in canonical history than in the version offered here - the definition of the Sindhu by the Indo-Aryans, from their earlier word meaning Great Waters, most probably a reference to the Oxus-Jaxartes/Amu Daria-Syr Daria complex; its pronunciation by the Indo-Iranians as Hindu, parallel to the other examples of Saraswati/Haraovati or Asura/Ahura; its appropriation by the Greeks who wandered the Achaemenid Empire as citizens, prior to the Alexandrine conquests; its expansion beyond the river and its catchment area to the entire hinterland (cf. Menander's Indika, where Patna is vividly described, in describing India); and its appropriation, in turn, by the general mass of European and Middle Eastern commentary, as India or as Hind.
  7. The difficulty of India being a political label, as well as geographical as well as cultural, is underestimated. India as a political label was always used by the West - essentially the Europeans - but never by its own people, a distinction as significant or as insignificant as the diversity of nomenclature about Deutschland/ Allemagne/ Germania.
  8. Another difficulty that arises, and has been very prominent on this forum, is the inability to compress all the significant features of cultural India into a tight description, that can be understood by all, even if accepted by only some; the inability to compress the earlier phases of history as a collection of identical faith-systems, of equally-applicable philosophical explorations, of artistic forms in music, in two variations, and dance, in seven variations,of literature, a central 'high' literature and regional variations of great complexity, of architecture, in two variations, of theogony, in three streams proposed by some external savants as independent, or at least autonomous, of concepts of kingship and administration and rule; indeed, of a tight package of belief and practice that was universal to the entire cultural space. It must be emphasised that even after the incursion of the Turks, and the inception of a concept of state referring to other models from outside south Asia, there was a dissemination of these concepts throughout the cultural space that displays unity at least at the conceptural plane.
  9. Finally, the current controversy, Jinnah's sudden realisation, right at the end, that by stipulating Pakistan to be an independent Dominion, he had created a situation where the statute that implemented the decision spoke of an India from which a Pakistan was separated out, not a coalescence of two independent Dominions around two different poles of concentration.
  10. For these historical and cultural reasons, it is best to put the name India out of the discussion, as also Bharat or Hind, and to accept the usage India for nation-state, larger geography with several nation-states, and larger cultural superordinate area, covering a common culture with many regional variations.
was it what translates to 'fragrance of spice'?

I used something like " Fragrance of Curry"

I did not use any of the banned versions....lol ok atleast now I know some Indian feels insulted by the word Curry.

what happened to " Fragrance of Spice" ? its not deleted and reported. so someone wants me to get banned????lol

Mod needs to revisit and un delete my post, it was not response to any Indian....you and I was chatting.

Now you see, how Mahaan Indians want to play, PDF management needs to be very careful when dealing with Indians here.

Now Mahaan is a banned word too????? any way Indian Curry and its fragrance is world famous....no...? so why so ashamed....

but India wins again......my post post delete..

Reason: A slang / racial slur for a smelly dirty curry drinking hairy Indian that poos in the loo. (Per Urban Dictionary)
strange creatures INDIANS are, preaching civility and ethics....

I would suggest (Humble Submission), Indians can start from home.
Indian Defence Forums and on all over social Media we have witnessed civilized Indians and their behaviour.

Even PDF has become troll fest because of Indian nonsensical behaviour.

Please do not dictate ethics, Manners or civility here on PDF, because this plateform is not meant to become toothless and Indian propaganda site, PDF must have certain level of allowance to counter deserving Indians.
You can not come here on PDF and insult our Armed Force, Shaheeds, make fun of Islam, Insult Pakistan and Pakistanis,propagate your false narrative and propaganda etc.....

it does not matter, if you use slurs, derogatory words or highly sophisticated literature straight from Shakespeare.......what matters is your intent and motive.

PDF management understands very well (I assume), how Indians gang up like a mob to subdue the weak, now question is, if PDF management is weak or strong to counter Indians here.

Most of the Indians behave like lynching mobs, and rest are the the actual players who stay in the background and encourage and instigate, while wearing a nice, civilized mask to be accepted by all.

There are some well behaved India members and no one calls them with any name, everyone respects them.

Simple advise is, do not behave and show your style of Indian civility and manners here, put forward your and argument and point in a civilized manner (Not the Indian Bharat rakshash, social media and Andh Bhakt Sangi mob manners) and no one will have any reason to call you any names.

I understand, both sides need to show good behaviour in order to make PDF progressive and respected internationally.....For that, we have a whole Army of Moderators. Previously PDF did not have enough Moderators especially keeping in mind the different time zones ,,,sometimes hours and hours used to go without any Moderator being online, and those were the times Indians will post and behave the worst....

Now since we have good number of Mods, things are progressing positively.
But, This does not suit Majority of Indians and reasons we all know.....

@Joe Shearer is very upset with the New Moderators Team because of their swift actions to control misbehaving members, and with @waz because waz started it all and took very strong stand against Indians after IOK issue. These are not allegations, he has expressed these feeling in multiple threads.

Only an absolute idiot would interpret my reactions in this way. On the contrary, I welcome the new team and their swift and effective action, and am appreciative of the surgery that @waz undertook, in spite of its drastic nature. I am sorry that there is an essential difference between our modes of expression of this third language not native to either of us, and our comprehension of it, that has led to these laughably contrary conclusions.

Moderators are doing an excellent job and PDF is on the right track. Now to please Indians do not go overboard..Pakistanis will not be happy (minus some) and this PDF will become Indian propaganda tool,

and that will be one more victory for them......."PDF GHARWAPSI" their are so many different reasons for which someone can accept gharwapsi.....Now question is, Is their any Good Enough reason for PDF.....

I will stop, already tooo longggggg.....I am/was not even member of any debate team...and I hate essay writing...

You need not spend unnecessary space explaining you were not member of any debate team; it is superfluous. It is also clear that essay-writing is not the task that you have been trained for, or are designed to do. By all means, stick to simple pejorative and invective, and continue as you have done.
Only an absolute idiot would interpret my reactions in this way. On the contrary, I welcome the new team and their swift and effective action, and am appreciative of the surgery that @waz undertook, in spite of its drastic nature. I am sorry that there is an essential difference between our modes of expression of this third language not native to either of us, and our comprehension of it, that has led to these laughably contrary conclusions.

You need not spend unnecessary space explaining you were not member of any debate team; it is superfluous. It is also clear that essay-writing is not the task that you have been trained for, or are designed to do. By all means, stick to simple pejorative and invective, and continue as you have done.
you can twist it however you want, its your nature.
your burn in a special place contradicts your bollywood twist.

your fancy writing can not hide the fragrance anymore.

Your are exposed and resorting to your Indianess level by using personal attacks and insults. I am amused, how innocent Pakistanis thought you were a sane person all these years.

refrain from idiotic behaviour or you will be treated and responded accordingly.
you can twist it however you want, its your nature.
your burn in a special place contradicts your bollywood twist.

your fancy writing can not hot hide the fragrance.

Your are exposed and resorting to your Indianess level by using personal attacks and insults. I am amused, how innocent Pakistanis thought you were a sane person all these years.

refrain from idiotic behaviour or you will be treated and responded accordingly.

Best ask for a translator; it may help in discussion.
Best ask for a translator; it may help in discussion.
you are not capable of any discussion, you re accustomed Indians...one sided crap. your ulterior motives are well known here now.

i can smell the fragrance...
you are not capable of any discussion, you re accustomed Indians...one sided crap. your ulterior motives are well known here now.

i can smell the fragrance...

True, true. You have convinced everybody that your nose is your major organ of thought. Now may we continue?
We are not denying them space, we are all for giving opposing members space for healthy discussions, but without any strict control they will make this forum similar to their own. Without any Danda most of the Indians tends to resort to their famous civilized behaviour.

on one of their leader said, outside world's Human rights, ethics does not apply to India.

Give them the freedom of speech and space, issue is how much and at what cost...

What kind of "Danda" you can give to Indians over internet? Calling them names?
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